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Everything posted by d3v

  1. Too bad, that would have been BOMBAAA!
  2. Darn it! You're supposed to since only the first part of the song and have the next poster continue it.
  3. When I first read the title of the thread ("Throbbing Accident"), the wrong image came in to my head. But still, nice manga, thanks for the scan.
  4. IMO, I'd rather get them ASAP since there's bound to be a higher number of seeders on the torrents when they come out.
  5. Any chance for a pic with both Sally and Miho Miho (aka just the way Kinryu liked it)? Because personally, it's hard for me to think of one without the other.
  6. Just get THORA's subs since they're timed right for the Blu-Ray releases and they're absically taking the best from each subber and amalgamating it into on sub.
  7. Episode 9? Surely you must mean episode 8.
  8. Happy Birthday MW!
  9. I'm surprised that your not disappointed by the seeming lack of Nanase goods.
  10. By 2059 it seems that beer has been phased out in favour of Appale Genki.
  11. Hmm? And here I figured that people would be happy that we're finally getting more material focusing on one of the original cast.
  12. The fact that Frontier was rather genre savvy was one of the reasons I enjoyed it. I've been trying to figure out exactly how their able to pull this off (other than really good cel-shading). One of the things I've noticed is that the shots are composed so that the characters (obviously hand drawn) and CG bits almost never in direct contact with each other. Almost every time a character has to interact with a valk,power suit, etc. it's also hand drawn. Also, I believe that in shots where there are both characters and CG valks, their not on the same plane.
  13. Well, the only time we really see valks doing really long range stuff they always tend to be in some planet or in the earth. In space, you'll only consume fuel when performing alot of aerobatic maneuvers which require you to fire your verniers/thrusters, the main engines themselves are probably just emitting the bare minimum required to keep the plane straight and/or overcome any small local gravity fields.
  14. Got me a dual core rig with a coupe of gigs of RAM, I can play MKVs fine. @dejr8bud Thanks, I'll be trying the links you posted out when I have free time.
  15. Since you prefer to keep it in spoiler tags: .
  16. I believe it's only proper to quote one of my favorite admirals in this kind of situation. Sheryl and Ranka near the top of that horde.
  17. Consider my interest piqued. So how does one convert an MKV file to M2TS so that I may watch Macross Frontier on my PS3.?
  18. Besides, Gyunter looke like the type to enjoy how absolutely glam and spacy Gepernich ended up being.
  19. Technically, the surface escape velocity (Mach 34) is simply the speed an object needs to leave the planet if it is simply projected from the surface without additional kinetic input. The higher up you go, the the local escape velocity becomes lower - in fact, most spacecraft don't actually reach Mach 34 directly from the surface but rely on the lower local escape velocity at higher altitudes. With Macross where Overtech allows for almost infinite kinetic input (not restricted by conventional fuels), ships and planes can simply just keep moving up until they reach a point where the local escape velocity is almost zero. Short version, what ChronoReverse said.
  20. It could still just be that the tail can be stored in some sort of housing depending on the situation.
  21. I'm just actually quoting numbers from a few sources, including Wikipedia. I'm not really familiar with the specific maths invloved.
  22. But we're talking about the FAI defined limit of space (the Karman line) which is officially stated to be at 100km from the Earths surface. Also, altitude in metric is used when calculating oirbital velocity from a certain altitude. LEO at 200 to 2000km up is at 6.9 to 7.8 km/s and the speed goes lower the higher you go.
  23. We're discussing spacecraft here, so we better be clear with our terms. Now orbit, when discussed with spacecraft, usually refers to orbital flight and the ability to reach that being the planes ability to reach orbital velocity (I mean, we don't say that the X-15 or Burt Rutan's Space Ship One is capable of orbit now do we). Now we know that the VF-1's top speed is around Mach 4 at higher altitudes and we've seen it need to use a booster to properly get up to an orbiting Nupetietz-Verginitz class ship, so we can be pretty sure that it cannot achieve orbital velocity. However, seeing as it was able to climb up along with the SDF-1, we know that it at least has the capability to breach the Karman Line, the only thing possibly keeping it from going any further is the fact that it'll have to switch to on-board propellant stores.
  24. The generally accepted boundary between space and the Earth is the Kármán line which is about 100km up in the atmosphere, the US limit before one receives astronaut wings is even lower, at 80km up. Also, just breaching the Kármán line does not qualify as reaching orbit. Since the Earth's magnetic field goes way beyond the line, an object that simply passes the line vertically will still fall back down once it stops doing whatever it is that is moving it up. Acheiving orbit means moving fast enough forward that you neither fall nor fly out, a state wherein the forces of inertia (or whatever is moving you forward) and gravity are in equilibrium. One final thing, LEO is defined as orbit at 200 to 2000km and orbital velocity at that altitude is around 24 to 28 thousand km/h. One thing I've been wondering about on the VF-171 issue is whether or not all fleets carry the same craft or if the greater degree of autonomy and differentiation between fleets circa 2059 (wasn't it mentioned somewhere that the Galaxy fleet is armed mostly with V-9's, VF-14s and VF-27s?) means that not all fleets have the VF-171 as the mainline fighter and if maybe, some older fleets may have the VF-19 and/or VF-22.
  25. It's fiction, if the Hory Froating Head and his cohorts want that level of differentiation between ships of the same class, then they shall have it. (And this is just the NMC class battle sections were' talking about - the Battle 5, Battle 7 and Battle 13 contain numerous differences from each other and that's ebfore we take into consideration Battle Frontier and Galaxy). They all have the same (or similar) underslung beam gun, it's just that only Battle Frontier is shown firing it in carrier mode.
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