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Everything posted by raptormesh

  1. The discounted order is only for Japan residents, no?
  2. Yeah bought a few birds from them, no problems so far. Good sale.
  3. Wait, hold on sorry I guess I forgot to adhere to my government approved locked in expectations of realism across all mediums and genres of entertainment.
  4. I don't think sense is abrams' strong point anyway. Should have just went for a Fallout series, instead of ermagawd sekret plot vehicle..
  5. Awesome music(credit to 2 steps from hell), can't get over the silly premise. I'll bet he's going to use some supernatural farce to tie explain everything.
  6. That's a horrendous business practice, imagine that happening with cars or any other purchases.
  7. Probably want to see how far they can push the scalping price.
  8. Apparently Curiosity caught the impact of its lander: Curiosity: Well damn, bastards told me this is a two way trip...
  9. Here's a snap/composite: It's interesting to note as well that its CPU is less than half as powerful as the one in your iPhone. Got to admit, there are many areas on Earth that would look more alien than this.
  10. Lovely custom, that. Are the speaker pods removable?
  11. And they hardly feel like the real thing...
  12. Picked her up a few days ago, and she's now my favourite(official pic): A slightly amusing note: while the figure is almost entirely PVC/ABS, her chest area is made of a squishy foam/plastic material:
  13. Thanks guys, will do that. Funny that i'm contemplating spending more than $150 on a non transforming jet but I'd really love to have a good representation of the Turkey . Edit: Decided to forgo the pre-order and grabbed a VF-84 F-14A 1991 from an Australian online vendor instead. It's from a couple of years ago though so hopefully it's alright.
  14. They are not specifically looking for water this time, the mission objective is a little more elaborate than that. They want to detect present or past signs of organic compounds, among other things. By the way was anybody else entertained by the "self-tweets" made by Curiosity?
  15. Does anyone here collect Century Wings 1/72 F-14? I'm thinking of getting the pre-order but am not familiar with the diecast game. Any reasons I should hold off?
  16. Adding to what EXO has said, this rover is the biggest and the most sophisticated one we've landed on Mars and the main objective is to search for any organic compounds or evidence of organic compounds in the Gale crater, which has been said to have contained water. Space exploration isn't something like in a video game where we visit a place, get an achievement and aim for the next rock. It's insanely complicated and what we've learned and will learn from this mission will be vastly useful in planning for the next. The descent technique for example has never been done(heatshield + high speed parachute + sky crane) and the telemetry date we receive would help us simulate landings on other planets or moons more accurately. In my own opinion this accomplishment is amazing enough given this political and economical climate.
  17. Here's a cheap VF-19 Kai if anybody is still hunting for it. Note the "battroid" image, now that's a new configuration I've yet to see.
  18. I actually like that new head, but without the lasers. Still on the fence about this one, might only buy if I ever have the time to custom it.
  19. Thanks Renato, so many doubted this program so it was brilliant they did it.
  20. I know this is neither anime nor science fiction(OMG!) but NASA's Mars rover Curiosity just successfully touched down and have begun feeding back images. Click here to follow the broadcast. Some info on the probe and descent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Ki_Af_o9Q9s After such a long hiatus we're finally back on Mars! F*** YEAH!! I apologize for not posting earlier so you could follow the descent, it was beautiful.
  21. Love that Max-22S, may I ask what stand is the valk on?
  22. Damn straight, thanks for the pic.
  23. That's actually from a retail shop in Japan, not HK.
  24. I beg to differ but I digress.
  25. IMO the YF-21's line art required more magic, especially with the proportions. Yamato managed to make a decent toy conversion so I'm not surprised they did well on the -4 as well.
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