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Everything posted by d3v

  1. Do enlighten us oh Duke (as I don't want to see the episode itselg until there are subs).
  2. Well, they could be clever and
  3. Only thing that bugs me about the Varauta valks is that the pilots seem to hae a limited FOV in their cockpits. Also, I think Bandai still has the license for the Mac 7 mecha. If we're lucky and the Frontier merch is successful, maybe we'll see Macross 7 MG/R3 kits and DX toys. On a related note, I've always wondered what the normal version of the Custom Sound Force/Jamming Bird valks look like. So far, we've only seen the VF-17D, meanwhile the VF-19P is the closest 19 variant to the Basara's Valk. However, have they ever shown an unmodified VF-11D and VF-11 MAXL?
  4. The first one seems familiar but I can't seem to place it. The last one would make Mikhail secretly stock up on seven coloured carrots.
  5. No, only through WiFi
  6. Does the New UNG even have an Army, Navy, Air Force? From what we've seen, the Spacy seems to cover most of the traditional roles of the military (with the Marines actng as their ground forces). As for Coast Guard, the closest we've seen to it would be the planetary Patrols (such as the Zolan Patrol seen in Dynamite 7).
  7. Retired, moved in with Exsedol in some nice tropical planet that Macross 7 found where they spend their days sipping daquiris and leering at the pretty girls in swimsuits.
  8. Dunno about you, but this one shot seems to be yaoi fangirl bait to me.
  9. Well Song Energy and Spiritia in the show seem to be some sort of superdimensional chi/ki energy generated by living organisms.
  10. You using Firefox by any chance? Regardless, that's the browsers own spellchecker, not that of the forum software.
  11. Ah yes, didn't notice those. Still it's nice to speculate on what a set of FAST packs for the VF-4 would have looked like.
  12. Actually, I just remembered there was some VF-4 w/ FAST Pack line art posted in one of threads in the Toy sections.
  13. Looking forward to a Cheyenne as well (partly because I'm interested in trying to mod one into a Cheyenne II from Frontier).
  14. Well a less humorous, more realistic explanation would be that Moaramia had probably moved out by this time and is probably somewhere in space. Either that, or she's the one taking the picture.
  15. Well, it's either that, or we could start calling you KlanForever, but it's not as funny. POWER TO THE DREAM POWER TO THE MUSIC Atarashi-yumega hoshi inosa
  16. Nice, although, if I have to nitpick, the arm cannons seem to be the shorter ones from the Q-Rau.
  17. Does that mean she surfs the net with a scantily clad avatar?
  18. Highly possible, I mean doesn't
  19. So I see that even then, those bugs were going after the lolis.
  20. What's all this talk of religon and crosses about? Is someone trying to get married to his/her preferred Frontier woman.
  21. Haven't seen Happy Feet yet, although I hear it involved penguins singing and producing some form of anima spiritia.
  22. Actually, having the president aboard a colony ship could possible be one result of the changeover from the UNG to New UNG.
  23. Uh... I'd come up with a witty retort, but unfortunately I don't know any Antarctica jokes. But anyway, back on topic. Interesting, this one is possibly the more probably scenario since they seem to be trying to build a rivalry between Alto and Brera, but it as of yet doesn't have a real catalyst to get it started.
  24. I actually forgot that one of the ending themse from Gunbuster was titled Try Again. Man, it's been what, almost a decade since I last saw it.
  25. AHEM! /clears throat No it's from KISSDUM you morons! Am I doing it right?
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