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Everything posted by d3v

  1. Sp basically you're saying that he should upgrade from a 2 door, 8 cylinder german sports sedan to a 4-door 10-cylinder german sports sedan? Interesting, in their dogfight in episode 9, Alto was pretty much keeping pace with Brera despite the latter pulling away at points. Off course, those Mach numbers are clearly in atmosphere speeds (set at 30,000 m or something) so speed in space is a different matter altogether.
  2. IMO, what some people see as predictable is simply Kawamori and co. sticking to the principle of "Chekov's gun."
  3. Hmm, good point. I wonder though, does the Super Pack for the VF-25 have it's own smaller engines as well? Or do they draw from the two main engines.
  4. Well, at the very least they try to use words that make sense and keep the naming in line with current military tradition (I mean, we do have tngs like the F-15E Strike Eagle and F/A-18E/F Super Hornet IRL), Gundam on the other hand tends to string together bits of random Engrish for the MS names.
  5. With his luck, he'll end up totally avoiding it, or worse, suddenly saved by a galactic space whale.
  6. IMO, the best option would be the ability for an NMC to control multiple gunships at the same time via remote.
  7. It's just funny since if not for the clipping, that render could almost pass for a hand drawn cell... almost.
  8. So then if you think about it, Brera was pretty much saved by his valk in episode 9. If he were in any other valk (than a VF-27), Alto taking his leg off would have been a bigger problem for him.
  9. Set to Holy Lonely Night, AWESOME!
  10. A bit off discussion, but I just noticed that the wing is clipping through the long ventral boom.
  11. IMO, they should have used a good old Lancia Delta HF Integrale, just like Ozma's car.
  12. Here's a thought, if it does have internal micro-missile launchers, the legs wouldn't be the best place to put them in anyway, seeing as they would be useless whenever a FAST Pack is equipped (which seems to be about 90% of the time with the VF-25).
  13. Damn, I officially am annoyed at Tochiro now for thinking of making it an avatar before I thought of it. They're patterned after old WW2 airplane nose art.
  14. IMO, that's one of the good things about the series, everything is well foreshadowed and the series in general follows the law of conservation of detail, meaning whenever a "Chekov's gun" is shown it is "fired." Grace was doing research alongside Dr. Mao Nome and Ranshe Mei. Grace has some idea to unify humanity in thought using implants and fold quartz. Mao and Ranshe disagree, meanwhile Ranka accidentally calls the Vajra (due to her mom having the V-type infection, passing the bacteria onto Ranka, but not in a lethal manner) and the Vajra, in confusion destroy the fleet. Grace cooks up some plan for revenge as she burns. Some time later, she finds Sheryl, who is now an orphan who has also has the V-type infection (whether or not these are Grace's doing is never explained). Grace, builds her up to be the idol that she becomes possibly hoping that she can replicate the effect that Ranka has on the Vajra. The Vajra were never really the object of Grace's revenge, but rather Ranshe and Mao - by achieving her goal which the two opposed, she would figuratively had her revenge and ended up as the "queen bitch of the galaxy" as well. The destroying the Vajra bit only comes from Brera's actions in episode 9 which Grace probably ordered to keep the Frontier forces from learning more about the Vajra (as she had not yet allied/duped Leon). As for trying to kill of Sheryl, her plan at that point seemed to be to instigate war between the Vajra and Frontier and while research on hacking into the Vajra network (sans Ranka) was still ongoing. Finding Ranka was simply a bonus, allowing her to proceed at an accelerated pace.
  15. Am waiting for the next DVD/Blu-ray volume and THORA's release to download more episodes in HD. @Duke Togo Yeah, it's the Shinsen subs that they're using and they get fixed by episode 3.
  16. I love how they keep doing both idols like old school plane nose art.
  17. Man, here's hoping the concert itself get's released as an album ala Live Fire. Hopefully they'll add videos too.
  18. Same here, however, seeing as the Battle Galaxy was also there, it could just be another ship of the same class accompanying that NMC.
  19. VF-27 Evil Jesus
  20. Just a heads up, one of the booklets from the Macross F Galaxy Tour Final concert in Yokohama has some lineart including that of the Dulfim as well as the VF-25's Super Pack as worn by Klan.
  21. Good lord, is that Battle Galaxy in cruiser mode I spy? Also, I'm pretty sure that Mr. March will want some scans of these bits of lineart. http://www.flickr.com/photos/31319140@N05/...57608016144402/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/31319140@N05/...57608016144402/
  22. I've been wondering about that, but I just assumed that it was part of Ranka's flashback/explanation and not the actual Vajra queen on the planet itself.
  23. Do want!
  24. Is it wrong that I think that the picture is incomplete without Alto (in a dress).
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