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  1. One of the truisms of life I've learned over the years is that arguing over the internet is like competing in the special olympics, so I don't want to launch a whole new thing. Suffice it to say that I am not a Ranka hater or lover - I don't post enough here to earn or deserve either title/ prejudice. I just think it's immature of Ranka to act the way she did at the end of episode 21 and clearly the writers had a brain fart when they wrote that portion in. Ppl seem to cheer for Ranka b/c she acted more assertive than before but that's not nearly enough to cover her many illogical and immature actions. That's it for me for this episode.
  2. just to reinterate Ranka's immaturity - since some ppl seem to like how her character "matured" in this episode - I think its immature for her to parade a Vajra in front of Alto not hours after his best friend got killed by one of it and declare that she is going to go save it. If she really wanted to save it, she should've done it discreetly and come back without upsetting Alto. Also, I think its immature for her to care more for a Vajra drone than Ozma. There's just been a big battle and many ppl killed, and as far as I can tell she hasn't even asked about Ozma, her other brother who has care for her for more than a decade. Shouldn't she be in near panic that he's missing?
  3. are you kidding me? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? As far as I am concerned, Ranka acted completely immature. I've just glossed over the episode but as far as I know hundreds of people died in very horrible ways, incl. mutual friend Michael -gored and sucke out into space-, in the process blowing up an entire ship filled with people's homes, and her reaction is to allow Brera to pound Alto and go away to save her pet Vajra whose cousins just caused all that terrible mess not 24 hours ago? And you blame Alto for his reactions which would be completely normal as an adult? This is perhaps the one time I can agree with an anime character's cardboard reaction of crying out a person's name... in disgust and disbelief, I hope. Seriosuly, after the deaths of thousands of people and the ensueing destruction, the only reason why one should try to understand Vajra is to figure out the best way to eliminate their asses from space, not to "understand" and live in harmony with those who seem more than willing to come and destroy your homes and kill your freinds and family any time they wish.
  4. well signme up for being a victim of US of A's protestant straight-laced culture. I don't mind gay characters in anime but just not as the helmsman of a transforming giant battleship. Can't help feeling that way.
  5. I am almost certain that the writers behind Frontier didn't think twice about the state of the planet Gallia 4. They just drew that in and moved on. My one main issue with Macross Frontier is the fact that the guy who drives Macross Quarter in battle mode is someone who acts and is probably gay. The character just doesn't fit, in my opinion. I think someone who drives such an awesome machine and blasts away Vajraa motherships should be more of a macho guy, like for exmaple the gatling-arm guy from Final Fantasy XII. I am not a homophobe, just saying the character doesn't fit that role, and it bothers me.
  6. I just hope the writers don't go over a line and bring in so much stuff from past episodes that casual viewers become confused and disinterested.
  7. I think trying to force logic into anime is oftentimes a lost cause. I think the writers wanted to show off the skill of the SMS by deliberately making the VF-171 pilots look totally incompetent. They probably didn't lose any sleep over the how.
  8. Not sure if any1 mentioned this possibility, but is it possible the green pet thingy that Ranka ends up adopting is the "measure" that the triangle-hair guy mentions in the middle of ep 8? You know, the measure he supposedly set up to spy on Ranka for whatever reason? Just occurred to me call me crazy if I'm totally out of it.
  9. hi all, first time poster, Just saw ep 8, I must say the episode's animationw asn't too terrible. I actually like the style of the drawing for the most part, but I do wish that they would keep it consistent. Anyway looking forward to ep 9, where the action resumes. Humor has its place but macross should be about dogfight action and good music.
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