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Everything posted by d3v

  1. Looking at the cruiser mode, it seems that it transforms almost like a variable fighter. The crotch is actually the bow, or at least the forward part of the central superstructure. When transforming, it folds up and forward similar to a VF-1 (or 11).
  2. One thing about KumoKumo though she seems to have zeroed in on Freyja's main problem, that now that she's part of Walkure, she doesn't really know what to do next, as well as what it means to be part of Walkure.
  3. But I actually like Walkure Attack better than Ikenai borderline. The song, with that drumline seems a much better fit for space battles. Also, IMO it does a much better job of balancing each of the girls voices (whereas Ikenai Borderline seems to be mostly Junna).
  4. There's no elevators though. It seems to me that they come out from the rear hangar area similar to the Uraga or Battle Class, the only issue being that part of the deck is disconnected somewhat from the angled decks.
  5. One thing that's been bothering me, how do they get the planes onto the angled side decks?
  6. The new song, Walkure Attack is really growing on me. One of their best, if not their best one, IMO.
  7. Onto the Walkure side of things, I've noticed that, for all her criticism, Mikumo seems to act quite "big sisterly" (for lack of a better term) towards Freyja on stage. Aside from acting quite protective of her when the missiles start coming in, later on when Freyja reacts to Hayate saving them, she has this tender smile on her face. It really brings up a nice comparison in regards to Messer who may actually be her foil somewhat. Despite both being antagonistic towards their juniors, Mikumo at least acknowledges Freyja's potential and is subtly trying to bring it out by challenging her. Messer on the other hands doesn't seem to give a damn about Hayate. Of course, how Freyja and Hayate respond to these seem to have a nice contrast as well, Hayate straight up rises to the challenge on his own, while Freyja on the other hand, seems to stumble and suffer from some self doubt at first - this despite having a mentor who believe much more in her. EDIT: As for Messer x Kaname shipping, more than a few people on the net have noted that Messer gets weird anytime Kaname is nice to him. Additionally, that's usually shown in the context of Arad being present. Also, in episode 6, the camera cuts into a very subtle frown on Messer's face as he's walking away from Kaname and Arad.
  8. Because only Machida was manly enough to materialize a gunpod out of thin air.
  9. Wasn't that only for the toy? http://anymoon.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Bandai-DX-171-7.jpg I've checked the episode and they're not ventrally mounted in frontier. As Product9 states, Machida's 171 already has one in its hand when the arm swings out from behind the wings.
  10. I think that the legs of the 171 aren't thinner in a "these are thinner than the 17" sense. Rather, they're thinner in the "we can't do anime magic anymore" and that those are the new proportions of both the 171 and 17's legs.
  11. It's there, at least in this shot. Only Chuck's didn't had it. And maybe Hayate's because we don't see him with one in the hangar, but since the armor parts were added after that specific shot, maybe it attaches to the armor parts instead when using that specific loadout with the projection pack. EDIT: After the armor parts are added, the next shot shows that there might be something under there, but it's a bit hard to see since the catapult is in the way.
  12. If you rewatch the part in episode 4 where Arad and Messer deploy theirs, you can clearly see that, when the rear weapons rack is stowed, the gunpod ends up in that same position, pointing forward. EDIT: Here's a shot from that episode And here's a shot where Mirage is shooting it. As you can see, the markings seem to line up as well. Also, from episode 6, you can see that when they deploy the sound boosters, the gunpod stays behind. You can just barely see it in this pic. I think it's safe to assume then that everyone, except Chuck, has this same loadout.
  13. Mercat sio pao and sio mai!
  14. I wonder if parts for that early Windermere fighter are as easy to acquire as those for a 104, and you can just buy a field and wait for one to crash on it. 😂
  15. Wasn't it mentioned that they detonated a dimensional weapon or something in the previous war?
  16. Probably because being a variable fighter design has some design limitations (twin engines, twin vertical stabs) that end up making the plane look more like the latter, despite being inspired by the former. The 262 is probably the first time in forever that he's deviating from the twin exhaust/twin tail look.
  17. I prefer the term "go the hell away guns" and "go the hell away weaponry", which also seems to be a popular term in the space battles forum.
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