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Everything posted by Panon

  1. "Shinkai no Kodoku" written/composed/etc by Yuki Kajiura, sung by Houko Kuwashima (Stellar's voice actress).
  2. You should rewatch both episodes. Theres no ambiguity in what's said. "The truth is, we know all know quite a bit about you. A former ZAFT red-coat under commander Le Crueset. Midway through the war, the one who took out Strike, the strongest of them all... afterwards assigned to Special Taskforce FAITH that reported directly to the Defense Committee - ZGMF-X09A Justice's pilot, Athrun Zala... right?" "He reinstated you to FAITH, assigned you the newest and most powerful unit, and sent you to this ship".
  3. Lunamaria mentions it as part of his service record in episode 7, and the Captain of the Minerva commented about him being reinstated to FAITH when he returns with Saviour.
  4. FAITH was around well before the Chairman came into power. Athrun was a member of it during SEED (although the name of it was never revealed until Destiny, a minor retcon).
  5. That trailer looks far better than it has any right to look. I'm expecting another "trailer is far better than the actual movie is" situation like Episode 1 was.
  6. Volume five will come with the fifth episode (which is either 45 or 60 minutes long rather than 30, so it's more than a regular episode) as well as the "Sentou Yousei Shoujo Tasukete! Mave-chan" OVA. Wait, has Sentou Yousei Shoujo Tasukete! Mave-chan officially been announced? Yes - announced at Katsucon when they said Yukikaze was being split into three volumes.
  7. Volume five will come with the fifth episode (which is either 45 or 60 minutes long rather than 30, so it's more than a regular episode) as well as the "Sentou Yousei Shoujo Tasukete! Mave-chan" OVA.
  8. I'm kind of surprised they're working so fast on it and intending to give it a strong push, given SEED was brought over quickly but failed to meet expectations. The licensing doesn't bother me since it won't hinder watching Destiny in the slightest, but it does bother me that if Destiny is now the 2005/2006 Gundam property, that just adds another two years to how long we'll have to wait for Turn-A, X or Victory Gundam to be brought over.
  9. Looks good. Better than all the second wave of Gundams SEED had. Looks like the Impulse's multirole capabilty taken to the next level, since it incorporates aspects of Force, Blast and Sword weapons all in one with the wings, Anti-Ship Sword and heavy beam cannon being built into it. I like it.
  10. That part about it guaranteeing the show couldn't come back is false, by the way. The episode is structured so that if by some miracle a fifth season was greenlighted, this finale would not have any effect on that at all. Denial What denial? I don't think the show has any chance of coming back, but that doesn't change the fact the finale does not rule it out as that source posted on AICN assumed.
  11. http://a.scarywater.net/ca/
  12. That part about it guaranteeing the show couldn't come back is false, by the way. The episode is structured so that if by some miracle a fifth season was greenlighted, this finale would not have any effect on that at all.
  13. I agree on the GFF Zeta - the transformation is horrid. While the actual process isn't that complex (apart from one or two nasty little pieces) the size of the Zeta and the delicate nature of various parts makes it absolutely infuriating. I lost count of how many times I got stuck on a part that just would not fit into or stay into a slot - and when I finally did manage to pop it in, two other parts elsewhere would promptly fall out. As much as I like Wave Rider mode I could live without it, but Mobile Suit mode does suffer to accomodate it - the stability, solidness and posability isn't that great compared to the other GFF's I own like the Crossbones and the F-91. I'm curious how they're going to handle it for the ESMIA Zeta.
  14. HLJ have had it up for a while, it's where I got mine. You may have overlooked it, as in their GFF section lists everything by their GFF number except the Zeta, which is up in the middle of the list.
  15. No, that's a very old misconception.
  16. Agreed, I could never play a non-SD SRW game. It just wouldn't be right.
  17. Why would the powers that be at Paramount hire JMS when they usually just steal his ideas for free? JMS also withdrew the idea just a day later.
  18. Next episode they fly the components down a small canyon in a way a mobile suit probably wouldn't have been able to do. The other thing is, why should they launch it combined? The Impulse launch system fires out the components faster than Minerva launches it's conventional suits, and being separated would make maintenance a hell of a lot easier.
  19. To actually answer the question, Yukikaze episode 5 was supposed to be due for release in March, although it looks like it might have been delayed, as cdjapan has no listing for Operation 5 up. There is another Yukikaze dvd set for release on the 27th of May, but I can't tell if it's the final volume of the OVA or something different.
  20. Awesome. Guess which series in that Alpha 3 promo got the biggest crowd reaction! Heh.
  21. No they didn't. SEED was never a 52 episode series. People however did make that false assumption based on the fact it had a 52 week run on tv, before knowing that there would be two weeks without episodes.
  22. Uh - at that point, all of the Windams had been destroyed and the base was to be a forward point for the EA to launch attacks against the one military base ZAFT still hold on Earth (notice how surprised they were to find hostiles so close?) so leaving it intact would have been a bad idea. As for the rest, you're just projecting your own Shinn hate into something that wasn't supported by the anime itself, seeing the people there being killed is exactly why he burnt the base to the ground and freed them. You're suffering from tunnel vision worse than Shinn ever has. And for Athrun of all people to try to give lectures on not acting on proper military discipline and not acting on your own feelings? Please. I'm glad Shinn essentially told him to shove it when he was getting slapped.
  23. Ok, the basic order is: 1. Astray/Astray R 2. X Astray 3. Destiny Astray Astray, Astray R and X Astray run parallel with the original SEED series - Astray begins when Heliopolis is destroyed, and X Astray ends at the same point as as the five minute OVA that followed episode 50 of SEED. Destiny Astray takes place in the time between SEED and Destiny, starting one month after the war ended in episode 50.
  24. He is, but the Re-Home and the junk crew are only in Destiny Astray for the first chapter, then leave for Mars. And are people forgetting that since episode 1 of SEED that theres been a huge imbalance between Naturals and Coordinators? One on one ZAFT is much stronger, but the Earth Alliance vastly outnumbers them.
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