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Everything posted by nghia59

  1. If you guys check out the related links it gets super dimensionally epic.
  2. One more. One more of the really cool animated cinematics!
  3. Pachinko! I have to say I was pretty impressed with the transforming part.
  4. Yukito Kishiro Claire Wendling Masamune Shirow Cassegrain Alessandro Barbucci
  5. Nice custom job man! I can't wait to play with it! LOL Are you going to add some more Photoshop love into those images? Also please post some shots in clean lighting with a white background so we can see it in all its true glory since I can't just bug you to bring it in to work these days. - Nghia
  6. Hey Kye, I think that you might need some outside or overhead LED's to actually light up the city itself? BTW, off-topic. Transformers Prime was pretty cool. I need to congratulate JoJo on his mech designs. - Nghia
  7. Uhhh.... So they're going to make a blank one like they did the Valkyrie????
  8. I just love how this thing's a VF-1J/ skull leader/ angel bird! LOL. Funny thing is that it seems to have the same QC issues as so many Yammy one armed VF's. Man, that Korean anime is hilarious! It might be the missing Jetfire episodes from Transformers! LOL - Nghia
  9. My link So freaking gangster! Take that Yamato and Bandai! - Nghia
  10. http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljsalepage2/?C...andstr=2h2tbfel Man, I just got most of the stuff on this list a few weeks ago. So for all you guys that wanted to get new stuff, here's the time to do it. - Nghia
  11. Actually, here's a interesting thought. Why would MF get zero chance of an international release, but we've had both OVA and movie releases here of M+ and not a peep of resistance from HG? So wouldn't that mean thet there might be a chance of it getting a release here? Actually, now that I think of it what about the re-release of the original series from Animego? No HG BS there and it was the bread and butter series for them too. - Nghia
  12. I'd go for it because I'm a sick puppy. As long as Yamato can keep it under 210,000 yen. -Nghia
  13. Man, I'm always late with the news here. Been working crazy hours doing freelance these days so I'm not able to jump on to MW as regularly. - Nghia
  14. So I just saw this guy up on their site today. http://www.yamato-toys.com/items/detail.php?gid=1519 I wonder if they're going to make a mint on this one. - Nghia
  15. Man, it would be really cool to get a blue lancers version as well as an orange drone from M+. - Nghia
  16. Man, I'm really late responding to this, but man is this ever sad news. 'Specially in this current state of economics. Hey Graham, do you know anything that might cheer us up over this? - Nghia
  17. I'd like to see the Phalanx in a black/white/red color scheme via the final battle in the OG series with the weird head variation. - Nghia
  18. Dammit! Just ordered them both and add to that the new Lucifer and VF-11C! This sucks! Now I'll have to find some way of getting extra cash for those Resident Evil 5 figures. I hate myself. - Nghia
  19. Man, that's too much crap for the end of a major recession year. They need to push these back until at least January of next year. I love them, am a huge M&M fan, have all the M&M valks, and need these and will get them but for effin' sakes man, one thing at a time please! - Nghia
  20. It's PROTOCULTURE!!!!!
  21. Man, wish it was like that here in the US. Boo for us again!
  22. Let's see if this works.
  23. Dang, the image isn't loading.
  24. Third times the charm mayabe.
  25. Let's try this again.
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