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Everything posted by manwiththemachinegun

  1. So, it turns out much of Sheryl's talent DOESN'T come from her. I wonder how she'll react to the news that much of her life, and success has been a lie.
  2. I just about cheered when in the second to last episode a group of VF-11s actually managed to SHOOT DOWN a couple Protodevlin mecha. True half of them were obliterated in the next volley, but they actually did something other than shoot vacuum and die. Into every life a little luck must fall. And yeah, its cool the 171s got a chance to shine. This may be the first time we've seen cannon fodder mecha blowing up enemy capital ships without Hero assistance.
  3. Going by Macross tradition, we haven't even seen a full, solitary, percent of what the Vajra can throw at the Frontier. I seem to recall in the first series a SINGLE battleship called Macross making fools of an entire Zentradi armada... until 4.7 million ships showed up and glassed Earth. Seriously, the true terror of the Vajra is yet to come. We've seen a SINGLE Vajra fleet get iced. Whoop de do. This is in a series where an armada of 10,000 capital ships and its fighters is considered small. First it was a group of lobsters, Then one battleship, Now a fleet with a mothership. Anyone seeing a pattern here?
  4. Because "a" theme of Ender's Game is that the Bugger's were 'victims' just as the Vajra are being set up by a third party. And this is a comparison thread. I promise I'm not trying to start ****. I'm just saying even though there are some extenuating circumstances, it doesn't absolve the Vajra of shooting up the Frontier fleet and killing everyone. It's a popular theme in future Ender's Game stories that humans actions during the war were considered monstrous by future generations, when in fact the human race barely avoided annihilation even though the Buggers war was unintentional. As Ender's mentor says, just because the Buggers didn't know what they were doing was wrong doesn't absolve them. In other words, ignorance for the law is no excuse.
  5. Yes, NUNS is a victim and has a right to defend itself, even if the bugs were provoked. Not sure why you're quoting something from RL, as my quote was simply from Ender's mentor who told him to stop feeling sorry for the enemy simply because they weren't the monsters humans thought they were. The Buggers slaughtered humans because they didn't realize they were sentient, but that doesn't excuse their massacres. Morality in war isn't absurd at all. If it were, why don't first world nations let soldiers rape, cannibalize and slaughter captives at will? And punishments if those rules are violated? Fighting is a part of human nature, but there can be honor and humanity in it. Since we're using real examples I'll point out the Desert Campaign between the British and Rommel in WWII, noted for being remarkably humane.
  6. So far as the Vajra are considered (i.e. some considering them 'victims') I'll quote Ender's Game: "Don't apoligize for them Ender." The Vajra may have been provoked, but it wasn't the Frontier and her fleet. They have every right to defend their ten MILLION civilians on board with every weapon in their arsenal. With there be peace by the end? Sure, but that doesn't mean fighting the Bugs is wrong.
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