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Everything posted by whispo

  1. noes Keith, don't spoil the good links ^^ now the connection will slow down
  2. Try reading the thread there's like 5 other ways of streaming it (try the link, koenig_monster posted)
  3. Haha that line fits the scene so damn well ^^
  4. the deal still stands
  5. I think the chamber works more like this: It get's drawn by an artist first. Then someone draws in the micronized character. then frame by frame draws them again and again, making them less visable then the first frame, while steadily drawing a macronized version of the person in the chamber, until you can't see the micronised person anymore, but only the macronized one. ..... What do you guys think ? *sorry couldn't resist* Still, don't expect anything like this to have even been concidered by the writers. They make it as long or as short as they need for that particular scene.
  6. While I'm a huge Sheryl fan, I do put my money on her dying. She's the type of girl who would sing her song till the end (in a beautifull duet with Ranka) then smile once and just die there on the spot (you know, falling over in slow motion eyes closed, with a tear running down her cheek). Though I'm hoping for a happy SherylxAlto ending (sorry to all the Ranka fans ). Ooh and if Klan doesn't buy the farm in the next few episodes then this serie will really surprise me....... again
  7. concider it noted, though I can't promise the file size will be ok (and let's face it ..... she's gona bite the dust )
  8. Listen guys, I'll continue making gifs, even for avatar size/use. BUT, the requested scene can't be any longer then 4 secconds, otherwise I can't keep it under the 200 KB size. So ask away all my raws are gone though so no requests except 21+ , or other macross series
  9. http://img222.imageshack.us/my.php?image=misaxhikaru2zr7.gif, here ya go mate and she's under 200kb so she's legal
  10. Hmm Alto and Sheryl time , that's more like it. Somehow I for see a grim future for Sheryl, somehow I keep thinking she won't survive in the end. She's the type of character who'd sing a duet with Ranka then die smiling right afterwards (because of the V-type infection). Still I'm hoping for a Happy SherylxAlto ending btw, ain't Northern Cross one hell of an awsome song
  11. Hmm don't really like that, but oh well they're free for the public. Could you link me some of those sites ?
  12. Wich one mate ? What ?
  13. The fold quartz maybe, but the earings specificly haven't played THAT big a role. Still it's a nice touch
  14. Hehe thats the prog I used to create the gifs , problem is most of them are 800 kb or bigger, wich is 4-5 times the allowed amount. If you cut out to many frames the scenes will be messed up big time.
  15. Little queen...... little queen!!! Hear us!
  16. Mine is back to good 'ol Master Chief ... he beats the hell out of any Valk . anyway seeing that they edited back in the earings, does this mean that earing is gonna play a big part in the future?
  17. Zomg, that adds some new info to the soup So question 1: How did the Mayan people get the fold quartz (or How did the Vajra get the Mayan stones , are they connected to the Bird Human?) question 2: Who gave them to Sheryl? Mao herself?
  18. It's a shame .... I always found it verry cool when the entire thread had moving scenes from MF ^^
  19. It's only 133 kb's so it's fine now
  20. Hey guys, Well what can I say. the show is over. I was afraid something like this might eventually happen (though I didn't know the max file siz limit also aplied to of site pictures), if more and more people would take these gifs it would become taxxing on MWF. Well lets hereby call this all, game over. I'll continue to make gif's for private use (wich usually menas much and much bigger then avatar size). Also, while it aint impossible to downsize the gifs, most of yours are so big it's impossible to downsize them without cutting out half the scene. My own Michel gif would have to lose around 2/3 of its frames for him to fit. Therefore I won't be resizing avatars. If any of you have an avatar I made, thats under 300 kb, you may PM me and I'll try to fix it. Thanks for everything guys.The last few weeks, doing this was really awsomme and I'm sorry to disappoint you that it's now over. -Whispo
  21. Thats the way i normally do it, but I don't cut out too much, just enough to have them work. Still I didn't think the max avatar size also aplied to off site avatars, ges our show is over boys
  22. Don't know about the lyrics, but yes the music is different and even the way she sang it was different. I really liked this version
  23. He's the stunt double for Roy Focker in the Macross 7 version of DYRL. Although this might seem like an influenced decision because ep 20 just aired, I still vote for Michel. This has nothing to do with the fact that his death was so awsome, but more with the fact that he sounded scared/regretfull when dying. Beeing that open for the first time (concerning love) makes Michel more braver then we've ever seen him .... plus it sounds so cool. He proved himself to be a Man while he was really just a frightened kid. So yeah, Michel gets my vote, though Guld comes in on a seccond place, really really close to Michel
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