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Everything posted by whispo

  1. Ofcouse they do, who do you think is causing all those beautifull explosions in the background, getting blown up? These squads are there to present us viewers with graphical effects and the occasional mecha pr0n.
  2. Saving that picture for future episodes, just incase Ozma is close to dying, so I force him to survive using this deadly ... I mean Lively combo
  3. That template is sooooooo usefull ^^
  4. !!! Carefull or the forum ninja's will kill you for bringing it up again
  5. They are, as long as you don't mind verry small subs in them subtitles, since I dont have the raws : /. This ofcourse depends on the scene And yes your avatar allowes you to be up to date till the verry end (and cmon even if something better came up, who wouldn't want an avatar of Sheryl grabbing her breast)
  6. Aaargh I had my hopes up alittle bit for english subs. I would have had it shipped to the Netherlands if it had the subs . How much did it cost btw ?
  7. No problem mate, glad you like it
  8. Mach have you been able to bully... I mean "kindly request" someone to buy/upload the M0 dvd's ?
  9. : No problem mate when is that damned section comming out on the mecha manual ?
  10. Ooooh Evil person you just stole my thunder!!! Let's make a deal, I get the Transforming Battle Frontier, you get the cannon. Somehow I guess those two won't properly be in one scene (or we can change who gets what when it happens) And too bad ... the scene from episode one doesn't work in virtualdub , though im converting a mwv version now
  11. RichterX your avatar scares me ..... Klan will wear Meltradi-berserker awsomeness aura ... she doesn't need clothes
  12. No no no Isamu, sheryl is makes that gesture to tell us Ranka is the Loser and Ranka makes that gesture because she's next to the winner
  13. It's schedueled for around 28 episodes I think. And it seems pretty popular in Japan .. atleast thats what the sales show us
  14. You are forgiven Misa, it was a beautifull scene. Michel deserves some "man tears", he was that Awsome!
  15. @ Timmystyle, yours will have to wait a little longer since episode 1 is giving me trouble : / RF-26AAC/Dreamweaver: http://img67.imageshack.us/my.php?image=slapdu8.gif Sucker4Meltrans: http://img353.imageshack.us/my.php?image=runklanrunss1.gif The Songstress Fairy: http://img141.imageshack.us/my.php?image=teargr0.gif Heron: http://img370.imageshack.us/my.php?image=michelqo3.gif Mr. March: http://files.filefront.com/Special+Deliver...;/fileinfo.html ... Boy am I glad you all wanted different avatars ^^
  16. Sorry Misa , still your current one is also verry cute . next Ep You get the dips on your request, deal ?
  17. I'll give you all three in the 600 with size, you also want the destroids?
  18. Misa hasn't asked yet so that one goes to Sucker4 . Sorry guys, the internet was "out of commission" so I haven't had time to post any gifs, expect updates in 40 minutes
  19. What about the beach scene of Macross Zero ?
  20. sorry people, you'll have to wait till a non wmv raw is out : /
  21. Once more we'll be using your awsomeness Tsuchiro. .... or WAIT!!! OMG A SEED!
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