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Everything posted by d3v

  1. The Taming of the Meltran?
  2. And that is different from the VF-19 how? The twin leading edge extensions/swing arms simply replace the one pece folding back section of the 19. Different bits, but still the same transformation. But Kawamori himself has stated that the VF-19 transforms like the VF-19, and I doubt Egan takes his being acknowledged by Big West lightly.
  3. Speaking of the date, think we'll ever get to hear the song Sheryl writes on those giant panties?
  4. What really annoyed me about Dynamite 7 was that it didn't show any resolution to any of the character relations from 7. Mylene is still going after (or in this case literally chasing) Basara and Gamlin. And we don't even get a glimpse of what happened to Max and Milia.
  5. I bet Klan subscribes to Milia's secret newsletter on how to keep pilot husbands/boyfriends/potential lovers under control. And Milia would have a field day setting up Michel and Klan, esecially since she doesn't seem to care about age. (Yes, as much as I support Klan, there's no denying the power and beauty of Milia the President!)
  6. Yes, the torso rests on the stub of the nose that has now folded down, just like the VF-19. So I'm guessing that it transforms like the VF-4 since its head also pointed forward in fighter mode? The nose cone and forward fuselage of the SV-51 form the battroids crotch, which isn't the case with the VF-25 and VF-19. In a similar place where the wing roots of the VF-19 conencted to the legs in batroid mode, this time simply without the whole wing. Yes, the cockpit moves exactly like it does with the VF-19, flips back into a vertical orientation. The animation is simply smoother and not as stilted as in Macross 7 where they focused on individual bits of the transformation. You're simply looking mostly individual bits and pieces, but I'm talking about arguably the most important bit, the lynchpin so to speak of a valk's transformation into Battroid mode. It could even be said that it defines the valks transformation. In the case of the VF-25, it is similar to the VF-19 not the SV-51. You can check the attached abstract diagram showing the relative posiiton of the parts in both fighter and battroid.
  7. The only reason IMO, why it should kinda look like the SV-51 is that both have a very slim profile.
  8. AFAIK, they originally wanted to call it Megaroad, but one of the producers was a big Shakespear fan and wanted it called Macbeth, Macross was the compromise they stuck with.
  9. Gerwalk mode is a mixed bag it seems as the throttle still needs to control thrust. But then again, it's probably the computer deciding that this action is what th pilot wants combined with a certain elvel of direct control from the pilot.
  10. And even without confirmation from the Compendium (which is the closest we have to an official english source, I think even the creators have gven it the thumbs up), it's plain to see that the Vf-25 transforms nothing like the SV-51. The cockpit of both the 25 and 19 end up both in the same position after transformation, for both craft, the main upper body goes up and over the front ending up perpendicular to the now vertically oriened cockpit and fuselage. The only differences are that the nose of the 25 folds down completely degrees whereas the 19s only folds 90 degrees and points forward and the shoulders which is due to the difference in the way the back of the 25 transforms, however the arms themselves are still stroed in the traditional position in between the legs. For the SV-51, most of the fuselage, including the cockpit, points around 45 or so degrees downward while the torso slides up and out and the nose folds back as if to sniff its own behind. The cockpit in this case still points forward albeit with a downward angle. Also, the arms of the SV-51 rest outside of the legs in fighter mode more like the YF-21/VF-22.
  11. They may be childhood friends, but there's no doubt that Klan is older.
  12. Good point there, although Brera seems more brooding than Quamzin. That, and we haven't seen him bet on who he'd crash into yet.
  13. Possibly because it would be harder to direct the whole sequence if the rest of the Pixies were included in the scene as well. There's also the issue of avoiding what happened in 7 which just recycled footage of cannon fodder getting owned over and over again.
  14. Hmm, making sure that there's nothing going on between Michel and the Princess behind her back. On a more serious note, I wonder where Klan in in terms of hierarchy. Is she on the same level as Ozma as a squad leader or does Ozma oversee all S.M.S. squadrons as well as his own acting as the Macross Quarter's CAG.
  15. Well, at least in universe, the threat of total annihilation by an alien force certainly puts things into perspective, that the fact that reaction warheads should be cleaner since they don't use SNM might mean that John Q. Citizen doesn't mind it as much when nukes are used. Besides, for some invading alien forces, that may not be a bad thing when the alternative is a large sound booster shot into the bridge of your flagship playing the latest pop hits.
  16. Macross 7 then? He'll probably just end up wanting to learn how to sing and play guitar to stop the nasty monsters. Worst case, he'll run around screaming "FIRE BOMBER" or "LISTEN TO MY SONG!"
  17. He's an arrogant, brooding, trigger happy prick of a pilot, the type most usually associated with Gundam.
  18. The womanizing genes in him led him to something else. After all, a job in the music industry must get him access to alot of tail.
  19. I think we are all saddened by that. He must be the over-protective Matriarch/Den mother of the S.M.S. Actually, I believe the both fighters are just about on par with each other. Similar to the Super Nova AVFs in Plus (YF-19 and YF-21). Still don't think Leon is involved with Brera's given that Grace (who is possibly involved with him) was spying on him. Also, any order for S.M.S. to check out the nest probably comes from Leon, so him sending Brera out to take out the nest makes no sense.
  20. I meant hide the fact that the Macross was hacked by a rogue AI and in fact deny that it was a rogue AI at all, say it was just Marje's doing and that Myung was Sharon all along.
  21. I wonder if they just covered up some of the more specific details of the incident. Say that it was accidental, or better yet, blame it on the now deceased Marje and say that Myung was the real talent behind Sharon's singing all this time.
  22. I've a feeling that Gubaba knows, but isn't telling. As for Speed. Miracle. Spacy, maybe that's what SK originally wanted, but was shot down by everyone else.
  23. She speaks Zolan? Actually, what is Zolan based on, just some junk words strung together, or did they actually flesh it out? Also, makes me wish for some Fire Bomber covers in Macross Frontier. Maybe Ranka can bust out Planet Dance for Ozma's birthday or something.
  24. VF-14 was if I recall correctly, a heavy fighter bomber. The 5000 was inspired by the Mirage 2000 hence the similar name.
  25. Doesn't explain why they have protoculture markings though, and the fact that they first encountered them 19 years ago, (around the time of Macross Plus). That's why currently, the "Aliens Theory of Vajra" is the one that most of us lean towards, with Galaxy acting like the Weyland-Yutani corporation that the aforementioned sci-fi series.
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