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Everything posted by Panon

  1. Unfortunately not. I just remembered they talked about what parts of the series it covers in a Gunota update a while back.
  2. The first movie covers episodes 1-14, until Char and Amuro meet up again. They saved time by eliminating the Moon and Kennedy Spaceport arcs.
  3. Truth hurts I guess. Athrun has been conflicted, aimless and practically useless for quite some time. From soon after he recieved Saviour and returned to Minerva, basically. Shinn said exactly what needed to be said - Athrun needs to pull himself together... he came there to do something, so he should actually DO it.
  4. The parts of the episode that were leaked online earlier in the week looked really bad. Another terrible finale from Berman and Braga. They didn't even have the decency to send Enterprise out with respect, since the last episode is more a TNG episode than an Enterprise one... even the farewell montage during the last minute of the episode before fading into the credits doesn't give the focus to Enterprise.
  5. That was pretty damned bad. Completely soulless character animation, poorly moving mecha and battle animation, annoying characters, and overall completely uninteresting. Another crappy addition that the already dragged out UC didn't need.
  6. Looks pretty nice... I just hope it's not a complete abortion like the GFF Zeta was.
  7. Minerva started out with five suits (Impulse, two Zakus, two Guaizs) as well as picking up an extra Zaku thanks to Athrun coming aboard, and in episode 3 Dullandil mentioned that it wasn't carrying a full complement (but wouldn't say what that full capacity was), so if six isn't nearly full, you'd have to assume full would be around the 8-10 range. Kusanagi had 11 mobile suits, including Strike Rouge. 13 if you include two suits that were stationed on board it according to MSV stuff. Archangel can hold at least five, since it was to be the carrier for the first five Gundams.
  8. It's fanart that has been floating around for a long time.
  9. Primarily 10-16 for the tv shows and later teens for the OVA/movies.
  10. It would be no more abandoning them than the original cast was 'abandoned' in Zeta. It was a mistake reintroducing the old cast into such a prominant role. If they'd wanted to base something around them they should have made a show based around them and not derailed a new show to keep them in focus... and they're not even really in focus, that's the problem, they're just doing nothing of real relevance. Just Cagalli crying, whining and being completely useless, Kira doing what he feels like and getting the "hero is always right" treatment, and the other characters like Lacus, Waltfeld ect have been little more than background scenery.
  11. Not having seen it, you wouldn't realise that it's almost ruining the show. It's uninteresting time wasting that's robbing the main cast of time they should have devoted to themselves. It's not like Amuro showing up and being a secondary character helping out, they've fractured the show completely and run them almost like a second main cast running a completely separate plotline from the main one. It's awful.
  12. The official site has a new update - "Super Freedom Gundam" - The final trump card which was developed to break the deadlocked situation between the Earth Alliance and ZAFT that continues to cause more confusion. It possesses several times the combat ability of the Freedom thanks to a new type of engine, etc. One characteristic is the golden color of the joints Interestingly enough, it's not listed under the Archangel faction, but under 'Other'.
  13. New Getter Robo isn't bad. A lot of fun early on, although it starts to turn a little confusing after the halfway point, and the ending was a bit bizarre. It was much better than the abortion that was Getter Robo Armageddon.
  14. Oh go have a cry why don't you.
  15. I wouldn't be counting on Freedom having funnels or anything that makes it even more powerful. They're not going to make a second string cast member's mobile suit more powerful than the main characters mid season upgrade.
  16. He just posts that whenever Macross II is being talked about to get a rise out of people. Take no notice.
  17. He's just not an 'ultimate coordinator', I don't believe it's specified exactly why. At least, not that I can understand since X-Astray isn't out in English yet.
  18. He was one of two to survive it, but the other didn't come out perfect and was considered a failure.
  19. I haven't seen it yet, but maybe it was reaction to Neo's style, maybe he fights like Mwu. Neo wasn't fighting. Kira's reaction was much like Mu's reaction to Rau in the first couple of episodes, before they developed the Newtype pings.
  20. Hahaha awesome, Heine uses Ramba Ral's famous "This is no Zaku! Not a Zaku!" quote.
  21. Ha, Blast Impulse is the Sword Strike of Destiny. They've used the Blast pack what... once?
  22. Are you kidding? Without hesistation. The Pysco Gundam was a big, stupid looking 80's cheeseball mecha. Don't even try to call it a good design. The Psyco Gundam MkII was even worse. You'll note I'm not exactly calling the Destroy a great design. It's not bad and fits what kind of suit it is, but I can think of numous SEED/Destiny suits that deserve the typical OMG WORST DESIGN EVER overreaction instead of that one.
  23. It looks like a Psyco Gundam, except less stupid and corny. Exactly what's supposed to be so bad about it?
  24. Any person paying $30 for 3 episode deserves to, because they're dolts paying retail price rather than looking for actual decent prices. I can't remember the last time a dvd cost me more than $20 or so. The anime market has just hit the saturation point, which had to happen at some point. ADV being bitten by it first is hardly surprising since they're a major culprit in that saturation with their quantity over quality approach. Especially their manga division - I mean, they apparently put out 80 titles last year, what the hell were they? I can't think of any manga property they have that's worthwhile outside of Azumanga Diaoh, Full Metal Panic and Gunslinger Girl.
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