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Everything posted by Sarensaas

  1. Didn't Obiwan comment on the accuracy of the shots on the decimated Jawa transport and said Tusken Raiders couldn't have made such accurate shots in Ep 4? "These last points, too acurate for Sand People... only Imperial Storm Troopers are so percise" Yet, in "The Phantom Menace"(I'm still getting used to the idea of a Star Wars film called The Phantom Menace) we see a Tusken Raider take out a Podracer with a sniper rifle. So the Stormtroopers must be really, REALLY accurate shooters, and just didn't want to show off in Ep.4-6. They did manage to hit 3PO and the Millenium Falcon in ESB and R2, Leia and some Ewoks in ROTJ, so give them a cookie for that!
  2. Everybody Wang Chung tonite. I command it.
  3. Yea, Lucas let this scene slip out during his commentary on ROTJ. He is talking during the scene Vader is climbing the stairs towards Luke, with Luke crying "Daddy I wont fight you" and all that and Lucas says something like "The Emperor wants Luke to kill Vader and take his place, because Vader did the exact same thing". At first I was like "Vader/Anakin kills his own non-existent father???" but it must be Dooku. The scene looks very close to the ROTJ scene. I wonder if a Jedi could be so powerful he could lightsaber battle without using his hands. I guess it is beyond the Force to be able to do that, but it would kind of be like Funnels from Gundam, taking on a bunch of guys around you with you holding one saber and 3 or 4 floating around you slicing up guys attacking from your backside (since a Jedi can see into the future, he would be able to see blindside attacks Spidey style)
  4. Ugh. No more AOZ. They need to get back to Sentinel and do a HGUC MK-V or even a HGUC Hi-Nu. Hopefully when they make the HGUC Nu Gundam they will included HWS armor with it.
  5. They should update some of the older characters like Jet Jaguar, Mecha Kong and Space Godzilla and put them in a new G flick. They updated MechaZilla, bring the rest back I see an updated Jet Jaguar looking like a Eva, though the growing/shrinking thing is a bit much. Maybe during the movie it is being piloted by a person who thinks they are controlling it but at the end of the movie we find out it has actually been implanted with a cloned brain of Godzilla.
  6. Yea, it has been a while since the announcement of a new FM SW kit. I really want them to make a Y-wing and a Millenium Falcon. I hope Lucas didn't cancel their deal with them. I thought FM should have done a Y-wing instead of the Slave one kit. I think it would have sold better.
  7. Yes, normally I would feel for the fans of the manga getting it turned into a movie, but...it's Cameron. The guy who gave us Pulse Rifles. APCs. Queen Aliens. Smart rifles. Drop ships. Guys screaming "GAME OVER, MAN, GAME OVER!". Liquid metal killing assassins from the future. Cyborgs that run for govenor so they can get a head start terminating humans in a future man vs. machine war. Aliens that can form any shape out of pure water. That hot girl that sat on top of that building and was genetically altered to be a super-fighter and be super-hot. And that chick and dude on that boat with the necklace and Celine Dion, who I think is actaully a female terminator. Cameron back doing sci-fi. I am there.
  8. Any place on the web that shows more mecha or art from this? Couldn't find anything of the official website or Google.
  9. Bandai did a recent reissue of the VF-2SS kit so they may do it again, you just have to be patient, and watch here of HLJ.com for any advance notices. Hasegawa needs to make a 1/72 VF-2SS sans armor, maybe after the MZ kits, but it will be a longshot at best.
  10. Wholey Krap, Disney bought Crossgen??!! I better start resubmitting my pencils to them. Of course the books will prolly be all CG now...
  11. MSZ-007 Zeta Gustav by Kazuhisa Kondo. I love the big sensor bulb. The VF-2SS head too. Great streamline of the VF-1 head.
  12. Ouch. I love the Wini...she stole my heart. Tim Burton gives me hope for this. I think everyone will be wondering what his OOmpa Loompas will look like, and if they will break into morality-teaching songs at any points of the movie.
  14. ...and don't forget Howard the Duck, the 1986 movie based on the Marvel character, executive produced by George Lucas. He really had a thing for cute, vertically-challenged underdog characters in the 80's.
  15. ...and the Smart Rifles too!! Those things were awesome; steadi-cam/recoil-absorbing rifles. I'm suprised they didn't show up in more Sci-fi after Aliens; they did show up in Gundam Sentinel though, on the S Gundam and Ex-S Gundam.
  16. That would be the ideal situation to have them both or either on it, but I suppose Anderson costs a lot less, so do the math. I didn't see AvP, but from what I remember, it wasn't THAT much of a hit, was it? I remember it kind of opened big but dropped way off the second week, didn't it???
  17. Mmmmm, the VF-0D loox so good, can't wait. And what do they mean "second release" of the Temijin from Hasegawa? Wasn't the first release the Temijin??? Or is this just a recolor????
  18. The X-wing looked close, but the C3 Falcon has proportional problems in comparison to the studio model, mainly the sidewalls. If you don't mind some changes bodywise, I guess its a good deal.
  19. Well, it sounds like there will be a TV series down the road, so that may tackle some of the things that would have went into Ep 7,8,9. The kids of Han and Leia meeting the kids of Luke and a Jedi babe meeting the kids of Lando and Ms. Nien Numb meeting the kids Boba Fett and the Sarlacc (?)...the adventure continues...
  20. I look at that pic of the Thing and all I can think of is "Turd-Man". Someone forgot to 'shop his left hand glove too. I hope they get Donald Trump to play Galactus.
  21. These guys below design Gundam variants called "Unknown Project Z", taking Zeta era Gundams and morphing them with Maramou Nagano/Five Star Stories type mecha details. Check it out: FSS Gundam
  22. *preparing to fire main cannon*
  23. I dunno, even in the original there was some pretty heavy hints that Deckard was in the closet replicant. Gaff says to him at the end, "You've done a MAN's job..."??????????? The glowing eyes in the kitchen. I think it's to the point a lot of people think he IS a replicant, and a lot of people DON'T think he is a replicant, so coming out and making a definite answer in the movie one way or the other will piss a lot of people off. By keeping it vague...it keeps the interest.
  24. This might be info you already know, but I seem to remember these parts being sold at Wonder Festival in Japan last year, so they are probably a convention-only thing like the custom Gundam kits at Jaf-con. I would try Yahoo Japan for these parts; I wonder if these guys will come out with armor for the Hase battroid if Hase doesn't come out with it. I'm suprised Hase hasn't by now, considering the variants they put out, but maybe they are still waiting for super battroid sales to die down more???(still????)
  25. Yes, and I would like to meet them
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