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Everything posted by Boobyduck

  1. Yeah, I'm gulity of that one too
  2. I started with a AZTEK A470 and Testors AC200 compressor. They were okay to start with, but a friend told me look into the IWATA stuff. I ended up buying a Eclipse HP-SBS(the side feed version) and Smartjet compressor. Man, you could not believe the diffrence! Fine lines are sooo much easier and the action so much smoother. I have less splattering problems aswell! While the AC200 is a nice little compressor it's kind of noisy and I had moisture problems even with a trap. The smartjet is SILENT better airflow and no moisture problems at all! I liked the stuff so much I just got the Custom Micron-SB. I like the side feed configuration because it lets you see the tip of the airbrush for extra fine detailing. IMO spend the extra cash, these will probaly last forever and the diffrence between the Testors and Iwata has to be seen to be belived. Here's a pic of my tools
  3. And those dark yellow areas are subsystems (like fighter,corvette and frigate production) that you can order your units to destroy without destroying the whole ship
  4. Hey Murphy, I am gamespot member. It's 25 bucks a year and I really like the video reviews. You get to see the game in action while they they review it. I also agree with the reviewer about 95% of the time.
  5. Just finished playing the demo! All I can say is if you liked Homeworld you're going to LOVE this one . It seems to me they cleaned up the interface a bit making it a little easier to control the units. Ships now leave the mothership in squadrons instead of one at a time. The graphics are just stunning, the first battle,when the ships engage just blew my mind . The audio track seems to be done first rate. All in all the game looks like it going to be great and I'm going to have many sleepless nights Well that's my humble opinion and I hope the full game lives up to the demo
  6. I'm downloading the demo from gamespot now
  7. Hey guys, if JR can come back without even a bandaid, Kane just might come back pretty <_
  8. 1st VE, then BBTS
  9. This just proves that you don't have to defend the heavy weight title, you just have to marry the bosses daughter
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