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Everything posted by raptormesh

  1. Where did you find such an expensive non-F/SP VF-1J? Nice pics guys, personally wishing that this will do very well so we'll have a chance at other valks.
  2. Love the detail and the panels. Very nice indeed.
  3. That means you'll need to keep at least two parts in hand for transformation unless you couldn't care less about the gun. I tend to either lost these sort of parts or stash them somewhere and wouldn't bother with them.
  4. The guns are usually synced with the props in real warbirds, nothing too unusual about that. I like how Terradive's "B mode" has a mini heatshield. Shame the jet exhaust gets transformed to facing up. Definitely getting Tomahawk and Terradive and giving them pseudo-macrossverse prototype valk designation in my head, like what i did with ROTF Thrust. Highbrow ain't doing it for me either.
  5. Looks pretty dynamic in Battroid mode. Is it floppy though, or will all the joints hold especially when you invert it.
  6. It's in the Mac7 Dynamite OVA.
  7. HLJ is holding yet another Paypal shipping sale - 70% off any shipping between 10am JST 22nd and 6pm JST 24th June. Doesn't mention any caveats about limited stock like the previous one. Could be a good opportunity if you missed the last.
  8. Good looking bird there. Really gives a fresh perspective on the ol' nineteen.
  9. Nice interpretation. I love what you did with the winglets but the canard looks weird, like two boomerangs. The tail markings are awesome!
  10. Amazing detail, absolutely loved your how-to pics. This made my day and then some.
  11. Passing on this as well, just waiting for the YF-21/22, VF-2SS or the VF-171. Not holding my breath though.
  12. Yup but that only needs to be done once, IIRC. I have the paypal billing agreement set to default so now I don't need to do anything in regards to payment at the order page.
  13. Ditto, would love to have a single engine valk. Could be a light fighter counterpart to the VF-19 In fact I bought an ROTF deluxe Thrust figure to customize for this purpose.
  14. Boyarque - Yep I bought my 22S from them, great and fast service. Grats on your new valk! Chronocidal - That's horrible, hopefully they will agree to give you free shipping or rescind the order.
  15. Great review, definitely going to get all four 22/21s if possible. I still prefer my Gamlin though, for the colors. I'll put up some pics once my new camera arrives.
  16. The HLJ free shipping promo has ended - "Due to incredible demand, our allotted stock has sold out much quicker than expected, and the campaigned ended at 6pm JST June 9" Looks like my guess was roughly on the money?
  17. I've checked that out and it seems that this offer is valid for any purchase, according to their promo page. If anybody finds out otherwise please correct me though. Scored me a box of 1/144 Chara-Works vol 2 and some kits on sale. Edit: I just got invoiced, sans any delivery charges. Perhaps HLJ are treating the free shipment itself as "allocated stock", doesn't make much sense but I could not find any special list of items that qualifies for the promo, unlike the last run which was pretty upfront.
  18. I'd buy another in an instant the moment Yamato releases one in low-vis with a bubble canopy ala Raptor.
  19. Would be great if it has removable panels to show the internal frame and workings just like in the video. Otherwise not worth the money unless you really want a piece of Macross history.
  20. That's amazing! Really wish Yamato would release an upgraded 1/60 in that scheme I'd be on that like white on rice.
  21. I'm probably one of the more selective collectors here with only 3 1/60 valks - VF-0A, SV-51 and VF-22S but i've had no grief even though my 0A's shoulder's cracked AND one of the two stubs holding the swing bar broke off mid-transformation(ouch). I mean, what other possessions do you own that could beckon a smile and a sigh of contentment when you gaze on them(cars, yachts, bikes and women notwithstanding)? My only remorse, and not a big one at that is the VF100 VF-25S. The only use for it now is as a broken up fodder for a possibly future Hi-Metal VF-171
  22. Nothing to see here, move along. Sorry, mods.
  23. Bravo! Amazing work.
  24. Apples and oranges really. My TF toys (MP OP, ROTF Leader OP, HA, Binaltech) were all confined to a bin while my yammies are permanently on display. Don't get me wrong, the TFs were fun to play with but in terms of engineering i believe the word "kibble" is synonymous with TF. The main design difference between macross and TF toys is that while TFs only need to get from one form to another, Valks need to do it while still preserving the utility and pseudo-realism of its parts, ie cockpits doesn't collapse or split apart. This need to rationalize the transformation means additional parameters in the design, which in turn may require more creative solutions than developing plastic origami. However this design requirement is only a reflection of their respective mythologies, which brings me back to the first sentence in this paragraph. Edit: Oops for getting OT.
  25. Really enjoyed Planetes as well, in fact it's my all time fave after Macross. I just loved the hard science, and the sombre tone of the drama.
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