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Everything posted by d3v

  1. At the very least, he knows that Ranka affects the Vajra somewhat and would like to avoid any possible risk that may occur with her becoming a star. Speaking of the Galaxy, I'm wondering if the fleet isn't named after one of the major corporate backers?
  2. Hmm, for some reason, I want to see the VF-25 in Angel Bird colours now. Anyway, while were at it, anyone have an animated GIF of episode 9s eyecatch?
  3. Tempting, I'll get back to you on that.
  4. Well if she's in a rush, there's always the other option of cleaning out the gut, the one that starts with an e.
  5. I don't think that Grace and Leon are in cahoots, well at least we haven't been shown anything that would link them, in fact, it seems that Grace was spying on them. As far as Leon, while he does know more about the Vajra than he's letting on, I don't think he's involved with the Galaxy or whoever is behind the Brera and co.
  6. But didn't Kawamori himself state that it transforms like the VF-19? Right now, the way the nose transforms (the 25's nose swings down 180' compared to 90' in the VF-19) and the wings are the only major differences I see between the two.
  7. VF-27 Basement Cat Because it's the total opposite of the VF-25 Messiah.
  8. And the relevance of this post to this thread is?
  9. They've already had homages to just about every animated Macross in Frontier.
  10. The transformation of the VF-25s torso is quite similar to that of the VF-19, just without the nose jutting out of the chest
  11. Well it does have 4 engines so we can safely assume that it outputs more power.
  12. There's them new EVA movies coming out to consider.
  13. That's more a combination of dark grey with a few black highlights than pure black. Now compare that to the Diamond Force VF-17s which were celarly black.
  14. Yeah, already knew that since I used to have an old Q-Rau + Miriya kit back in the day. Also I think it's pretty clear in the shots of her egressing and ingressing from/to the suit. The real question is where do her legs go? In episode 4, it seems more like she's in a sitting position inside the suit.
  15. It all points out to Galaxy doing something that Frontier isn't aware off. As for black, It doesn't really seem to ba a "Macross villain" color. The only time we ever had a black Valk was with Diamond Force in 7, and they were good guys.
  16. Actually I think he always called him Mikhail (either that or "that guy"), it was only after the incident with the VF-27 that he started calling him Michel.
  17. Either that... or Brera simply remembers to turn his active stealth on! Really, I find it weird that other valks (the VF-19 and YF-21/VF-22 and possibly the VF-25) had active stealth systems, yet it never seemed to actually work (except for one scene in Macross Plus).
  18. Maybe the knife is some sort of heat or vibro blade?
  19. Hmm, not only does the splitting open seem reminiscent of the Zent ships from DYRL, but even the smaller beam cannons from those ships also looked like that. http://www.mahq.net/mecha/macross/sdfmacro...t-vergnitzs.htm
  20. There are more than a few "clues." First Purple 1 (Brera and his VF-27) is clearly from the Galaxy, next they (whoever Brera's superiors are) clearly know about a nearby Vajra hive which he is only ordered to destroy once Frontier sends the S.M.S. to investigate. While there's nothing that indicates that the Vajra was a Galaxy experiment gone wrong, they are, at the very elast, acting similar to the Weyland-Yutani Corp. from Alien.
  21. Nice to see Alto is showing some development in terms of his ability as a combat pilot.
  22. Well, this is Kikuko Inoue we're talking about, while she's more known for the Kaumi Tendo/Belldandy type "one-chan" voice she does, she has played slightly more devious characters in the past.
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