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Everything posted by raptormesh

  1. Will get one, likely two if they release it in low viz.
  2. Ditto. I'll buy low vis everything. *Cough*VF-22*lozenges*
  3. Since I got it(pre-ordered), it's been in battroid half the time, and fighter the other. Roughly half a dozen full cycle transformations now. When I posed it in Battroid mode I didn't use any stands though.
  4. I've only had the shoulder popped off once, and after that i managed to transform it somehow without that happening again. Also don't have any joint issues so I love mine.
  5. I'm going for 2xVF-17D so it's gonna be a long wait and lot of envious browsing .
  6. Mine is still tight as ever, after all this time in battroid mode. Transformed it a few cycles too.
  7. Thank goodness for that.
  8. Yeah, it's a bit of a downer. The only thing I value in being a gold member is the ability to create missions in the Foundry. The limit on chat and forums will be lifted after 20 hours of play or you having purchased anything at all from the c-store. Probably going silver and then buying what I want piecemeal.
  9. Yeah Mike the episodes in STO, especially the featured and remastered ones are quite well done and can convey the feeling that you're in an episode of trek. Hope they would make more of those when the game goes f2p. In fact fleet missions are a blast if you're in an organized fleet and the borg invasion event that's been happening now is quite fun with a red alert channel up and players making distress calls in various sectors.
  10. Picked up STO three months ago for a few pennies, and now it's gotten me wondering if I should get a lifetime sub. I just can't get enough of looking at my ship...oh so pretty. Glad it's going F2P though, wondering what'll gold subbers get compared to the free accounts. I'm a 6 year old WoW vet, never missed a month but finally stopped for good March this year. IMO blizzard tossed any semblance of lore out the window and now the boss encounters drives the narrative and have been post Ulduar.
  11. Yeah I initially only wanted to display em in Battroid mode but kinda like this new fighter config so it stays that way.
  12. So anyone else preferring this configuration? It's how I display my Durandal.
  13. Excited about this, hoping the fins are removable as well. Gotta be cautious with spending now.
  14. Ah right, I might skip the S then and wait for the D.
  15. Absolutely awesome. I prefer the D meself.
  16. I get the same feeling, because when I look at them on my desk, one could pass as quasi-models and the other could not.
  17. Probably stock from the people who preordered but did not pay in time. I'm sure Bandai will make another run, the molds are pretty extensive with the number of parts on this toy.
  18. Wow that's a substantial amount of chipping, perhaps you can assume it's part of the weathering?
  19. If Amiami's selling them they should be similarly discounted as well.
  20. Yeah it locks, and the the joints on mine are in fact a teensy too tight.
  21. Mine just arrived, gleeee. Edit, just a few notes: Like - The tampo prints. - Fairly solid construction, no QC issues off the box. - The many gimmicks, very good play value. - Quite posable. Dislike - No qualms really. However, it doesn't hide the fact that it's a toy first and foremost - a perfect variable chogokin. Hence, I don't quite get that feeling of awe when I open up Yamato valks for the first time. It may be the gloss. Let me put it this way, with Yammies I usually stare and display them for at least a week before I transform them first to gerwalk and then battroid. With this, I immediately started transforming it to battroid mode and started playing/posing. - Oh, the rubber head lasers. It's definitely worth the money as it just screams a high end well designed toy. However, despite it being double the cost of my sturmvogels I would still grab my 22s in a hypothetical "house on fire, can only grab one valk" scenario.
  22. Kay. Edit: Original pic taken from Macross Mecha Manual.
  23. Nah they're attachment sockets for detachable landing gear when you wish to pose your valk on all fours in Battroid mode.
  24. Yeah, perhaps they may have to put a bit more diecast into the legs to balance it, which will stress the joints even more. I don't know it just looks to have a lot more volume than either VF-22 or VF-19.
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