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Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. I just got the Calibre VF-1, and it does not come with a base to display it in flight. The instructions show a router display base made by Calibre that is suggested, but I am not sure if I am liking the looks of that base, or the thought of stability on 3 positioned sticks. Are there any other flight display base options out there? I am considering the Hasegawa 2-pack base kit that is sold for all the 1/72 Macross fighter model kits they make, but the looks of that base never really made me crazy about those, either.
  2. I dunno, they should be pushing more Gundam Sentinel!
  3. Realistic space battles would actually be kinda boring; you wouldn't be able to hear anything and lasers would be invisible.
  4. Admit it, you will still see it, especially if they cast someone really hot as the Major.
  5. James Cameron + Science Fiction + Weta ...in the words of Vasquez, LETS ROOOOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Fine Molds or Hasegawa should make a "classic movie vehicles" line of kits: GunStar from "Last Starfighter" Firefox from "Firefox" Peacemaker from "Deal of the Century" Talon from "Stealth" Navigator from "Flight of the Navigator" and a Viper from the new BG because there SHOULD be a styrene kit of it What else?
  7. Awesome pics, Arm. Thanks for posting those.
  8. I'd love to see more pics of those resin ZetaPlus and S-attacker kits, if they show better pics of them in the magazine! I have been looking for resin 1/220 ZetaPlus, S-Gundam and Gundam MK-V kits for a long time.
  9. They are both toys, not models. I don't like the weird, slanted marking on the Dendrobium(no functional military vehicle would have such stupid, over-stylized markings like that), and all the odd looking panel lines on the Neul Ziel. It reminds me of those ugly, non-canon markings they put on the HCM-Pros figures. Why can't they just have the design as it appears on screen, and not add all that distracting extra stuff on there that looks like it was put on by Rob Liefeld??? Glad I bought the HG Mechanics versions of the Dendrobium and Neul Ziel instead, not that much smaller than these and I saved about $100.
  10. That Palace Athene on the left of the ZII is HUGE! Is that the HGUC model or a MSIA? Also, does anyone have pix of the GFF Zeta Gundam in MS mode? I cant find any good one on the web and Im trying to decide if I want it or not.
  11. I wish they would have more serious anime on AS. GITS and Paranoia Agent (when I can understand what is going on) are my favorites, I wish they would have more. The episode of Robot Chicken with the Emperor saying "What the hell is a Aluminum Falcon?" was hillarious too.
  12. I'm thinking we will see full Venom at the end of 3. Peter keeps it in his own image and it begins changing who he is...I started collecting comics when Peter originally got the black costume back in the 80s. It kept wanting to bond with Peter in the comics, and it even bonded with Peter once when he was asleep and went out webslinging while Peter was still asleep, which is just like the scene in the trailer where it starts attaching itself to Peters right arm as he is laying down. I think once it jumps to Brock, and he gets his obsession with Parker going (perhaps Peter steals Gwen Stacy away from Brock???) and the symbiote bonds with Brocks dark mind it will be McFarlane "Im going to eat your brains" Venom time.
  13. It will be interesting to see how they explain the Danger Room. I havnt read X-men for a few years so I may not be up on the latest construction of the DR, but I always thought it was all mechanical. The DR pictured in the movie looks HUGE, and you have Sentinels walking around, gives me the thought this might be a Holodeck-type room. Either way it's kinda pushing things. As far as Juggernaut...doesnt his crystal give him true invunerability, so even if Kitty phased him in a floor, he wouldnt die? I havnt seen the scenes you guys are talking about, but from some of the chatter it seems this could be Alien 3 for the X franchise. Hope not
  14. I want to see the Enterprise-F!!!!!! A Ceti bug crawls up Riker's butt, he goes renegade in the USS Titan, controlled by a 24th Century Scientologist to fly to the center of the galaxy to kill Xenu, and the Enterprise-F is sent on a search and destroy mission. ENOUGH OF THIS PREQUEL STUFF!!! To boldly go where no one has gone before....let's stick to it. Hopefully all the nerd backlash on the web will shut this down. Wasn't the Starfleet academy idea brought up after Star Trek 5 as an idea for ST6 but they came to there senses and made the Undiscovered Country?
  15. I didnt find the episode really funny. Yea they bash Family Guy for sticking interchangeable jokes in the same story every week, but the fact of the matter is, FG is funnier. I don't think FG fans needed Matt and Trey to enlighten us to the FG formula; I just felt like they took the opportunity to make some jokes at the expense of the Muslims cartoons and FG, and the results were wishy washy. I guess I always felt that way about SP; they set an agenda with their stories but then it turns into "This is what is stupid" without funny results. It just seems to be a platform for satirical opinions, more than a comedy show, to me. But maybe that's the poiint. Guess I'll go back to being a idiot, watching Quagmire make penis jokes....that wacky Quagmire! *slaps knee*
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