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Everything posted by transfan52

  1. Well unfortunately for valk purists like you low viz yamato doesn't see it that way... They'd rather save a few thousand yen by not including them when they really should... just shows how cheap yamato is...
  2. Anyone playing MGO? Im the Sh1t online I can get a headshot from a mile away... thats what seperates the 1337$ from the n00b$... goodluck luck b1tchs my name is burningorb catch me online and you can kiss your a$$ goodbye!
  3. Yeah the tranq gun is really fun to use IMO but it is often overlooked... But remember if you wanna get all the secrets you have to play on BB hard without any kills, alerts and in under 5 hours. You also have to kill the bosses with tranqs too! Quite a feat to pull off if you ask me. IMO not really worth it as all you get are some masks, secret weapons, outfits and a few secret items... If you dont feel like getting everything you can see all the secrets on gametrailers.com they have videos up already...
  4. Wow that full armored gundam exia model looks really good! Almost makes me want to start collecting gunpla again! The MG zaku needs more color though could pass for a 1/144 standard model with that color palette i might add...
  5. You also have to remember though guys... the early 1/60 VF-1's were'nt perfect transforming... were'nt as detailed and did'nt cost as much to produce... Few years later add in inflation, a slumping economy and a bigger more detailed valk with higher production and R&D price and thatl drive up the price quite a bit...
  6. I just got Ninja Gaiden 2 a week ago and I like it alot but it seems rather short... I only play around 2 to 3 hours a day and im already on chapter 9 out of 12 lol. Then again im playing it on acolyte. The first game seemed much longer to me as I played it almost constantly after work for a whole week and I still wasnt done until the weekend. One playthrough just isnt challenging enough for me... Im gonna have to beat it again on a harder difficulty after my first playthrough as it is such a great game.
  7. I think there is a big stigma towards anime in the west particularly in america... Even so called fans of anime are hesitant to talk to other fans about anime in the most general sense. I have met some younger people that admit to me that they have and still watch anime from time to time but I cant have a long talk about it or else they start getting nervous and try to change the subject matter or scold you for talking too much. Its because of the social pressure society puts on people as to whats supposedly "normal" and "acceptable" that makes them and me included feel apprehensive about speaking publicly about the subject. Anime fans also seem to develop a self loathing towards the hobby, themselves and others. They refer to themselves as geeks, nerds or any other ignorant label created by haters or people trying to supress what they feel is "abnormal". But alas there will always be haters out there or people trying to impose they're opinions on the general populace. In the end the only thing that matters is whether you truly enjoy the hobby or not. Ive never been a hardcore anime fan and I only watch certain series that catch my interest every now and then when im bored and have no videogames to play or have nowhere to go. The problem is that people assume that just because you've seen one show that your a hardcore anime fan and your life revolves around it... and thats definitely not the case with me. I have to add another thing though... there are some things I really dont like about the anime sub culture though... the whole moei movement is perverted IMO and gives a bad image on the hobby... also the whole fan service with anime girls is kinda annoying... this is probably why I like older anime because it does'nt focus so much on this aspect... some ppl may say you dont like anime if you cant accept that but to each his own... IMO there are some things that go way too far but its what most fans like so I can take the good with the bad...
  8. Yeah thats what im using right now, its fine and stable with the attachment but when you add the fast pack the legs kinda hang out and arent locked into the body's pegs, the only thing that holds the heavy legs together are the shoulder peices to the fast packs and they arent very stable. I finally got it to be more stable with the rubber cement thing though. Even if I tap it now it doesnt fall apart instantly like before. Thanks for the tip Pat S. One more thing... ill choose to ignore the imature comments made about my post earlier lol.
  9. LOL good come back... too bad it doesnt phase me though... NE way after finishing the game for the first time tonight I think its quite possibly the best game ive ever played. The story is so deep and is applied to the real world which makes it even better. This is the sole reason I bought a PS3 and I have no regrets.
  10. But eugimon your not a true mgs fan because you never played the other 3 dont even talk in this thread like you know what your talking about.
  11. Too bad its only the 1/60 vf-0s that can hold the gun with two hands that way. I can even hold up my vf-0s in an upright firing stance using both arms. This is one of the resons I cant wait for the new 1/60 VF-1s the poses are sure to be alot better with the double jointed elbows.
  12. "HUH?! What was that noise?" Anybody who played MGS 1 knows where that came from.
  13. So in other words your only playing this game because its possibly the only worth while game on PS3?
  14. LOL I just got them in a better pose heres the pics.
  15. lol I just got them in a better pose heres the pics.
  16. The main reason hollywood is going to do a movie called robotech is because its what most ppl that grew up watching it in the 80's know and love. Also there are liscensing issues between studio nue and HG. HG owns the rights to robotech or anything that has similarities to it in the states... at least thats what they claim... So if they were to call the movie say... macross they would get alot of heat from HG and the court system for using that name. It also looks like the studio responsible for production signed a partnership with HG.
  17. Dude theyre the same voice actors as in all the other MGS games at least most of them are, only a few characters voices were changed in the game but most of the integral characters kept the same voice actors.
  18. I am pretty certain that this will be the last release of the VF by yamato for a long time as it appears to be nearly perfect although we cant say for sure yet until we have the actual product in our hands.
  19. Kinda difficult to pose the legs because with the strike parts on the VF-1 its real back heavy so it falls back alot, but I suppose I can try to make the GBP VF-1S hikaru in a better pose, ill post pics once im done.
  20. Here are some pictures of my current valk collection.
  21. Im guessing this is some kinda modelling clay or putty to hold things together. You mind telling me what the material is called? There a hobby shop where I live so im sure I could snag a tube of it from there.
  22. All this talk about interchangeable heads is most likely never gonna happen... Yamato is in this business to make money... They know that there are alot of dedicated collectors out there that are willing to shell out an extra 150 to 200 or so on an identical valk with a diffrent head sculpt. Its worked for them since day 1 why would they quit now and decide to give us interchangeable heads? It would hurt their profits in the long run. The only other option for different head peices would be to buy recast parts but theyre not always perfect and are often discolored compared to the yamato original parts.
  23. If you cant get online atm its most likely because of weekly server maintenance. I highly doubt its anything on your side eugimon. Setting up the konami ID and game ID is annoying though. luckily if you save your information after the first correct input it should be fine and stable.
  24. so far ive gotten up to act 3 its already 3:10 AM. I wish I coulda played sooner but ive been real busy this week with work and all and I now finally have some free time to play. As I am posting this as I cannot stop playing this awesome game! LOL this is really bad for my health to according to the message on my act 3 install screen... it recorded my systems time of day 1:00AM at the time and told me I should go to sleep lol. GOTY easily.
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