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Everything posted by raptormesh

  1. And promptly gets blown up by a missile with higher kinetic energy with a proximity fuse.
  2. Just got mine, really surprised by how long's the ventral EW fin. Think it would like better with super packs but that's many months to come argh.
  3. I wish all of frontier's gunpods are in the color. What's with the bloody purple.
  4. Were you referring to the RVF?
  5. Mine just arrived in the city, quite excited about it to be honest. Brb, gonna put a shrimp on the barbie(Protip: that's what aussies do when they're excited and there isn't any roos nearby to box).
  6. Maybe this time the aliens will turn humans into zombies, to capitalize on that zombie craze we have now. You can turn them back if you stick an iphone into their buttcrack. 505th: Kirin sucks, L2Japanesebeer. Try Yebisu or Suntory premium malts, and I'm not even getting into the craft beers.
  7. Well done charger, guess ill leave my weathered v2 19 in fighter mode as the gullet doesn't really bother me.
  8. This is so bought. Think it matches the existing YF-21 rather well, my VF-19S did.
  9. Quite enjoyed the preview - thanks for posting that. Looking forward to the rest.
  10. I'm this >____< close to buying a flight ticket just to visit the museum...
  11. Actually hoping they pay zero some attention first. They are really due for a renewal.
  12. Thank goodness else I thought the Excalibur has a third mouse mode.
  13. I'm so in love with the 21's high speed mode.
  14. I never had a 1/48 VF-1, were the flaps really that bad? I think they add to the display options.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=JrQ0qMRZ_1Q I needs it. Ah imagine just coasting the galaxy in one of these..
  16. Yes flaps as well please. If they could do on 1/72 real world fighter models why not on a 1/60.
  17. What's surprising about this? Isn't this pretty much the norm for bandai valks?
  18. Please do not sully Max's name by comparing him to Michel.
  19. Still like A best, then E perhaps.
  20. I would rather they take on new designs rather than revisit the 21/11 as they are pretty decent now. Don't get me wrong i would be more than happy to pick up a few but they don't have infinite resources ya know.
  21. Heh my RVF-25 won't be piloted by that lil kiddo in my universe. Gonna see if i can't change the squadron as well. Hmm I might source some EA-18G decals.
  22. Yup same, getting it shipped with the stuff I have in my warehouse. Just in time too!
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