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Everything posted by raptormesh

  1. I wouldn't fault Gamlin for wanting to make super fighter pilot babies. Also, when is that D coming....aaaaaaa can't wait.
  2. /Watches with envy. Glad they are going to deserving homes. Too bad I spent my budget on board games this holiday season. Will wait for pics!
  3. Yup there are contested planets like Alderaan. If you roll in a pvp server, it's pretty much what you described.
  4. Indeed, in the current beta build the Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior class is currently the weakest. They will be doing another pass sometime soon, hopefully before launch. Troopers/Bounty Hunters and Seers/Sorcerors are dominating high level play at the moment.
  5. I don't think it's going to escape comparisons to WoW, but underneath that veneer it's a different animal altogether. I've been in beta for a few months now, and the starting area is probably as close as it gets to WoW. So I'll probably put a few points in here: 1) You can solo the entire game up to level cap. Obviously you will not be able to do flashpoints but it is possible to do heroic quests with a companion. This is confirmed. 2) In higher levels the areas to explore is vast. There are 17 major planets(and hundreds of small asteroids/bases), and a typical mid level planet like Hoth is as big as seven WoW regions. That's about half a continent in WoW. 3) There is no autoattack, and no auto facing in pvp. This becomes really apparent at higher levels. 4) Whereas in WoW you can easily just spam accept quests and not care about why you're doing stuff, in SWTOR you're encouraged to immerse youself, with the voice acting and the multiple choices that you have. 5) There are romance tracks with your companions, along with an updated gifting system as seen in Dragon Age. 6) Companions are used to assist in crew skills(professions). Aside from being the obvious sidekick, they can be assigned to missions independently and also to quick sell all the greys in your inventory. It's very much easy to say it's WoW wrapped in Star Wars but that's like saying WoW is Everquest wrapped in cartoony Warhammer. They are theme park MMOs with similar resource and combat management. Not saying it's wrong, but that's a lazy way to put things. For those of you who loved KOTOR this is basically KOTOR 3 -6 with optional co-op modes. If your experience is limited to just the low level beta weekend areas I won't blame you, but there is a lot more to do further on.
  6. A shame you didn't like it, though I am curious about one thing - why did you make the purchase if you hated the design? You must have seen the preview pictures. Also I never had that shoulder issue and I've transformed mine about six times now, so earlier I tried to replicate that issue and found out that yeah it is rather easy to pop them out but I had to do it intentionally. Don't get me wrong, I like the bird, but i'd agree that it's not worth that much money. I also thought it kicked ass in the movie which is why I bought it.
  7. Yes please, now that's worth the money.
  8. Indeed, great game and the beta exceeded all my expectations. I'm a six year old WoW vet, along with various other meddlings into DDO, STO, Eve etc, so take that what you will. Edit: I'm in the general beta test, so my experience isn't limited to the recent beta test weekend. If you have any questions about the game I'm sure me and other some beta testers here will try to help.
  9. Is it bad if the first thing I looked for is a toilet paper roll in that picture?
  10. Agree, also thought Gamlin's the hero. To me Basara was just the ever present iPod without a bloody off button. With the volume stuck on max.
  11. This may have to do with the fact that I watched Macross II before actually watching SDFM to completion, but it has my favorite macross songs. Also Ishtar made quite an impression to someone undergoing puberty at that time.
  12. My Sturmvogels no contest. If I have to choose one, it'll be Gamlin's ride.
  13. Would get one, and it'll be my first VF-1 yammie .
  14. Actually it reminds of the mecha from full metal panic, kinda like it. Still not sure if i'll get one though especially if it's a web exclusive.
  15. Darnit those are great pics. I find this bird sexier than the VF-19, but will have to hold off for the D.
  16. Eh I'm not here to convince people to like what I like, different strokes for different folks. Also I was playing it in the late 90s so it was a long ways from when you played it.
  17. First of all, I admire your passion to post such a lengthy discussion over the subject. I read all your points and they are good ones. Secondly I never said that btech > macross/hippejapbots. I love both in equal measure, and i actually like the dancing in the skies part about macross. That said however, I have learnt that it is rather futile to discuss the vestiges or the integrity of a fictional IP over the internet at least for me. I liked scopedog for what it is, macross for what it is, and dozens of any other fictional IP for what they are. If I wanted realism I would go back to my work. What mattered to me was that I had a lot of fun playing the tabletop and card game(oh the horror?) with my mates and those personal memories will never change. I also had a lot of fun with the pc games and books so far. I'd like to think that was the intended purpose of the IP. I guess I am guilty of "just the feel of it" thing that you mentioned but I guess we have different priorities and opinions which is fine but I will continue to support this IP and remain ecstatically optimistic about it.
  18. Eh i never imagined it matching Ronald's colors whenever that was mentioned, just that it matches the McDonalds logo...plus that face.
  19. Funny, the battletech verse has a lot of appeal to me. I don't think the machines in mechwarrior are in anyway synonymous with beauty that's for sure. It's gritty, no nonsense squad based mech warfare. No dancing in the skies this one. I guess people who aren't exposed to the tabletop game and the books won't be able to see it, your loss .
  20. I personally thought that they're pretty decent. Even if Mechwarrior Online turns out to be something like World of Tanks(i.e. no single player and only matches) I'd be pretty darn stoked.
  21. Being a long time btech fan, I kinda like the new designs. You can book your pilot's name at their website as well.
  22. I think it looks better than the VF-19, notably in Fighter mode. Still won't be able to afford it however. $200 is my absolute ceiling for valks.
  23. Looks really good, thanks Graham. Will wait for a sale still but won't hold my breathe.
  24. Your new avatar, it haunts me.
  25. Also over my budget I'm afraid. At this rate I'll probably not pick up the D at release. Ah well, and it looks like a lot of fun too.
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