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Everything posted by transfan52

  1. Im sold on the 1/60s but im not gonna sell my 1/48s though.
  2. Hello I recently got the yamato display stand so that I can mount my yf-19 with Fast packs on it in jet mode. But the fast packs make the thing so unstable that I cant mount it correctly without it falling apart at the slightest touch... can somebody help me out with this?
  3. Out of all the JRPGS coming out this year I am looking forward to infinite undiscovery the most since its an online game with similar gameplay to phantasy star online. It also has a story mode but ill be playing it for the online mode mainly.
  4. Ill probly end up getting the VF-1A version, I dont have a single 1A head yet.
  5. I just got MGS 4 tonight at the midnight launch im gonna play the game tomorow man is it gonna be a blast!
  6. transfan52

    VF-OS or VF-0A

    The shin with ghost should have the least QC issues from what I hear. Its the safest one to buy.
  7. Yeah that happens with all game except im going to buy the collectors edition...wait like two or three months and when im bored of it sell it for like 30% more.
  8. Thanks for the info guys it all makes sense now.
  9. transfan52


    Im gonna wait for the ivanov reissue version before I get it. I already have the nora version and it has no QC issues as far as I can tell.
  10. Im pretty sure I got an original version YF-19 because the gunpod is always crooked when I mount it under the arm pegs in fighter mode. Anybody know an easy fix for this?
  11. Wow so much speculation over a series that hasn't been completed yet. I don't post in these topics as there is no point in discussing plot elements to an incomplete story. Id rather watch the whole thing first then talk about my thoughts on the story and or plot overall and my opinions on the anime. Oh well I guess for some ppl talking about a brand new series is fun because you don't know what to expect yet but thats not my thing. NE way on with the topic, just my 2 cents.
  12. I voted for dude you guys are sick choice lol. the truth hurts dont it.
  13. I tried the ninja gaiden 2 demo on xbox live last night and it was great. I haven't had that much fun with a game in a long time. The combat system is much more fluid and moves come out easier, also the ultimate charge attacks don't get interrupted if you get hit which is also a nice feature. The demo lets you try 2 ninpos 3 main weapon and 2 projectile weapons. Its great fun and the combat is fairly simple and easy to get used to. But then again ive already mastered NGB gameplay and its very similar. I would get it right now but im waiting for MGS4 to come out. Once im done with that ill buy this.
  14. nice to add a random/witty comment
  15. Ah I see what they are, thanks for posting the pics I went back staring at my Hikaru VF-1S in the GBP armor and remembered those grey pieces I left in the box. I though they were yamato display stand mounts lol. I just figured out that they actually mounted on the side. Yeah its too bad yamato didn't put those pieces in with all their 1/48 vf-1's, oh well thats why theres recasters I guess. Ill have to buy another pair for my roy fokker vf-1s soon then. Do you know of any good recasters on this site?
  16. I recently watched macross plus the movie version again but there are some things Ive always wondered about on the YF-19 and 21. Where are the missles stored on them? They seem to come outta nowwhere and appear out of thin air when they shoot out. Does anybody have a diagram or a picture that shows the weapon compartments for these two valks and that shows where the weapons are stored? There doesnt seem to be much room on the valk for missle storage so id like to know.
  17. Whats the big talk about side covers ne way? Could somebody tell me or show me a pic of what theyre refering too? So far from what ive seen all the valks looks fine to me. Oh and about PT... I think adding in all the features to a valk toy like folding intake covers and hands that are just right or a nose cone that looks balanced in every mode is a really tough challenge for any toy company period. In the anime the proportions on the actual valks are morphed into different sizes magically to make it look good in every form and with every attachment. Its just not possible to make a complex toy like a valk look totally anime accurate because to do that the toy would have to morph itself and thats not currently possible. The best thing they could do is add extra hands or different size pieces to begin with and thats what they've been doing all along. Besides adding a feature like a perfect foldable intake cover would be pretty difficult, you would have to make it sturdy and at the same time make it so that the pieces fold over each other and into a compartment without them falling apart. Its possible but I guess they figure too much time and money would be spent into R&D for a feature like that.
  18. Alot of ppl complain about the deep striker though saying its lame and you cant really play with it or that parts fall off easily. But the deep striker is an expensive display piece really. Your not suppose to touch it once you put it all together. Ive always wanted one but I don't have the extra funds after all the valks ive purchased.
  19. I have the regular EX-S fix and I don't think you'll like it too much. The toy cant really stand on its own two feet as it is really back heavy but its meant to display on a stand which it comes with. Other than that everything on the toy is fine except the hip cannon that it comes with... Its really annoying because the front hip plate falls off constantly with the slightest movement and the gun support anchor is very short... Also it doesn't transform FYI. Its a really nice display piece though but you cant really move it around or or pose it too much because the gun part is real finicky.
  20. Nice pic makes me want to put my fold booster on the YF-21 but im too scared to transform it lol maybe later.
  21. dude when I get metal gear im not even gonna look at any threads regarding MGS 4 until ive completed the entire game... theres nothing worse then seeing a spoiler for something youve been waiting years to find out.
  22. I just got my yf-19 FPs in the mail today and I have a similar problem, the left shoulder part wont lock onto the shoulder edge of my yf-19 its annoying. any way to fix this problem?
  23. The best way to put the Fast Packs on is by first transforming it into battloid mode. thats what I did, once its in battloid mode the parts can be slid over the holding notches. Also the tail fin plates can be put on easier if the fins are folded down. I havent tried putting them on in jet mode yet though but thats one way you can do it.
  24. What do you mean by heat shield? I never noticed anything on my 1/48s can someone show me some pics?
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