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Posts posted by whispo

  1. As long as it doesn't go on and on like these new Gaydams nowadays it'll be more enjoyable and keep a high degree of animation quality.

    Yet who has a Shinn Asuka avatar ;)?

    Still this episode showed us the perfect way to tie up all loose ends. Introduce two seperate groups and let each group handle a different plot point, that way we'll get all our information and plot together without some really lame twists.

  2. Sorry to be dragging this out due to the lack of a raw. Was Luca stating this though without any on-screen or spoken evidence that they had pulled any diagnostic tests (brain scans, bloodwork) on Sheryl?

    Sheryl never had a proper blood test in the hospital since everything was switched around. If Sheryl is an engineered human with some Vajra dna (unbeknownst to her) she may be able to either withstand the toxin or her body may find an equilibrium point.

    I know I'm getting very technical here, but I'm still bothered by Grace makign the blood vial switch. It's clear from the last few episodes that she didnt' fully understand "the mysteries behind the Queen" until she had dissected the Vajra, who to me had looked like had something found inside it... if those same items are in ranka and sheryl, then hmmm...

    Well Leon was there with Luca, so I'm kind of guessing he knows this stuff from Grace's information.

  3. The site may have mistakenly placed the pic instead of whats now. We've seen a lot of images with Ozma in his flight suit. It may have been from an older episode for all we know.

    I'm not saying its not possible for Ozma to die but after episode 17 it doesn't seem he'll buy the farm this series.

    That scene was awsome, for a seccond I feared for Ozma's life... wow I think I actually hoped he would've killed Alto there

  4. Alto was badass in his VF, when they were chasing those lobsters

    :), So what did Sheryl say .... and what did Leon/Luca actually say ^^ ?

    AltoxSheryl = win, SMS=win, Grace gets shot = win, Quater goes awol = more win

    Woow Alto vs Ozma and both nearly killed each other O.o

    Grace survived and killed all her assasins, Ranka and Brera find the Vajra homeworld, but Galaxy annonimous sees it aswell, Grace takes out a Vf-27

    Gief mawr please


    Negative (Ranka is a self-centered b*tch. Sheryl will die of Space AIDS)

    Can every entry on V-type virus be changed to that please ^^

  5. So you're not boosting your post count it's just a useless post :rolleyes:

    Actually.... doens't that make you someone who's trying to up his post count? Wait that makes this post the same .. aah crap

    Still I hand't really noticed it S4M, maybe it's just her Zentradi hair keeping it up :)

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