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Everything posted by d3v

  1. Hmm, probably saw what Millia and Shammy went through and in the end, made the right decision.
  2. Agreed, the fact that the VF-25 was more than a match for it in episode 9 makes me think that the erratic movemetns that it can do are more for dodging large volumes of anti-aircraft fire than dogfighting.
  3. Actually, if it is hydrogen that they're burning, then it's likely stored in liquid form in a pressurized, refrigerated tank similar to what those hydrogen powered cars you can lease from BMW, Mazda and soon Honda.
  4. Actually, after giving it some thought, I realized that it would reaquire extra plumbing and equipment to not only suck, but compress the gas (as I figure valks probably store their propellant in pressurized tanks) would add further complications and cost to an already complicated and expensive peice of equipment.
  5. I'm more concerned about the weight of the thing and how that affects its manueverability in a planetary environment.
  6. That's not the sun, that's the exhaust from the VF-27s engines. Speaking of which, it seems that the 27 is using only 2 of the 4 engines it has.
  7. Anyone notice that in some scenes, especially emotional ones, Sheryl's hair is pinker than usual? Now, is this simply the animators playing with the lighting, or could it be an ability of hers (she's secretly also quarter Zentran, the gene for the ears was simply repressed)?
  8. Speaking of which, I almost got confused as to who was replying to who since both you and ackem have the same avatar, just that yours doesn't animate.
  9. Not exactly the same manuever, Shin performs a Cobra, then crosses Nora's own Cobra while in fighter mode. Pilot-Hime on the other hand does a Cobra then goes into Gerwalk mode in the preview.
  10. Makes me want to see a VF-4 Custom with a Boba Fett-esque head.
  11. Plausible, depends maybe on how gas-rich the nebula is. Another thing I've been wondering about, can VFs top up their internal propellant reserves while they're in an atmosphere?
  12. It's possible then that Temjin isn't fully in on it. All he knows is that he's got some secret backers helping him, but he isn't aware of the big picture.
  13. At least this time they added extra clouds and lighting to the background.
  14. VF-1 with FAST pack, because nothing beats out the classic.
  15. Interesting, however as much as Temjin had the Queadluun's on his side, Ogodai had the mothership on his side.
  16. Ahem, I believe it was Max and Millia flying around in colour coordinated VF-22s!
  17. Well, if you think about the the Elgerzorene (and all other VF-14 derivatives) only looked that way since for some reason, they decided to give all the mecha in Mac 7 big fat arms and legs. If you look at the finalized VF-14 design shown in M3 (versus the early one shown in Macross 7 P*L*U*S) then you can speculate what the Varauta mecha would have looked like if it were drawn without the enlarged limbs.
  18. If I recall correctly, for most other planes, only the front part of the canopy is that tough, the rest is usually designed to be slightly more brittle to allow the pilot+ejection seat to shatter it on ejection. The F-16 and F-22 are exceptions in that their canopies don't have the usual front/rear division meaning that they usually have to be blown completely off before the pilot can eject.
  19. Well, he got a worse fate if some pieces of art are to believed. He .
  20. I don't think so, in one of the pics you posted earlier, you can clearly see that EX-Gear's shoulders on the front seat, while the rear one doesn't seem to have any.
  21. Reading porno mags the size of your toenails can do that to you.
  22. That short clip there is made of win my friend, EPIC WIN!
  23. Actually, any 40GB PS3, including the Japanese versions are neutered when it comes to PS2 backward compatibility. 30 pilots, holy floating head! Does this mean our fantasies of playing as such esteemed pilots such as Docker, Dick, Morley and Physica S. Fulcrum will now be fulfilled?
  24. Maybe the rear seat it stowed and can be deployed when needed, possibly to carry a second crewman when the mission calls for it?
  25. Nah, Starliner's wings are simply what happens when Hory Froating Head-sama focuses too much on the VFs and lets the interns design a spaceplane.
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