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Posts posted by whispo

  1. Hey whispo, Still loving my avatar, the great thing about mine is it'll be current thru the remainder of MF ^^

    Just curious if M+ requests r doable?

    They are, as long as you don't mind verry small subs in them subtitles, since I dont have the raws : /. This ofcourse depends on the scene :p

    And yes your avatar allowes you to be up to date till the verry end :p (and cmon even if something better came up, who wouldn't want an avatar of Sheryl grabbing her breast)

  2. Did you get the video clip from ep.1 I sent you Whispo? Or is it not working?

    Also, I have figured out what to do since I often see the episodes after most people (especially in the next weeks I will). I call dibs on when the Battle Frontier first transforms and when it first fires the Macross cannon in Battle mode. You all know we are going to see them at some point, though it may not be until the last episode, but I still call them!

    Ooooh Evil person you just stole my thunder!!! Let's make a deal, I get the Transforming Battle Frontier, you get the cannon. Somehow I guess those two won't properly be in one scene :) (or we can change who gets what when it happens)

    And too bad ... the scene from episode one doesn't work in virtualdub :(, though im converting a mwv version now :)

  3. @ Timmystyle, yours will have to wait a little longer since episode 1 is giving me trouble : /

    RF-26AAC/Dreamweaver: http://img67.imageshack.us/my.php?image=slapdu8.gif

    Sucker4Meltrans: http://img353.imageshack.us/my.php?image=runklanrunss1.gif

    The Songstress Fairy: http://img141.imageshack.us/my.php?image=teargr0.gif

    Heron: http://img370.imageshack.us/my.php?image=michelqo3.gif

    Mr. March: http://files.filefront.com/Special+Deliver...;/fileinfo.html

    ... Boy am I glad you all wanted different avatars ^^

  4. No problem. I think the "Mikhail scene" is the big one we want. But the poor "severed in half soldier" falling from the roof top and the "Sheryl vs. Ranka slap" are good ones to obtain too. Any chance I could also get them in large size? :)

    I'll give you all three in the 600 with size, you also want the destroids?

  5. I think MisaForsaken has automatic dibs on that scene...

    Misa hasn't asked yet so that one goes to Sucker4 ;).

    Sorry guys, the internet was "out of commission" so I haven't had time to post any gifs, expect updates in 40 minutes

  6. Not to dwell on the entire Michel thingie, but the way he says "Aishite" at the end is so nicely voiced ... It has a a bit of fear in his voice and regret ... it perfectly fits the moment ... I've never heared such nicely spoken last words in an anime before, kudos to his seiyū. Heck even Alto screaming his name sounded realistic, mostly those things sound so forced.

  7. Oh Yang Newman infected the Cylons with a virus as they tried to hack a Macross under Komilia's command.

    Making the Hybrid sing Sheryl Nome in Diamond Crevasse.

    They were like these guys are monotheist? Well except Cavil of course.

    Yang is not a Fire Bomber fan.

    Isamu Dyson, Moaramia Jenius and Aegis Focker massacres Cylon raiders enmassed in YF-24, VF-27 and VF-25 respectively.

    Hey I was being merciful not including Max and Millia.

    Isamu in an YF-24 :o!!! Mawr

    It was ineffective to pacify the vajra since it was dependent on Ranka's emotional state. Ranka seeing Sheryl in Alto's arms really demoralized her.

    Alas we now see the first named casualties in the series. Michel now joins his fellow dead anime snipers Lockon Stratoss and Kreuz Webber. Truly the fate of a sniper is cursed and tragic. :(

    ....But the sniper from GITS lived !!

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