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Everything posted by Panon

  1. I imagine it will be two episodes on the first dvd, three on the second.
  2. Because it was. Not only was it an embarrassment to the Termintor name with the gay jokes and horrible visual gags, the story was weak, the acting was dire and the action was terrible, neutered to almost PG-13 levels.
  3. I agree, I was thinking it was Gundam-like when I rewatched M2 lately. It is ugly and not the best, but it's not so bad really - it's nowhere near as bad as the putrid VF-1 and VF-19 varients seen in Dynamite 7. And just to go back to an earlier part of the thread since I only just listened to it recently, on the dub and original audio - I don't know how people could be saying the original audio was so much better than the dub - other than Hibiki's VA who was vastly better, the rest of the Japanese cast were either no better than the English ones or much worse! The secondry cast such as Nexx were completely uninspired and all the Marduk characters were dreadful in comparison to their English counterparts. Don't get me wrong I'd still listen to the Japanese first, but if the dub had a had translator/scriptwriter and director worth a damn who didn't make it so horribly stilted and awkward the dub would run rings around the original.
  4. You mustn't watch much anime.
  5. 12 episodes total, making 17 parts. The last episode to air was number nine, so theres only two more to go (one of the episodes is an unaired dvd only episode) This show is incredibly hit and miss. When it's kept things simple it's been hilarious, but alot of the over the top crazy stuff has been dreadful and unfunny. I'd be giving it a 7/10 as things stand.
  6. You'll probably be glad to hear that the third episode is easily worst episode in the series so far. The only other episode as bad as that one is episode 12 (a tachikoma heavy episode)
  7. The Marduk couldn't have been meant to be the Supervision Army since M2 was based off DYRL - in which there was no Supervision Army.
  8. Just download it, for your own sake.
  9. Thankfully the opinions of 2000 old school fans having a knee-jerk reaction isn't that relevant to the big picture. The show has been quite successful in all other aspects. Hell, just the notion that SEED could be considered inferior to drek like Wing, ZZ or F-91 is laughable, to put it mildly.
  10. Planet Dance was *very* heavily featured in the first dozen or so episodes, but after that it's rarely the 'main' song of an episode. If you include all versions of it, normal, duets, no singing versions ( background music) it's present about 33 out of 49 episodes. Eh? It barely has any. The worst example would be the gratuitous and completely unneccesary Mylene subplot in Dynamite 7.
  11. Counterstrike too fast? Good god I would hate to know what you would think of the Quake era when things weren't slowed down to a crawl like many games are now. CS's strength put simply is that it is/was a hell of a lot of fun. It's just aging now, and through it's life it's been changed many times, a lot of people still like it but plenty of people have quit. (I gave it up myself when it became CS 1.0)
  12. None. Like the saying goes, a fool and his money are easily parted.
  13. I'd don't know if I'd go that far, but it was quite good when judged on it's own merits. It just wasn't good laid on top of Macross, especially since it was used so inappropriately.
  14. To be honest, pretty average. The kind of music that works well enough as background music but isn't that great to listen to on it's own, IMO.
  15. It about time they did that, because the standalones were getting very boring. Not to mention the removal of the Tachikomas have been the best thing to happen to the series.
  16. Actually, the anime has been licensed. It's just not known exactly who by.
  17. It's licensed, so it's doubtful there will be any more fansubs.
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