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Everything posted by d3v

  1. Makes you wonder though, how much territory have the Macross fleets actually covered and colonized?
  2. I think it would be safe to assume that the Dulfilm is pretty heavily damaged at this point and isn't up to full fighting capacity. Meanwhile, Rabbit 1 is also possibly packing guided reaction shells (judging by the fact that they changed trajectory) and reaction missiles for maximum effect. Dunno about the destroids though, they're possibly meant more as an homage to previous Macross shows.
  3. Plasma is ionized gas, in other words some of its electrons are free of the atom. AFAIK it's probably the most common state of matter in our universe. And yes, it means that in an atmosphere, a Valk can theoretically fly forever.
  4. Not sure, the colours on this one seem to be reversed, it's black on red (if that indeed is red) whereas Alto's VF-25F's markings are red on black.
  5. I definitely think he's a fan of Russian aircraft design, another notable point is that, with a few exceptions (the VF-22, which, even then was based on the YF-21), most of the fighters since Macross Plus are odd numbered which is similar to how MiG numbers its aircraft.
  6. Actually, PS3s can switch resolutions depending on the game. I made the mistake of ordering DMC4 PAL version for my NTSC-J PS3, when I loaded it up, it palyed the game in PAL resolution. Same thing happened with a friends PAL PS3, where he booted up NBA 2k8 and it loaded in NTSC. That is if it will even get ported stateside. I've a feeling this one is staying in Japan. Also, more screenshots. http://www.famitsu.com/game/news/1215298_1124.html
  7. At least this time it'll be with a proper HOTAS setup and not some guitar acting like a flight stick.
  8. Too bad Exsedol isn't in Frontier or else we could have easily blamed it on him.
  9. IMO we've had way to much nyan-nyan.
  10. Now while my Nihongo is rustier than an old Lancia that's been dunked into the ocean. I believe that first line in that post reads as "Kuran Kuran desu. Mishieru no kanojo desu." or "This is Klan Klan, Michel's girlfriend!" P.S. I am soo using that image as my avatar!
  11. Really, I thought it hit in the middle of the Indian Ocean a few years back causing that Tsunami?
  12. Unfortunately, PC gaming in Japan is seemingly limited to doujin soft and dating sims. Maybe if we're lucky, they'll bring out a custom flight stick controller for wherever it comes out (if console, then PS3 please so importing is easy) where you can simply flip the throttle to vertical to transform into Gerwalk and Battroid modes.
  13. I think by now we've noticed the trend for the latest VFs where their wings no longer stow away neatly at the back (with the exception of the VF-19) and instead now protrude from the back. For the VF-25, this seems to be to allows its super packs which are now mounted alongside the fuselage (similar to how the VF-4s engines/arms/legs were mounted) to be behind it in battroid mode, ditto for the "VF-27" but this time for the 2 extra engine on the wings (which I suspect also house its internal fold boosters).
  14. Important news!!! Klan-sama has a blog.
  15. Maybe he retired and joined his old pal Exsedol in some tropical planet that Mac 7 colonized where they spend their days in the sun, looking at girls in bikinis.
  16. I think it's designed to her exact specification so that it fits like a second skin, literally. She could possibly prefer it that way to either taunt Mikhail or more possibly remind her of her mature femininity as compared to her miclone form.
  17. If anything, the closest Macross has gotten to a retcon is Zero though it doesn't really change much.
  18. Don't Be Late Diamond Crevesse What bout my star (both versions) Aimo Also, I know it doesn't count, but hearing Totsugeki Love Heart in Ozma's car was awesome!
  19. Thr name change papers are being processed as we speak.
  20. Back in the day, we used to find out the answers to these questions by going to our favorite video store and checking out the "special titles" in the back.
  21. Had the ASS-1 fallen in 1999, I'd have grown my hair, dyed it blue and changed my name to Maximillian Jenius, this way I know I'll be shacking it up with a fine looking green haired meltran ace in a couple of years.
  22. Definitely looked like Cheyennes to me.
  23. Personally, I'd love to see it on the PS3 using an upgraded (graphically) version of the engine used by AM2 for the PS2 SDFM game. Of course, I can be a bit biased since I have a PS3. But a Wii game would be fine as well (I've got one too).
  24. I dunno, but I think all newer Nokia's can use mp3's as ringtones (at least every phone I've had in the past few years - 7610, 6680, and my current 5310 ). EDIT: Whoops, did some research, it seems that the 6133 can't use MP3s as ringtones. Looks like you'll have to convert them to .WAV or .AAC files.
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