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Everything posted by d3v

  1. I think it's implied that humanity is the closest to their Zentraedi brethren and protoculture forebears. The Zolan could be a later creation, during the later stages of the fall of the protoculture. Maybe they were desperate enough to try genetically modifying marsupials when they couldn't find a closer (primate or primate like) match.
  2. Hence the sad tale of Zomeo and Zoliet.
  3. Actually, as of this post, all we've have on the previous are Sheryl avatars.
  4. I do hope they do more than just the Super Pack shown in those pics.
  5. What a bunch of lolicons those Zentraedi turned out to be.
  6. Alas, due to it's high cost, it'll only get deployed in limited quantities, with one of the first going to a virturoid AI idol singer who wants to spread of the power of its song to our enemies.
  7. When was Mao ever shown in the Vajra's presence? Also, I thought that their inner beauty men would simply break out of their lobster shells?
  8. More green haired meltrans! Also, moar comics.
  9. It's supposed to be his serious yet moe tsundere pose.
  10. Makes 'em sound even more Zerg-like to me.
  11. Personally, I take this as a sign that even the animation team hasn't figured out how it works. Methinks it's time to burn more offerings to the Hory Froating Head.
  12. Is it just me, or does Alto-hime look even more like a girl/trap in that cover. In fact:
  13. LOL at all the images.
  14. Does that mean then that Ranka ?
  15. Speaking of Aliens, anyone else think that the rifle Alto was using looked similar to the M41A pulse rifle.
  16. Seems more like a reusable surface-to-air missile to me. Might as well add speakers and a sound booster in case you encounter an enemy that only be defeated by the power of song.
  17. I LOLed! Wait, I thought Grace was the final cylon.
  18. Actually, reactive armor would detonate on impact.
  19. The only problem is that the space in the back seems too small to fit an Ex-gear. Also, the Ex-gear used by the VF-25 seems to be built into the seat itself.
  20. I believe it's already furhter along than the prototype phase since it's already undergoing combat trials.
  21. But the Super Pack should add alot of speed and firepower, something he seemd to use quite well in their earlier fight in episode 9. What I'm wondering now is if the Vf-25 is at a disadvantage in an atmospheric environment simply because it can't use its FAST packs.
  22. I believe that this thread is what some people would refer to as a trap... just like Pilot-hime.
  23. As much as he may need one, it seems that the 25 wasn't really designed to be operated by 2 people on a regular basis. Controls and monitor notwithstanding, that rear seat looks mighty cramped, plus, if both pilots eject in enemy territory, the guy in the back is screwed as he/she has no Ex-gear.
  24. Original Macross was probably one of the smaller ships of the UNS post SW1 since it's mostly made up of Britai's old fleet. As for space fold, wouldn't msot of their ships have fold capability anyway?
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