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Everything posted by transfan52

  1. LMAO I like your reply, so basically your saying you will put up with it and buy a first release anyway to keep the company alive? Well while I think it is a noble cause lol I collect based on quality not on company loyalty whatsoever. So far I have not been disapointed with yamato and I make sure I steer clear of the products that have severe flaws I.E. the sv-51 Ivanov with the parts falling off the wings. But I guess this doesnt affect me as much since im not a hardcore collector and dont buy every new release on the market. Besides even if none of us on this whole site bought another valk... there are plenty of loyal japanese collectors that would keep buying them... therefore a new release or a revised one is almost guaranteed so I dont think you have to worry about that.
  2. If you hate yamato so much then why do you keep buying their products huh? Sure they may have screwed up on some of their products but for the most part they come out pretty good. Hell even with all their flaws theyre toys are pretty good quality and have alot of detail. Can you do better? I think not... Can you design a toy as complex as a perfect transforming valk? Most companies either cant or would have a hard time doing so. cut them some slack... Sure theyre a young company but theyre learning and most of the flaws with their products are pretty minor if you ask me. Youll keep getting disapointed by yamato if you keep buying the first mold of every product that comes out to since the first editions are the ones with the most problems. I bought all of my valks late in the game so I havent had any problems so far. Also if your gonna spend over 100 dollars on a product you should at least wait and find out what other ppl say about it. Just because its expensive doesnt mean itll be perfect... Hell there are plenty of expensive sports cars out there and some of them break down within 30000 miles of driving. IMO though switching over to bandai is the best thing that could happen for the macross series new products. First of all theyll be cheaper and second they wont have as much quality control issues as yamato has being that theyre a bigger and more expierienced company with this sort of thing. I also hope they bring out a chogokin line for the new vf-25 or at least a similar 1/60 scale product of what yamato has out now with theyre valks.
  3. Lately I havent been playing any games lately because theres nothing good coming out until june, I really am looking forward to ninja gaiden 2 though but i probably wont play it until im done with mgs 4. My gamertag is heishiro79 I dont play alot though.
  4. LMAO theyll need to take mumra out if they do make this movie.
  5. I know but its still a pain in the a$$... and im one of those perfectionist modellers that can percieve even the slightest tint of grey or black on a white peice of plastic. I want it to look clean and perfect and to do that I sometimes resort to using thinner to completely remove the slight tint left over to get a completely white finish. I know its not the best way to remove a stain and it melts the plastic slightly but I use very little so its not too noticeable.
  6. You know thats a problem ive always had with gundam models... MGs in particular... its quite annoying trying to paint in the mouth vent panel lines on MGs because the gaps are so small and you have to be careful not to let the marker slip off and draw a big dirty black line on the rest of the peice... I think its a good thing theyre taking out some of the more annoying detailing element out of their MG line.
  7. transfan52

    Macross Revoltech

    Personally your being a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to these figures, dont expect perfection and perfect joint articulation from a figure thats 20 or 30 bucks its just not gonna happen... Revoltechs target audience appears to be for the average collector that just wants a small cheap figure with an accurate representation anyway.
  8. transfan52

    Macross Revoltech

    I do like the revoltechs anime look to the figures and the extreme poseability they have, their size is nice too, and so is the price but like some people have already said on this forum im not a hardcore collector. I only have a few figures from different series that I like and I dont buy anything and everything thats out there. That being said I only go for the highest quality of toys out there for my valks and the only one making valks that look good with perfect transformation is yamato. Also as a collector I like to go for the more expensive and inaccessible products out there. It just feels more fullfilling opening up a huge yammie 1/48 valk box. Now if only they would make a yammie version of the zentradi battle pod... that one really catches my eye.
  9. LOL the last crusade is a fairly violent movie... Indie is killing people all the time and enjoying it lol I wouldnt really call that family friendly. especially when he shoots a luger through three men at once... kinda graphic to say the least.
  10. LMAO very good point, m66 I doubt the 1/48 fokker was the weathering wonderfest edition there are only a few in existence... and they usually go for at least 450 or more.
  11. The thundercats series may have been a good quality anime back in the day but a live action movie sounds like a bad idea... cmon a buncha cat guys running around in tights? thatd look rediculous in real life give me a break.
  12. I do notice the last crusade has more over the top action but also takes itself less seriously most of the time than raiders but also has a good serious element to the plot line especially at the end of the movie when he mentions gods name from his fathers diary and the whole moral of the choosing of christs cup scene. Overall I think the third movie is the best so far.
  13. I just bought the trilogy DVD set of the Indiana jones series... My family is watching the temple of doom as I type this just now... Its a classic movie series, I have no doubt in my mind that IV will be better than that lame iron man movie, but not better than the dark knight.
  14. I feel your pain buddy, Im always extra careful with the valks I get especially when transforming them for the first time... Heck I thought I snapped the leg armor cover peice and broke the locking peg for my VF-1 1/48 stirke parts set... luckily it was fine but I was scared because the part wasnt locking back on... luckily all it need was some extra force to lock in place heh.
  15. That is truly the ideal PS3 box set right there, If I didnt have a PS3 already this is the one id get. IMO MGS4 is the only game that will push ppl into buying a PS3, the othjer games are mostly ports from the xbox 360 andsonys official line up of games isnt that great atm.
  16. Wow the VF-25 1/72 Hasegawa models look very good! I just hope bandai's version of it looks this good though. Battloid Mode http://www.geocities.jp/hobby_show_album/j...ka2008/0217.htm Fighter Mode http://www.geocities.jp/hobby_show_album/j...ka2008/0215.htm
  17. FYI I have seen and own dvd sets of the following Z gundam, 0079, 0083, 0080, 08th MS Team (Best OVA IMO) F91, ZZ gundam, Chars Counter Attack (Best Gundam Movie IMO) Seed, and seed destiny... and you know what? its getting old at least for me it is... I dont mean to start a flame war here I wont say anymore, its just my opinion of the series and that is all.. Im not saying its terrible and I do think most of the U.C series is worth watching. But too much of anything is a bad thing, that is all. If anything I am encouraging anyone seeing this to watch most or all of the gundam series I have listed, Ive seen them all and theyre great. I was just simply stating my current feelings on continuing with the series as I am not.
  18. I highly doubt this is the way the final product will turn out guys... The people that put up the toys for display in ads sometimes dont get the presentation right at all. Remember the people setting up these toys for display usually dont collect toys themselves and dont know much about how things go. Yamato does screw up alot more than other companies but it usually isnt something this obvious and severe.
  19. Im running out of space btw I need to get a new shelf to put in my room. Preferable in the 60 to 100 dollar price range.
  20. Opera while ok is not that good of a websurfer IMO, on the wii you cant use flash or play mpeg files. PS3 just needs to focus on getting a better web browser that supports flash and mpeg.
  21. I looked it up just now, The battle ships are neat, If I were still into gundam id get some of their battleship models but im burnt out... Gundam plot= Two or more armies at peace, A terrorist attack starts a huge war, One rebel force fights and beats the odds... the cycle continues... need I go on further?
  22. Im not really digging the new designs of the new transformers animated series... Im through collecting most of the movie toys, alternators, and masterpeice stuff though, The new animated toys just look too kiddy for me :Shrugs:
  23. Oh man the proportions are even better than the 1/48 cant wait!
  24. LOL I didnt take offense im not that insecure about myself... lol not yet at least maybe when ive built up a big enough collection of macross toys then I will a little more insecure about my self esteem.
  25. What do you mean the klan as in the KKK?
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