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Everything posted by raptormesh

  1. Agree with what you said Myk. If you're a fan of Benedict Cumberbatch you can check out his sherlock holmes BBC series with the hobbit actor, whose name escapes me at the moment.
  2. Reminds me of stick insects. Nevertheless, that's an awesome display Loop. Lots of firepower.
  3. That VF-25G looks positively scrawny next to your VF-171s...
  4. While the Global Hawk Block 30 program died, the Navy's Triton just completed its first flight. Amazing that these things have a longer wingspan than a 737.
  5. It has a serviceable jet mode. The kibble is quite minimal and there aren't odd bits sticking out. The bot mode is a bit...strange.
  6. David's got some very salient points but the ROTF Thrust/breakaway was decently done imo and is based on the F-35 which is what Chrono is alluding to I believe.
  7. Haha VF-1J LSD. I'm hoping they'll be showing off another prototype in Wonfes, even if it's another VF-1 variant but I doubt it.
  8. They don't sleep, they keep watch sir.
  9. Schadenfreude much?
  10. I'd admit you have a point and my remark was off-base, but in the end it's still quite a bit higher than MSRP for previous VF-1 releases(the 30th anni /w option parts).
  11. For that price I could get another VF-19S plus change. Actually fast packs would be a good idea and make the purchase more palatable.
  12. Well they did say 1 to 2 valks per year and looking at their new price point perhaps they are still testing the waters to see if the business plan makes sense. I'm willing to bet they are still focusing much of their energy on the figures though. Going to have to pass on this one I'm afraid. It'll still sell well I hope, as the fandom's pretty keen on any new valk at the moment.
  13. Does it mention anywhere that it's a limited run though?
  14. Ouch that's rather pricey. What with the AUD coming down I might not get this. Would like to support Arcadia but paying 200 bucks for a theme I don't really fancy is a bit too much.
  15. That's what I used to say, then I took a valk to the knee. On topic, one of my 171 had a rather tough hand to extract. The move where you push in the elbow did not extend the wrist even a little, that was a bit hairy.
  16. Agreed, I think Mandarake is better yardstick.
  17. Yes, but it really depends on where you sit. Try to aim for middle sits about 2/3thirds of the way up from the screen.
  18. Bought one too many have they now. Yes will be interesting to see how the next few releases do.
  19. Wanted to check out STO again, looked at the patching issues, installed and played Bridge Commander. Holy crap now that's immersive, even with graphics from 10 years ago. The voice acting is marvellous.
  20. HCI and UX is my field at the moment and I'm currently teaching postgrad students at the uni on these subjects(usability engineering and user interface design). You won't believe how much crap we UX engineers give metro...particularly love the fact that windows returned the start button in 8.1 and it connects to the....metro interface. Genius trolling.
  21. 10-15% on top of HLJ's price isn't bad at all. Shipping itself maybe more than that.
  22. You mean this? No harm. Is your proxy more expensive than getting it from HLJ +shipping+customs?
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