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Everything posted by d3v

  1. Seeing as my day job involves writing for a fighting game news site, yes I have (and no, so far only one game uses this, GGXrd). The unique thing they do here, compared to traditional cel shading, is that they actually bake in the lighting and shading for each individual frame. This is to avoid the usual tells that something is cel shaded. The other thing is that they're using way more key frames without tweening. The process is actually quite time consuming, more so that traditional 3D animation.
  2. Missed that reply. But yeah it's more a cyborg version of the BDI than the "transparent cockpit" of the M7 era craft.
  3. It could be a revisit of the whole "music = mind control" concept from Macross Plus.
  4. There's still the fact that there's totally nothing said about Var syndrome affecting only the Zentraedi, nor is there even any indication that it specifically targets them. Even the scene where they're discussing the 10 cases of the Syndrome in Shahal don't make any mention of it.
  5. Did a frame by frame of the intro. The guy who blows up the bus doesn't look Zentraedi, he doesn't have the pointed ears that characters with Zentraedi blood have had since Frontier. More importantly, there are more normal looking people shown as affected by Var syndrome than the one lone Zentraedi marine. I'm not buying Var syndrome affecting those of Zentraedi descent exclusively at this point. If anything, the outbreak in episode 1 affecting the marines smells more like a specifically targetted attack seeing as how it coincided with the Aerial Knights attacking as well.
  6. They're shipped in from Winderemere, which could be a clue about something. That said, this isn't the first time that Macross has used fruit (or food) as a plot element. The only difference is that we don't have the word "pine" in front of apple this time.
  7. Apples = sonic orgasm.
  8. He was small, for all we know he could be a micronized Zentraedi. That said, I don't think it's limited to Zentraedi either. There's no mention of anything about it in the episode and we don't see any tensions towards them.
  9. When I look at those intakes, I can't help but think of the Thud (F-105 Thunderchief). That said, I can't help but wonder if Kawamori thought of that due to how many upcoming 5th gen fighters are running Diverterless Supersonic Intakes. F-35 Chengdu J-20 Shenyang J-31
  10. I still think that "Arad" on the website is a type and that it really is supposed to be "Arado". I mean, it's not without merit, considering that they also misspell Fallyna.
  11. They could always do the Basara-ending where they're too in love with their music to choose and we spend an OVA with them chasing space whales.
  12. Has anyone pointed out all the aeronautical references in the names? Aside from the obvious Immelmann reference, I've also spotted the following. Mikumo Guynemer - Georges Guynemer (French WW1 ace) Kaname Buccaneer - Backburn Buccaneer (RN jet bomber) Makina Nakajima - Nakajima Aircraft Company Reina Prowler - EA-6B Prowler (USN electronic warfare jet from) Chuck Mustang - P-51 Mustang Messer Ihlefeld - Herbert Ihlefeld (German WW2 ace) Arad Molders - Werner Molders (top German WW2 ace)
  13. So, who's the main love triangle going to be this time out? I've seen Freyja x Hayate x Mikumo discussed on the net but I'm just not seeing it from this episode. Freyja x Hayate x Mirage seems more plausible. Though, with the whole arranged marriage thing, I wouldn't be surprised if it some other guy from the Kingdom of Wind were involved as well.
  14. Probably means that it's time to start another character art appreciation thread. Complete with people coming in to shout BOMBAAA and singing "Planet Dance" in the thread like its 2007 all over again.
  15. Wasn't the only one actively "fighting" Mikumo, with the rest mostly standing back and acting more defensive (i.e. redirecting the holo-shield drones). I suspect that might be a plot point.
  16. I can imagine it now. The concert, all the idols are singing but the battle is still being lost. And then from out of nowhere we hear the words! ORE NO UTA WO KIKE!!! and it begins. Saa hajimaruze SATURDAY NIGHT choushi wa dou dai? LET'S STAND UP BEAT o kanjiru kai.
  17. Question, is the Delta platoon's captain named Arad or Arado? The sub I saw had the former, but the latter to me makes more sense as another obscure aeronautical shout out (to the German Arado company, makers of the worlds first jet bomber, the Ar 234).
  18. They've been more spacious since 7 which had to somehow fit things like a whole drumkit inside a cockpit. On a related note, it's nice to see 360' monitor cockpits again. That was one thing that was missing from Frontier that made me scratch my head.
  19. Nothing like a new Macross show to drag me back into this forum. At first had my doubts about the whole idol focus, but then they brought in the dogfight. Seems to me that they're trying to catch idol fans with Walkure while still keeping the older fans satisfied with some solid valkyrie action. I wonder if Kawamori is trying to do something like Macross 7 once again, but this time with some more solid dogfighting by giving us our first Macross with focusing on hot valk on valk action since Zero (but sadly, less BOMBER!!!). P.S. Mirage Falyna Jenius is waifu.
  20. Hence the cake is the "non-lethal" version. So a sequel to M7 focusing on Mylene?
  21. Already happened in Mac7. Now if they want to be sure to kill, then they need to load up all of their missiles with pineapples. Heck, they can even have lethal and non-lethal variants. The lethal ones have pure pineapple salad while the non-lethal versions simply use pineapple cake.
  22. Here's hoping for M7 references. If just to give the forums a chance to spontaneously burst into singing Totsugeki Love Heart like we used to back in 2008.
  23. New Macross? Well, looks like it's time to start hanging around here again. What I'm wondering about (if it is a new series and not a reboot) is how will they handle the aliens this time around. They pretty much gone to the most extreme end of Orson Scott Card's "Hierarchy of Foreignness" with the Vajra in Frontier, unless of course they go all the way and confront non-sentient beings, but that wouldn't work with the premise of "culture uniting races."
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