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Everything posted by d3v

  1. I actually liked that "mock dogfight" that they did (although the coloured contrails made me think of Max and Miria at first).
  2. There's a difference between simply getting into space (passing the Kármán line) and achieving orbit. Sure you can pass the Kármán line, but if you don't have enough horizontal velocity, you'll still fall back down once you stop producing downward thrust. The boosters they used were probably to get them to Earth's orbital velocity which is well beyond the Mach 3 that the VF-1 can reach in Earth's atmosphere.
  3. Quick question, were those VF-1s or VF-0s?
  4. I posted it in the YouTube videos thread. Sadly it was ignored. Anyway, here's the link again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-D9OSAKhvA I was pleasantly surprised to see both Alpha One and Omega One flying with the 25s. EDIT: While were at it, why not change this thread into an official All That VF thread and (hopefully) have it pinned?
  5. Yes it would, as Tomino had nothing to do with Macross. Now if the Hory Froating Head did...
  6. Does that mean that the forums will be segregated into Zentran and Meltran sections as well?
  7. A bit late, that was already posted in another thread after 14 was aired. So hippocow soft ice cream will result in you performing an impromptu live with a band magically playing for you out of nowhere.
  8. I remember being in an argument about this once in the old mecha thread, (too lazy to look it up though). Things to consider though, OT reaction engines probably have high thrust values, lack of aerodynamic drag in space means you don't need to burn to move forward which means you save your fuel (which is possibly stored in some exotic pressurized tanks, like what's being developed for hydrogen powered vehicles) for maneuvering. Personally though, I'd rather not go into length about it, gotta think about the poor catgirls.
  9. With the way Michel was acting during their not-a-date, I'm sure Klan at the very least knows that he's up to something more than simply getting some tail.
  10. Either that, or their communication equipment broke down, and the only guy who knew how to fix it was stuck on Earth working on the comm systems of the next few Megaroad ships. Misa to random bridge bunny: Quick, call tech support. random bridge bunny: But ma'am we can't call tech support because we busted the equipment that we use to call them.
  11. It's possible that whatever he got hit with functions like a concussion warhead, meaning that there's little penetration, but stuff inside turns to shrapnel anyway. Besides, SK and company (being fans of Kubrick and Clarke) have always tried to dispel the myth of explosive human decompression in a vacuum (see the liner notes and scroll down to episode 10). Even if the hit penetrated the cockpit, there'd be enough time (since the air in the cockpit would be the first to go) to deploy sealant before Ozma blacks out.
  12. I could live with that.
  13. Hmm, I'll have to watch it again to be sure.
  14. It seems that Ozma survived to eat his pineapple cake. However, it seems that once again, the mess hall in one of the Frontier fleet's ships is serving steak (RIP RCFP #421).
  15. The Compendium for all your Macross needs.
  16. Not sure if this has been posted before, but in any case, enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-D9OSAKhvA
  17. You forget Exsedols particularly enjoying the Jamming Birds tryouts specifically because he was watching cute girls in Bikinis (much to Max's chagrin I believe).
  18. I believe we should also note that Pineapple cake, or at least Pineapple cake baked by Ozma = miraculously regaining the power of speech.
  19. don't tell me you didn't know this was coming. Tatta ikkyoku ni ROCK 'N ROLL Ashita e hibiite 'ku Asayake no kanata e Omae wo saegiru mono wa nani mo nai
  20. Hmm, anyone actually up to putting up shots of some of the stuff they mention in the liner notes?
  21. If I recall correctly, in addition to the VF-5000, some were also using the VF-9.
  22. Nope, that would be Ranka good sir. /adds OS to the list of things that Ranks is.
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