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Everything posted by d3v

  1. I just remembered that Zolan's can use macronization as well!
  2. Refer to my previous YF-17 to F/A-18 IRL analogy. It seems that the YF-24 was a prototype that never went past that stage, L.A.I. simply took the design then refined it to create the VF-25. As for the numbering, ever since Plus, Kawamori has only used odd numbers for fighter craft, with the exception of the VF-22 which was still based on the YF-21. I suspect a subtle homage to Mikoyan which uses odd number for all their fighter craft (MiG-5, MiG-21, Mig-25, MiG-29).
  3. It's assumed that Ozma assigned them together to cover a certain area while he and Luca covered another. As for the pixies, I figure Klan did the same and decided to check out a separate area on her own while Nene and Raramia went off somewhere else.
  4. More spotting, the magazine scan link in the Vf-25S section shows a Alto's VF-25F. Speaking of which, is the VF-25 there hand drawn, or did they simply draw over a 3D model?
  5. So it's probably some material that's initially light, but when a current is run through it, becomes super hard. Which is the reverse of what we all were thinking (converting energy from a hit).
  6. The produce song energy?
  7. Actually, Reactive Armor takes the hit for the vehicle wearing it, hence it's always something worn over the vehicles own armor. Wherease most composite armor simply absorbs and dissipates the force of the hit. The concept is to simply convert the explosive energy to something less dangerous to the vehicle and its occupants, done usually by spreading the force out through different layers of weave or tiles. My idea was that it simply redirected some of that force back, either through the material used or the way it was weaved or most probably both.
  8. My idea of SWAG is that it simply converts the force of the impact and sends it back at whatever is hitting, nullifying it to a degree (depending on the % of the force reflected), kind of like a spring. Possibly cooked up in relation to the new composite materials that were coming out at the time (early chobham armor and carbon fibre).
  9. Reusable missiles? Howabout simply giving them their own laser/beam cannons, off course by doing that, you turn them into Gundam-esque funnels! As for balistic weaponry, up until recently (with the VF-27) they haven't been able to produce energy weapons with the same rate of fire as your average gun pod. Also their probably easier to maintain (unless you're talking about Zent plasma rifles which come with a triple lifetime guarantee - the AK-47 of energy weapons) Although I think this was already discussed somewhere in the mecha and tech thread. (anyone mind linking?)
  10. Anyone know if the Zentraedi enka song will ever make it to a soundtrack?
  11. I'm referring to the actual flashback parts later in that episode.
  12. Wait a gosh darn minute, I could have sworn we were talking about Macross, not Gundam!
  13. We've been speculating (in the mecha and technology thread) that it's a rail gun of sorts since he has a clip that he replaces in episode 9, also, the impact of his shots on the target don't seem to show any burn marks, however it does seem like some form of energy weapon when it grazes Alto and later on Brera. Maybe at full power the gun creates a plasma trail around the slug? Or the clip could simply be a power source.
  14. Actually, if the scenes from M7 Encore were from Earth, then it has recovered qutie a bit even back then.
  15. Now how did that Arthur C. Clarke quote go, the one about technology being advanced enough that it would seem like magic?
  16. I figure it's some sort of predictive system which translates small gestures and movements into the Battroids movements. Even Isamu's YF-19 was pretty expressive when he wanted it to be (like he "blew" the smoke out of his gunpod. I'm guessing that it partly has to do with the eyes, since we know that the helmet tracks where the pilot's eyes are looking at). With the VF-25's, they could possibly be more expressive due to the EX-Gears. For someone as experienced as Mikhail, it pretty much must be second nature. Off course, mecha control has always been one of the more vague parts of anime.
  17. Just noticed something, both the VF-27 and VF-25 w/ Super Pack don't use their additional engines/thrusters during normal cruisng flight but do so when in combat. This surprised me because I recalled the Super Packs thrusters being used almost all of the time in previous Macross shows. In the 25's case, there's also a fifth dorsal thruster that seems to be rarely used as well. Also, is it just me, or does Island 1/Frontier seem larger than City 7? City 7 had nemerous buildings that went beyond through the dome and were actually in space, while we see none of the sort in Frontier.
  18. The last time we saw Earth, it looked to be mostly desert, at least in the areas where Isamu and Guld fought over in Plus. Dunno how much it would have changed in 20 years time. If anything however, the Amazon rainforest looked alive and well back in 2010.
  19. Actually, upon closer inspection, the Vf-27 is surprisingly close in terms of design to the VF-25 (same transformation sequence, with the possible exception of the shield and wings). However, this is a discussion reserved for the Mecha and Technology thread.
  20. I can't remember where, but I recall reasing that Valks were powered by pair-annihilation reactors which are actually nuclear fusion (not fission) reactors. Actually, I'm pretty sure official stats list the engines as thermonuclear, meaning fusion, reactors. Also, BDI was only ever used in one prototype, regular valks are most probably controlled by actuators and the computer translating the movements into actions by the VF.
  21. Alto+GAR is like dividing by zero. At least until he gets a haircut or something.
  22. What I would want to know is if Alto could have eventually taken Brera out on his own, taking into consideration that Brera wasn't able to shake Alto off his six and that Alto was able to score significant hits on Brera's VF-27.
  23. The whole VF-25 being based on the VF-24 deal reminds me of in real life the F/A-18 was derived from the rejected YF-17.
  24. I actually just pointed that out to Mr. March this morning (the red was attributed to burning from the reaction warhead at the M3). It seems a whole lot of blood, or some reddish fluid was spewed out of the whale after the warhead hit.
  25. It looks like they prefer integrated fighter/AEW craft patterned after the VEFR-1 than pure AEW craft. This way, push come to shove, the fighters can actually fight back.
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