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Everything posted by d3v

  1. Explains why Ozma gets a kick out of killing them .
  2. Not as bad as the one I came up with. Fapping Unashamedly..... you finish it.
  3. Hmm, I've a bad feeling, usually, whenever a cannon fodder valk transforms into battroid mode, it usually condems it to deestruction within the next scene or so.
  4. Hmm, that could explain it. I haven't seen SDFM in quite some time since I don't ahve a copy but I do have copies of DYRL, Plus and 7.
  5. Make it a show about Sheryl stealing Meltran-size panties and we have a deal.
  6. But explanation for Ranka's parent's death was simply a cover-up for the first Vajra attack, (which we've already partly seen through Ranka's limited flashbacks).
  7. At the very least, we know they have the ability to counter them which is probably linked somehow to the "super dimension purple crystals" (as I shall call them until we get an official name for what they are). Speaking of folds though, I've been wondering if there's a reason why the folds in Frontier look very different from those we've seen in previous Macross shows. In the past, ships and other craft (including any close by) would simply just energize and blink out of where they were. In Frontier, it seems that folding opens a sort of gate and seems to imply that the craft would have to be moving towards it to actually fold. This contradicts what we've seen in past shows where stationary craft simply just fold in and out.
  8. It has it's issues, but once you get past all the filler episodes, forget any preconception of what a "Macross" show is and get into the music, then it's quite enjoyable.
  9. I've got a few other acronym ideas, but the words they spell out aren't too nice.
  10. Maybe, just maybe, he flies it with the harmonica.
  11. Michel never really got a good look at it, all he saw was the exhaust trail. For all he knew, it probably could have been a Vajra moving erratically. The princess on the other hand, got a pretty good look at it, enough to notice that it was some sort of VF.
  12. But was that ever a question anyway?
  13. Boys Ogling Unashamedly at Nanase Cup-size Es?
  14. Yeah, I believed it is based on the US Tri-service aircraft designation system although with some differences (a V in front would usually mean that the craft is a staff or VIP transport). Based on what we've seen, the NUNS version probably goes like this: Modified mission + Status Prefix + Basic Mission + series number, e.g Luca's RVF-25 (R = reconnaisance, V = Variable, F = Fighter). Makes you wonder if Misa learned from the Miria school of child care. Throwing babies Well to your defense, Valkyrie became a sort of popular term for VF's in the Macross universe anyway.
  15. First we got us a pretty bishounen trap as a hero, next we get a Meltran who's both sexy and a loli at the same time, now we get us some schoolgirl yuri! Truly, Macross Frontier has something for everyone.
  16. Well, at least when it comes to 'shipping threads, size does matter.
  17. Super Dimension Chinese Restaurant Waitress Nanase. Well if anything, her "dimensions" are "super."
  18. This was already brought up and confirmed a few pages back (scroll down a bit).
  19. In Macross 7, it usually meant that the VF-11 in question would get pwned by the Varuta soon.
  20. That's what you get for using refurbished weaponry.
  21. Heck yeah I'd like a remake. But this time, get rid of all the filler stuff and keep it nice and short. The biggest problem with the original IMO was that it had too much filler and only really picked up the pace halfway through.
  22. Actually, last I checked (in DYRL and Frontier ep 1), they were using long range missiles mounted underwing for the initial barrage.
  23. Makes sound tactical sense, I mean, why go for close range combat when you can take them out with missiles at the start. In fact, I believe most modern air combat takes place at beyond visual range and real dogfights are rare.
  24. I wonder if he has also secretly named Nanase's "bumpers."
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