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Everything posted by d3v

  1. I'm surprised a couple of heavily armed operators didn't just rush her into a Grizzly or similar armoured vehicle. Seriously, that kind of lax security is what gets VIPs killed in the field. She should go hire Frontier's favorite PMC to provide her with better security (guaranteed valkyrie escorts) and other, special benefits.
  2. LIES! All lies I tell you. I mean, if they aren't real, then how come they have a compilation album out?
  3. It's not the Vajra per-se who go shopping with Klan, but their inner beauty men.
  4. Frontier withdrawal.
  5. Now while we have some free time before Frontier resumes its regular broadcast section, let me just bring up one thing that has been bothering me for some time now. How the heck do VFs land on such short runways? Especially in the case of the VF-1 and VF-0 which were seen to operate of normal, similar to real world, aircraft carriers when they don't seem to have any visible arrestor hooks?
  6. It means for turning/rotating and stuff. Theoretically, when you move an arm, Newtons third law will mean that the torso will move in the opposite direction. this way you only expend propellant when you jet from point to point or stop, and not when you change direction.
  7. You know, there was that theory that Brera flies his VF-27 with his harmonica.
  8. Off course, even international aircraft manufacturers (Sukhoi, Mikoyan) tend to skip numbers in series (although for Mikoyan, it's a matter of tradition, fighter craft get odd and attack/bombers get even numbers).
  9. You mean Hime chasing.
  10. Yes it would, we've already seen the YF-21/VF-22 without vertical tail surfaces (instead having "ruddervators," elevators that cana ct as rudders). Also, the VF-17/171 uses thrust vectoring to control Yaw angle though I doubt it can control roll).
  11. Off course, for a fighter, less stability is more desirable (hence most modern fighters are actually inherently unstable, relying on their computers to keep them inline).
  12. Off course he could simply be skipping numbers to allow hims some freedom to maybe go back and add a few extra mecha. Also allows some space for speculation. Besides, if you think about it, even the US military doesn't strictly follow sequence. Also, your list is wrong, there is a VF-9.
  13. Interspersed with Alto and Mylene shouting at them to be reasonable and hurry up and start singing beause the crwod's getting impatient while Ranka and Gamlin politely try to break the two up.
  14. Does this mean... that it's actually possible for a man's ass to be GAR?
  15. Speaking of assless chaps, weren't you raving about Basara's ass in the hot spring scene in Dynamite 7?!
  16. I always thought of IVCS as similar to AMBAC (Active Mass Balance Auto-Control) in UC Gundam, which is basically using Newtons third law of movement by utilizing the counter-movements from when a MS (or Battroid as could be the case with IVCS) moves it limbs.
  17. The Compendium lists VF-25 as independently developed from the YF-24 by L.A.I.. Seems to me that the 24 was a prototype that never made it past that stage, but who's design had enough merit that it was reborn as the 25 - sort of like how the VF-22 was derived from the YF-21, or for a real life example, how the F/A-18 came from the YF-17 (which lost out to the F-16) - which means that it doesn't necessarily follow that production versions get the next number in sequence to the prototype.
  18. The 19 was only ever shown with two dimensional thrust vectoring (pitch axis) while the 22 could do yaw and pitch. As for an IVCS, wouldn't that work only for Battroid mode where you could use the inertia from by moving the limbs to maneuver the craft without having to expend propellant (or move quicker by using both inertia and verniers).
  19. That image seems slightly out of scale. The VB-6 has a wingspan of 24.42m while the VF-25 has a wingspan of 15.5m whereas it looks like the VB-6 is larger than that (with twice the wingspan of the VF-25) in the pic.
  20. Most of the more familiar ones have lineart for them, including those that were originally part of the canceled Advanced Valkyrie model series by Bandai and were later added to canon once SK got the chance to clean them up. Most of the ones in the teen though don't have any known line-art (unless I'm mistaken, and I do hope I am) for them, although for the VF-16, we can get a few clues to how it looked like from Mylene's VF-11 MAXL Custom from Macross 7.
  21. Actually, that's not even a proper VF-25F head in the pic, that and the fact that there are a few things that are different from what the final armor pack looks like (shoulder launchers are different, more like the VF-1s in the pic, also, they're missing in fighter mode when they should be mounted dorsally) says to me that it's either an early concept of sorts.
  22. I really want to know what that adult reason is.
  23. I dunno, the 25/27 definitely seem to direct descendants of the 19 in terms of transformation. The SV-51 on the other hand seem like an excercise in designing a VF that transformed differentely from any VFs previously shown. Giving us a glimpse at a possible direction VFs could have taken had the Anti-UN won. The only 22-ish thing I see in the 27 is the engine intakes being part of the chest (not the legs), and having a three dimensional thrust vectoring capability in fighter mode.
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