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Everything posted by raptormesh

  1. I have both a 1/100 25 and 29 and i'd say they share maybe 30% of the mold, the legs and the nosecone perhaps.
  2. I've got a first edition 1/60 and it's locked tight in fighter mode. I could flip it around it without pieces moving. Always thought it's only loose in gerwalk, and to some extent battroid mode? I'd say if you're a big fan of the YF-19 go for the renewal edition, ver 3 won't be out in a long time. Again, Yamato will need to remold most parts of the toy to get from the Kai to the YF.
  3. Thanks pipedream, that battroid mode is looking better and better every picture.
  4. Those elbow guns are double sided lasers, that's why they are so compact.
  5. I'd get two Gamlin Ds myself, and that's it. Feel very little motivation to buy a Milia mecha without her Max counterpart .
  6. When you want mobility and bear more guns on target?
  7. The Nightmares are spec-ops fighters anyway, they aren't exactly the usual grunt mecha. I like it because it was designed to hurt, and not primarily to win air shows.
  8. Thanks David, that's a pretty bird.
  9. Err yes, consider that I only started buying TFs with ROTF ! I'm a casual collector and just buy molds I take a fancy to.
  10. Apollo-Norm. Thanks for bringing up this anime, it's amazing and really tickled my love for all things naval.
  11. Bought Skyhammer recently, probably my favourite TF so far. Transformation is interesting and the battroid robot mode is amazing,
  12. That looks good, are the missiles speaker pods as well?
  13. Exactly, it's a matter of personal taste. Until someone decides to fund all my valk purchases I don't see what's the problem with having a preference.
  14. I beg to differ. Also what's wrong with wanting them to look like real airplanes? Is there a hard rule somewhere on how to enjoy Macross valks?
  15. ROFL...wait, did you mean what I think you're insinuating?
  16. Yeah enough with the fanfic, it's getting pretty out of topic.
  17. It's a bit harder to justify spending on them as they're relatively less sexy. I only bought them(albeit at half price) because I love battletech and they're the best representation out there for battlemechs.
  18. That's good to know, thanks. Won't be holding my breath though.
  19. This would be my guess as well. Bundling in super parts may just cause the price to hit 25k yen MSRP.
  20. Clearly he's referring to a Gordian Knot.
  21. Pilot floating valks, no hands, no landing gear. Seems like you're into a different universe altogether. Not sure if serious or trolling since we're discussing the -17 in Macross not some fantastical super robot show.
  22. Prefer the P over the S/F actually, I just need to replace the pilot . Goes well with Gamlin's 22 for a Dynamite scene though.
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