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Everything posted by d3v

  1. Speaking of NMCs, will you be updating the M3 pages for the Galaxy, Frontier and 11 anytime soon Mr. March?
  2. IMO, the protoculture were probably never in any situation that called for war with the Vajra. The way they revered the Vajra (and possibly other creatures like the Vahla Ena) hints at some form of animism which may have led tham to steer clear of actively meddling with the Vajra.
  3. Yeah, he raises some good points including a few observations that some of us may have missed. The whole Ranka as a criticism of moe is an angle worth looking into IMO. If you've read his earlier posts on Frontier, Crusader started out neutral but however ended up not liking Ranka after her seeming lack of development as well as a few of her questionable actions later on.
  4. Interesting "easter egg" of sorts that I'm not sure if anyone else picked up. In the last shot with Alto flying towards Ranka and Sheryl, the lens flare is triangle shaped (instead of the usual, round or > 5 sided shape). This is of course, in addition to it framing the three in a triangle.
  5. Seeing as Dr. Mao was sent a postcard, it's possible that Grace knew about Sheryl and was planning to use either her or Ranka. More likely, once she couldn't get her hands on Ranka (since Ozma got her instead) she decided to go after Sheryl.
  6. Funny, it turned out that she wasn't a FAST Pack at all, but rather a wing.
  7. Humanity isn't there yet, but we're getting close, we've already found a way to nullify the effects of pineapple salad.
  8. IRL reason, because it's closer to the 55mm's on the VF-1. Plausible in-universe explanation, energy converting armor has evolved to a point where 30mm armor piercing shells simply couldn't provide enough stopping power anymore.
  9. Actually, Alto was able to recover that RVF.
  10. Sure, it won't ever hold a candle to the original, but Frontier is one of the best sequels SDFM could ever ask for. More than just adding another chapter to the story, it's a celebration of all things Macross.
  12. Macross 11 looks like a City type with multiple Akusho-type ships trailing behind it. Possibly an early version of the arrangement we see in the Island clusters.
  13. YAKK DECULTURE! Or is the proper term around these parts BOMBAAA
  14. Hard to say, the protoculture most probably have had a greater influence on other species throughout the galaxy than humanity. Technology wise, humanity may have caught up and surpassed them in certain areas, especially in terms of fold travel through the faults, however, I'm wondering if the protoculture never interacted directly with the Vajra and possibly even avoided traveling through the area's where they lived (seeing as the area was full of fold faults).
  15. I just remembered how early on, some people were complaining about how the series didn't have an interesting villain since the Vajra couldn't speak, then we got Grace - IMO one of the best villains in a show in recent memory.
  16. I'd love to see this as well. We'd have Leon and Grace hijacking a ship and ramming it into Island 1.
  17. Not my idea, I recall someone coming up with that title a few months ago, can't recall who though.
  18. So, I believe the question now is, will the movie either be a retelling (Do You Remember Deculture) or a sequel (The Galaxy is Deculturing Me)?
  19. Well his plane was pretty much shot up at that point, flyable but only as a coffin. Might as well bail out and sue whatever control he had over the craft to distract Brera.
  20. Yes, I really enjoyed seeing references beyond anime, especially the Aliens and Ender's Game ones, although I'll have to admit, the Leone ones flew over me (since I'm not too familiar with them).
  21. Can't we just leave it as it is. Trying to fit it in would just cause endless argument and division among the fans (beyond what there already is) and would possibly lead to more retconning. Beside's I kinda like the idea of multiple continuities.
  22. Been playing spot the difference between the newer ones (Battle Frontier and Galaxy) versus the older ones. Their waist area seems closer to that of Battle 13 and their legs seem to be bulkier. Also, they're both packing more guns each than 5 and 7. Also, Battle Galaxy's shoulders fold downwards, making them look kinda like those on Battle 13.
  23. who knows, maybe it's the ultimate troll, making us think that's it's gonna end here but really having a second season planned all along.
  24. Better than 49 episodes that have half of them as extended music videos for Planet Dance.
  25. Technically, the correct tri-service designation for that would be RFV. Modified mission= Reconnaisance Basic mission=Fighter Vehcile type=Variable
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