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Everything posted by Sarensaas

  1. OK, I made that last part about Hudson up, but I'd love to see him come running through the middle of this movie, even if it's a love scene, screaming "GAME OVER MAN, GAME OVER..." just one more time....
  2. When I saw that throwing weapon, it reminded me of the weapon from the 80's sci-fi movie "Krull", if anyone remembers that movie. Did anyone catch that quick appearance of Bill Paxton as "Hudson" in the trailor???
  3. I stiil can't believe Polar Lights is going to release this huge1/350 Refit Enterprise ...now THAT is a model! The Perfect Grade version of Trek.
  4. I think I read something in EW that Rodriguez brought in Tarintino for something on Sin City, but I don't know if he could do it. Anyone know? Personally, I was hoping if Jessica Alba was going to do a comic book movie, it would have been Druuna (from Heavy Metal) but I guess this'll do
  5. No matter what the box office says, Picard rocks the hizzie
  6. I like Michael Turner, especially inked by the T-Cow guys, but he can get week in spots, namely his anatomy. Jim Lee rocks; he's the one I pick. I don't know if Supes is "him" though. I hope Lee can come back to X-men for a run like Silvestri did recently. I think it was pretty much law you had to pick up X-men when Lee was doing pencils on Uncanny and the one he launched, back in the glory days of sales 10 years ago. Alex Ross is great at painting models, but that's what I see when I look at his stuff...painted models. Don't get me wrong, the stuff he puts out is incredible, but I tend to like painter like Glen Fabry or Bill Sienkiwicz, who are more expressionistic. Jeff Scott Campbell is awesome, I love his Danger Girl stuff, and wish he would have kept doing it, even if it was 6 times a year. I don't know if it is the look for Wonder Woman though. I would rather see him on something lighter. ADAM HUGHES is da man. His WW covers are so sweet, I'd love to see him do a full WW book or Supes book. Travis Charest would be awesome on a big title too. His linework was so good even though it took him too long on monthly stuff and moved on. I hope he comes back to work on a special or something with DC or Marvel soon though, I miss his work bigtime.
  7. Well, since Bandai made the Master Grade Wing Zero Katoki Version, which was just a alternate design that never showed up in the animation, like the Hi-Nu, which is a design that showed up in the CCA novel, but not in the animation, maybe we will see a Master Grade Hi-Nu Gundam
  8. Yeah, I think it would be great to see brand-new Y-wings in Ep.3 since they are older than X-wings, kinda makes sense to show them with all their original paneling on. I remember the art director saying a few months back that we will see the prototypes of some familiar fighters and we will see how a certain flat, round smugglers ship gets its reputation.
  9. I watched it; Kimmel went pretty light on him. Kimmel suggested they drop him into Iraq wearing his costume, to which Mil-tron replied "Only if I can take my gun". Then Kimmel was like "Oh, you own a gun....that's good news" Later he had Mil-tron stand in front of the theater across the street that was playing a rerelease of Tron and had him ask people who he was. A bunch of guys in there 20's came up, one calling him a fruitcake. But Mil-tron did tell Jimmy he got a marriage proposal out of this, so there might be a Mrs. Tron in the future. Musta snagged her with all those close-up pics on his site
  10. Wow, good change. This will help a lot. I was playing 3 couple days ago and could have used that. So, from the sound of things, they didn't change the turn system and attack stuff TOO much, right? mmm anticipation...it's whats for dinner. Now all we need is to have Bandai, Kotobukiya, Hasegawa or Aoshima step up and make some killer 1/48 models for 4. The figures were ok for 3 but models this time.
  11. Parcivale- http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?ALBE-12 Eistla- http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?ALBE-25
  12. Great cockpit on the VF-1; the only thing I think I would change is paint the surface of everything a little lighter, like a dark gray. It looks almost straight black, and black in scale gets lighter the smaller the scale. Plus it would bring out the details more.
  13. True; the prices were high. But not much you can do if you do buy them retail; I suppose he really sliced his market down to people who REALLY wanted a specific resin kit, who couldn't fly to Japan or had a friend buy it there and ship it. True again. One of the big things NewType should have put up in the early days before HLJ was a website. They did a pretty good job of advertising in magazines like Protoculture Addicts and Mecha Press, but I would always hear people ask if NewType had a website when their resin kits were brought up, and I don't think they ever did. Nice catalogs, though, I still have them. They needed more visuals for the kits they were selling though. If you are buying a 1/72 resin kit for $200.00, you sure do wanna see a pic of it before you open your wallet.
  14. Jeffrey Tom, the owner of NewType, still sells some of the kits the store carried on eBay. His ID is rx93. I got a lot of really nice B-club Gundam stuff from NewType over the years. From talking to the guys there, it sounded like recasts hurt them a lot.
  15. So...If I bid, will hot chicks swoon all over me just like it worked in the anime? And does it come with a 1/1 Sazabi?
  16. My guess would be the Vulture or Sandman in #3. I would love to see the Scorpion, maybe with Vin Diesel playing him, but I don't think Scorp is a big enough bad guy to wheel out for #3. Maybe the Rock as Sandman? Maybe bring in the Black Cat played by Jaime Pressley? I feel the geekfest coming on...
  17. Are there any pics on the web of what these kits look like?
  18. These would be cool if they were MS that have not been covered a hundred times over. MSZ-V's like the ZetaII, or ZZ or CCA variants, like the Nightingale, or Sentinel or Kazushia Kondo variant designs, or Gaia Gear designs.
  19. There was a guy over on the Child of Mecha board who said he had 4 different Valken kits for sale. You can email him at nugundam1@yahoo.com.hk
  20. Actually, the pic you posted is of Tekkaman Sword, not the Lance, like it says here:
  21. Here you go. Sweet kit; I've looked for the B-club Lance and Rapier kit forever- super hard to find now. I guess the plastic Blade kits are tuff to find as well now.
  22. Things look good, and it looks like Hollywood finally understand Batman is dark, the only way he should be. I think Nolan will deliver, and it sounds like the tone is like Batman: Year One, by Frank Miller and David Mazzuchelli, a great, serious Bats story.
  23. I don't even know what I'm looking at. It looks more like a cosplay suit than a 1:2 bust. Should'a built a 1:2 Dendrobium and just live in it.
  24. Bye bye Commanche, hello SuperHogs!
  25. Well, the Vipers had to be clean at SOME point Perhaps when Adama was still flying one?? I prefer them weathered too. I hope someone comes out with a plastic kit of the Viper MK-II from the Sci-Fi BG version now that a series has been announced. And maybe a kit of that Eastern Alliance battlecruiser...
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