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Everything posted by raptormesh

  1. Says sold for: $789. The seller may have relisted another copy. If it's sold wouldn't ebay claim some fees if the seller wants to be dodgy?
  2. Felt a bit under the weather yesterday so instead of reaching for some pills I bought this. Felt much better afterwards . Glad that NY got so many in stock though, doesn't seem to be selling out.
  3. 1) Wail like a baby on an internet forum for help due to probable illiteracy. 2) Accuse others of being virgins and cuss without panache. On an internet forum. I thought things like you died out sometime ago...thanks for the entertainment. Now please crawl back to myspace to make duckfaces.
  4. Arcadia's website is filled with dolls, but no mention of anything macross yet.
  5. This? Been on pre-order for some time now.
  6. I didn't buy because I was waiting for a TV version and now...now...(runs away in tears)
  7. The Reader...yes my wife owed me one for that as well. I started creating my own story plots after the first 10 minutes. Used my favor for Top Gun 3D though. I feel for you.
  8. I'm actually growing to like it. It's now a "VFA-10 Griffon", an assault valk made by a splinter colony. I mean it does have a slight aesthetic similarity to the Alpha fighter.
  9. I didn't find it to be heavy or confusing as I watched the series just annoying. I really can't stand morons like shinji.
  10. Enjoy the pics, and wait for the next release.
  11. The nosecone doesn't fit well, and the shoulders don't tab properly in bot mode.
  12. So...I couldn't help thinking about this while watching. Shinji = Alto Rei = Ranka Asuka = Sheryl+Ozma Mari = Micheal Misato = Gloval Kaworu = Brera Goto = Grace That dude's sister = Luca SEELE = Macross Galaxy Angels = Vajra Walkman = crystal earring thingies.
  13. This is a bit ironic but I sort of panic purchased a Hi-Metal VF-1J Max Jenius from Mandarake. Does anybody have this unit or other variants?
  14. I actually kinda cared for Shinji in 2.22. This movie just makes me wish someone would just bury him alive and be done with it.
  15. To remind the techs which type of plane they're working on, obviously.
  16. Yet I've transformed my model quality VF-19 more times in a week than I have my -29 the two years I've got it. I even enjoyed it, . Again, I don't really blame scalpers, NY or even Bandai. NY do provide a service and they should get paid for it. I just want more choices, because variety and competition is good if it's feasible.
  17. I know very well about the markings and I don't abhor them, what I'm contending is the type of aircraft being stencilled on the plane that's in service.
  18. Because military planes usually paint their plane type in huge markings on their fuselage. Different strokes for different folks. I for one, can't get enough stroking my yammies.
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