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Everything posted by d3v

  1. Not really, but for humour's sake, I'm reading it as either "Tudors failing..." or "Judas fondling..."
  2. My biggest criticism of Frontier would be that it spends a little too much time playing with and subverting tropes, time which could've been used to help explain the story more and not make the ending feel a bit rushed. Also, as much as I like her, I wonder if the way Sheryl just about became the Macross version of the Fonz (creators and fans liked her so much they expanded her role) hurt a few others in the character development department?
  3. Damn, your posts almost make me feel guilty for having bought a 1/48 Hikaru and the limited edition MGS4 box set in the same month... almost.
  4. The first one is official art. The second, I have no idea (just found it while searching the image thread at animesuki for stuff to post here).
  5. What's the filetype? If their MKVs, you'll need something that supports Matroksa like VLC or MPC (as well as the proper codec packs).
  6. Higher res version of the pic of the three Skull boys in suits. Also, BOMBAAA!
  7. I'm assuming that this is a typo and that you mean a VF-25 with Super Pack.
  8. Or it could be like in the old Avro Vulcan. Pilots had ejection seats, the 3 guys in the back were as good as dead.
  9. Actually, I'm hoping they make enough for a 7th gen adaptation on the PS3/X360, with cel-shading that matches that of the CG used in the series. I know it probably won't happen, but one can dream right?
  10. Well, at least in the 25's case, the second seat is pretty much an afterthought. If the pilots forced to eject in hostile territory, the passenger in the back is pretty much screwed since he/she won't have an EX-gear.
  11. Either what the Duke said, or it might be time for an upgrade. With Intel's Core i7 coming out in the next few months, core 2 duo prices are bound to be coming down. So you might want to save those HD files for when the price of an upgrade become something practical for you. Or you could be like me who was forced to upgrade 'cuz his old PC's motherboard gave out (right before the final episode aired too).
  12. In other words, it's more or less like a student taking a part time job, but in Alto's case, his job lets him get to shoot stuff and cause big explosions.
  13. Well, I wouldn't call it a true homage/reference to Zero, seeing as it wasn't a slow and dramatic release of all the bits. Mosre like his usual "dump the armor when it's empty" routine.
  14. So... anyone got access to a windtunnel and some CFD software.
  15. I don't supposed she knows the stats of them hopes and dreams.
  16. He is a true genius and an inspiration to us all.
  17. Actually, we've already seen examples of the fixes in the previously released volumes (e.g. the missing inner cover of the Queadluun Rea in episode 4).
  18. I'm not really up to snuff on the math, but I remember right, the power requirements needed to overcome air resistance as the speed goes up rises exponentially (and quite steeply at that).
  19. Is vol. 3 out? I can't wait for the fansubs!
  20. Admit it, you've got hopes and dreams on the brain again.
  21. Meh, way too much argument over bullets and lipsticks. IMO, we should focus on more important things, like a certain pair of hopes and dreams, or someone else's despairs and nightmares.
  22. A good fly by wire system can compensate for any change in control surfaces. With the tail folded up like that, the valk can possibly use thrust variations between both engines in place of he rudders and use the control surfaces on the wing to control stability (just like the B-2 Spirit does).
  23. Well, I am the same person who came up with the equation to get a meltrans bust size.
  24. Further proof that Luca has no chance with Nanase whatsoever (since she's obviously batting for the other team).
  25. Don't worry, we'd never ever suspect you, even if you said you were the one who did it.
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