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  1. Thanks !!!
  2. Here we go. I love this, really heartfelt..... great electric version .....
  3. I'll add it tonight. I can't embed from my phone for some reason ...
  4. One guy on YouTube did an acoustic cover of ai oboete imasuka.... It was awesome. If anyone has the chords to that, I would be grateful. I'll post the song link later. Thanks !!!
  5. Anyone know if there is a collection of macross songs for guitar in chord or tab format ?
  6. Well, this will suck if true. Where can one pre-order thsese goodies ? Overdrive was sold out last I looked, and I can't find em on HLJ ...
  7. I am stoked !!! That vf-0 looks awesome. I am looking forward to these rolling out.
  8. I think that most of us in the US buy bootlegs, because that is all we can get for a while, but buy the official stuff as soon as it is available subbed/ or dubbed. I know I do. I have several SDF Macross, Mac Plus, Gundam, etc. I think the TS was just looking for opinions on which available bootleg was / is the best. Just my .02
  9. Looks like they raised the price to 145 USD http://www.angolz.com/home/productDetails....03&catId=32
  10. Well, I am one of the geezers that got started with RT back in the 80s. I remember forcing my dad to take me to the comic store, where I would spend my $$ on "veritechs" called Valkyries and packaged in "Macross" boxes ahh, the good ol days. I just finished MF and it was awesome. I personally like all the little throwbacks that pay homage to SDFM. I can't wait for the movie version.
  11. I think Cristina Vee really nailed it in the fansub.( Which is a project that continues to amaze me, what a great effort) She sounded good. Anyone know if she is a member here?
  12. Has anyone got the Yamato 1/60 Hikaru VF 1S version 2.0 yet ? Are the shoulders still cracking, or has Yamato fixed the issue ? On the 2.0's, are the skulls and un spacy kite symbols tampo printed ? Sorry if this has been covered elsewhere, thank for the info.
  13. I remembered reading somewhere about some significance with the SDF Macross episode ending, where the person is looking at pictures and turning the pages of the photo album. Who is this supposed to be ? Anyone know? Have I just lost my mind ?
  14. I think he may be running a sale...mine was discounted. I figured the sub thing out, it was my stupidity. As far as buying the real deal, Iwould do so in a heart beat, but I can't speak Nippon . I guess we add another middle finger to HG
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