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Everything posted by d3v

  1. Battroid/workroid controls are probably like a car where they're standardised enough that it's easy to go between different models. Honestly, the concept makes sense in a setting that likely see's heavy workroid use.As for the arm holding Freyja, I wonder if there isn't a setting for that, or if the systems are smart enough to recognize when something or someone is being held.
  2. Actually, the use of real live footage run through a filter reminds me of some shots from Flashback 2012.
  3. Last I checked, the guns were still connecter in gerwalk mode in the show.
  4. Well Alto already knew how to fly, the issue with him was turning him into a combat pilot. For Hayate on the other hand, it seems that they actually need to teach him how to fly properly first.
  5. Something I noticed in one of the cockpit shots of the VF-31. Aren't those EX-GEAR shoulders?
  6. Well, she'd probably make the old man proud.
  7. No, it's obviously music and idol related. Windermere are huge Ranka Lee fans and Ranka x Alto shippers and the revolution started after the galaxy-wide televised wedding of Sheryl and Alto. That song they're using to start the Var syndrome is actually "Ai Oboete Imasu ka ~ bless the little queen". Speaking (on a more serious note) about the music, one thing I've noticed is that Delta doesn't seem to make as much use of the songs from the idols as much as Frontier did. The latter used its vocal tracks more liberally, even just as background music, for example "What 'Bout My Star" playing during Star Date (or "Pink Monsoon" in the movie). The only similar moments to these in Delta so far have always involved someone on screen singing (that song Hayate plays in episode one that Freyja sings to, and "Koi Halation THE WAR" playing during the audition with all the girls singing along to it). Hopefully this changes as we get more episodes.
  8. I doubt that, the map shown in episode 1 is only of the Milky Way galaxy and, with the area involved in Delta in the edge of one of the arms. What makes it look like a separate galaxy is actually just the visual overlays which puts circles over the locations. You can clearly see however that the other arms are just as far out from the center as where Windermere and Ranga are (that, and the MAgellanic clouds would be much further out).
  9. I wonder how long some of these other protoculture races have been in contact with and part of the UN/New UN? Maybe contact with Windermere was fairly recent and therefore less integrated, with the revolution started by factions who's rather go back to being separate from the New UN.
  10. Wait, so does that mean that the MCGA turned NUNS just replaced the old UNS now? Seems that way since we haven't seen the old UNS since 7 and even the Al Shahal garrison was NUNS.
  11. Rewatched episode 1, I didn't see any time where it was detached in Gerwalk mode.
  12. My favorite scene from episode 2 has to be Freyja's "final audition" where she starts singing to the "Var infected" guy in the tram. It basically combines two very similar scenes from Frontier: Ranka's performance at the mall and Sheryl singing in the shelter. All three are scenes where the decision to sing in the midst of despair leads to great changes in the lives of these characters. However, after thinking about it (and watching more Macross), I realize that all these scenes call back to yet another scene from an older show - the final confrontation of Macross Plus where Myung's decision to sing saves Isamu's life. Heck, Myung and Freyja start singing in almost the exact same position (on the ground on their side). While none of the other three are in as dramatic and desperate a situation as Myung's, all of them have the decision to sing as an embracing of their nature as songstresses. Makes me wonder at what the in-universe explanation is for all these PMC that are basically their own Navys with fleet air arms is.
  13. Well, it has the whole Max/Millia parralel going on with it, plus tsundere hijinks. You know they love their tsundere hijinks.
  14. Maybe he's just not the type for special treatment. The type who "goes, if my men can use these chairs and mugs, then I should be able to do so too". If anyone's waving any pineapple salad flags among the Walkure, IMO it's Kaname with whatever it is that's going on between her and Messer. Actually, it could be either of them. The moment one of them starts talking about confessing, or talks about the danger of confessing to someone in the middle of a war, then you can expect one of them to get stabbed and then spaced.
  15. Maybe he's just a really tall Zentraedi. Like a micronized version of the tall commander ones like Britai.
  16. Seems to be bad image editing on the Gerwalk mode. You can clearly see it attached to the arm in Battroid mode.
  17. Has the following comparison already been brought up in this thread (or the preview thread) where the shot of the mysterious singer is highly reminiscent of that of the Mardook emulators from Macross II?
  18. Defintely not the line of thinking used by European and Central Asian air forces which favor revolver cannons to full on rotary gatlings. The thinking is that the time that the pipper is on the target is so small that you don't get a lot of time to get the gatlings up to full speed. Here's an excerpt from a 2009 article by Tony Williams. http://www.quarryhs.co.uk/ModFighterGuns.htm Of course, the argument could be made that having 2 guns also helps negate the lower rate of fire, even if they're not using a bigger round. For reference, the Russian GSh-3-2 cannon can actually match and even exceed the rate of fire of the GAU-22 rotary gatling due to the fact that it has 2 barrels, effectively making it two cannons in one.
  19. Honestly, I'm just happy we have a series that shows these other races. Both 7 and Frontier happened at the fringes of human expansion, so we never really got to see alot of what this fledgling galactic civilization or protoculture touched races was like.
  20. The M61 still has spin up time, even if it can fire as soon as the trigger is pushed, it's still not firing at the full rate of fire. The A1 takes 0.4 seconds to reach full rate of fire, while the A2 which is lighter and has a more powerful motor cuts this down to about 0.25 (sources differ on the actual time, but it's there). During this time, they're still spitting out less rounds than a single barrel cannon which is firing at max rpm from the start. A one second burst from the A1 fires only 70-75 rounds as opposed to the 100 rounds per second at full rate of fire.
  21. Koi Halation the War has been growing on me after this episode, especially...
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