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Everything posted by Sarensaas

  1. Cool teaser, along with the War of the Worlds teaser. No Episode 3 ad though? I didn't see one, anyway. I thought there would be one for sure, being it is on FOX
  2. If the NGE movie does good business, the chances for a Macross movie go up. I see a Gundam movie happening before that though, which is scary because it will probably be aimed at Seed fans and end up looking like Thunderbirds: The Movie.
  3. Bandai is releasing some Seed decals in April or March; it is listed on HLJ. I get the feeling they are stickers though, not waterslide decals.
  4. Has there been any confirmation that we will see an ad for Episode 3 during the Super Bowl? If we don't I would be really dissapointed. If they do, especially with ANY footage of Vaders scenes, that would rock highly.
  5. Awww, they GOTTA bring that here!
  6. There is a Blassty issue of Hobby Japan on eBay right now: Here
  7. Vader looks like Batman in that poster, but it looks like Drew Struzman's work...yeaay, and there was much rejoicing.
  8. WDC- I totally agree. Square could make an incredible game out of Blassty. I hope someone there realizes they are sitting on some great material here for a game.
  9. We need a game with some Sentinel MS in it. I will pick up this game though, since it's pretty close in play to Fed vs. Zeon except with Zeta MS right?
  10. MSW- I know what you mean, I'll look for them.
  11. Some more Blassty; hope you guys like it. More to come.
  12. almost forgot about that one...I used to have an issue of Hobby Japan that featured a couple of scratch built variations on it with tiger/leopard striped paint jobs....very cool got anything else? Yea, I know the leopard one you are talking about. I'll post some more soon. I have some Tyrant Sword of Neofalia stuff by Fujita I'll be putting up on 4chan soon too.
  13. This is a really detailed scratch-built 1/86 model of the Blassty that was built for Hobby Japan magazine.
  14. I have a ton of Blassty stuff; I posted some of the art on 4chan a while back, and some of the stuff posted above in this thread looks like some of the stuff I posted. I'll try and post some of the stuff I didn't post in 4chan here.
  15. It will be cool if they bring back the Ship of Lights from TOS that were mentioned by the new shows producers as far as stories for the new series, and he mentioned the Pegasus too. I'm not sure about bringing back C.O.R.A. though If they do, at least put some guns on the Viper this time.
  16. Just follow Paulus and keep locking on missles on the Cylons attacking him and firing. It is a frustrating game because you have to complete each level to save, and there are plenty of areas to screw up in between saves. Some of the cool parts of the game is where you get Apollo and Starbuck as your wingmen (actually voiced by Richard Hatch and Dirk Benedict), and unlock some of the art; the great McQuarrie stuff and concept stuff by Syd Mead. I thought the cut scenes were pretty good, and that opening scene with the cylons ambushing the Vipers in the asteroids was even better than the new TV show.
  17. ...or just so we can hear the classic Zod catchphrase "KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!!!"(I just don't want to see it done in some modern twist, like he's saying it in a gay bar or something.) I thought Kate Beckinsale could have been a good Lois, but maybe she'll make an appearance as Wonder Woman. I always thought Beckinsale would make make a good WW, or at least as close as you could come to that Adam Hughes vision of her.
  18. Everytime I see pics of those Wookies from Ep 3 I get that damn Christmas Special popping up in my brain and expect to see Bea Arthur come running out and start singing a song about General Grievious or something. Please, Ep 3, please wash away the pain.
  19. IG-88 is pissed. Lucas promised him he would be in the Vanity Fair picture; didn't happen. Promised him he would get to meet Natalie Portman; didn't happen. He was also up for the role of General Grievious, but no go. He commented that CG effects are really a poor substitute for real acting and emotional expression that is needed in film today. He has split all ties to Lucas and his agent is in negotiations with Fox for his own reality TV show. He will also appear on a future episode of "Inside the Actors Studio", hosted by James Lipton.
  20. I liked the concepts of the original Liquid TV shorts of AF that ran; Peter Chung had a unique approach to the scantily-clad-chick-with-guns idea. I hope they kept him close on this and not just turn it into a Lara Croft sequel.
  21. Aoshima in Japan recently rereleased these kits. I ordered some from HLJ; they have some in stock.
  22. I think if Chiang was left on his own for Ep 1 and 2 things would have looked different than they turned out. Lucas pushed for the smooth, clean look for the prequels to contrast the OT, and because he had to show things before they went to hell; more "civilized and elegant" times, with all the Jedi Knight glory days. Doug was following a theme George dictated with the story, but not necessarily a theme Doug would have done with free control. I'm still kinda cloudy on exactly why he left suddenly...?
  23. Oh, SURE, we can have naked shots of General Grievious on here, but when we show Queen Amidala naked there's a big uproar...
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