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Everything posted by Panon

  1. It looks better than a handful of not very well done Macross episodes perhaps, but on a whole it looks pretty dreadful compared to the actual properly done Macross episodes. It's aged quite poorly, much worse than Macross. I don't just mean it's animation either. Younger people or people newer to anime see things like Wing, SEED or other shows then see a relic like MSG, and find it doesn't offer a whole lot more while looking a lot worse. They don't have nostalga factored into what they like so can you blame really blame them for prefering newer shows?
  2. The new remake is a 12 episode tv series. Story wise at the least the first episode followed pattern. The main differences from the old ones so far is that the Matsumoto like character designs are gone, and the VA's are all new (since believe at least one of the main characters VAs from the older OVA has died), and a couple of name differences and McCoy now appears to have a kid sidekick.
  3. To be more on topic - the second series of GITS so far seems quite good and should live up to the first seasons quality. The first episode is a much better first episode than S1E1 (which overall was one of the weakest of the entire series), slick animation and the slight tweaking they've done with the character designs is quite nice. Most importantly, it didn't have wretched CG intro credits like the first season. The second episode was so dialogue filled it was impossible to understand. Have to wait until someone whips up a subtitle script for that one.
  4. Hey buddy. One man's trash is another man's treasure. Besides, I don't have the $ (damn you Takara and Yamato) to be plunking down for official DVD after DVD. Bleh. Knowing Pioneer they'll probably milk that series for every penny it's worth. They'll probably have four or five episodes per DVD at twenty bucks a pop. When all is said and done you're in the hole more than a hundred. I spent less than a third of that and have ALL 26 episodes, tachikoma reports, and all the extra's in one neat package. You also get subtitles that range from substandard to abysmal, and pool quality non-anamorphic tv rips of the last four episodes. You get what you pay for.
  5. Zeta is not 'out'. It's also coming. This has been known for about eight months. The only news here is the projected time for SEED to be on TV, which I'll admit is sooner than I expect so I'm pleased.
  6. Unfortunately the older fans are even worse. The bulk of the Gundam fanbase sadly are just completely obnoxious, especially the UC elitists.
  7. Bootlegs Why waste the money on that trash when the proper dvds are probably only a couple of month away now.
  8. Thankfully, Bandai's Yukikaze dvds should correct that at least a little. One of the extra features is a section which gives background material from the original work.
  9. 1. He was a Jam 2. See 3 3. Yes 4. Nothing. It was a pointless, confusing mess.
  10. In addition to the other reasons given, if I'm remembering correctly by the time he got to the Macross Isamu had no weaponry of significance remaining left to shoot it with anyway. The YF-19 had fired all it's missiles and the gunpod and head laser were both lost when Guld crashed through a building into him during their fight in the city.
  11. I don't know why you keep trolling Macross 7 threads with this despite how many times this "theory" has been shot down.
  12. So don't just don't listen to it like most sensible people do and stop being such an elitist snob about it. You don't want to hear dubs. I don't want to hear dubs. The majority of the anime purchasing public however, do.
  13. http://www.dddhouse.com/dddhouse/en/index....&productID=2451 I wouldn't recommend it though. It was a really, really bad movie.
  14. Macross 7, what's the problem? The problem is that many people predefine what they consider "Macross", then find Macross 7 is very different from that image they've formed in their minds.
  15. You must not have read many Keith posts
  16. The VF-1D was deployed in combat, but was never seen in anything other than the orange/beige colour scheme.
  17. Dyanmite 7 has almost no focus on planes and action at all.
  18. There was a lot of Macross 7 that never aired but is canon. So since there doesn't seem to be any official word one way or another, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. It's rather easy to figure out - FOTSW was a discarded episode with no place in the timeline that was later put on dvd as a bonus. Watch the material that comprises the official Macross timeline - Macross, Flashback 2012, Macross Plus, Macross 7, Macross 7 movie, Dynamite 7 - and note that you will never see or hear any references to the events of FOTSW or Meltrandi. You'll never hear the word "Meltrandi" at all. Also note their complete absense from the Macross Compendium, except in reference to Macross 2 and DYRL which are non-canon and fictional events (non-canon) respectively.
  19. Macross 2's dub almost deserves a pardon because the original Japanese cast is even worse. The English dub was definately a case of a decent cast being wasted due to completely terrible scripting/direction. Wait a minute now. As much as I dislike Macross II, there's no way in hell the english cast is better than the Japanese cast. What crack were you smoking? Beyond the lone exception of the Japanese VA for Hibiki who was far better than his English counterpart, the Japanese cast was terrible. None of them were better than their English counterparts, most of the them worse (especially the Marduk characters).
  20. Non canon. "Meltrandi/Meltran" do not exist in official continuity, being a DYRL creation.
  21. Macross 2's dub almost deserves a pardon because the original Japanese cast is even worse. The English dub was definately a case of a decent cast being wasted due to completely terrible scripting/direction.
  22. Best? Probably Read or Die. Worst? Too many to name. 95% of anime dubs would be eligable.
  23. To get the best looking result. The scenes that have used cell art wouldn't have looked any good in CG.
  24. No Macross 7 in the poll so couldn't vote.
  25. Because quite simply Alien 3 took everything from Aliens and trampled all over it as if it didn't matter. It was like a big reset to zero that made all the events of the previous movie null. Ripley finally finding some peace by seeing the aliens wiped out? Ruined because a single egg magically made its way on board the Sulacco. Ripley growing from an untrusting and haunted person to one who could trust again and overcoming her hate of androids? Wiped clean since Bishop was ruined and Hicks was killed off screen. Ripley finding some small redemption for herself for missing her childs life by walking into hell to save Newt? Wiped clean because they killed Newt offscreen as well. Beyond that, it just had problems. Story wasn't that great, the cast being all criminals means there was no sympathy or concern for them dying, etc. It was also a disaster production wise. It's a fine movie on it's own. It is not a good part of the Alien series.
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