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Everything posted by whispo

  1. VF 171EX Alto custom > VF 25 Alto custom ..... that thing looks so damn hot. (can't read Japanese, is that battle Frontier ? It looks awsome)
  2. Well atleast now we're sure it's gonna be one epic final episode
  3. Yet who has a Shinn Asuka avatar ? Still this episode showed us the perfect way to tie up all loose ends. Introduce two seperate groups and let each group handle a different plot point, that way we'll get all our information and plot together without some really lame twists.
  4. Well March it IS an awsome site , hope you'll put the gif files to good use aswell. Keep up the good work!
  5. Tags mate, tags RAW IS OUT, get it while it's hot
  6. Just a verry quick question for the japanese speaking people:
  7. Gief mawr please P.S. Can every entry on V-type virus be changed to that please ^^
  8. Just on a side note here, remember the WTF-1 discussion? We got surpsied by the way they handled that specific plot part, who knows what they'll come up with in the next four episodes.
  9. Damn, where is Ultra Fire!? That's the best imo, it has both Angel voice and dynamite explosion on one soundtrack
  10. Sorry for the delay people i"ll make the stuff tomorow morning once i'm sober
  11. It wasn't announced, but there was a commercial in episode 20 stating two possible dates for a "final concert".
  12. I honestly don't see how they will end the story in just 4 episodes :S. seriously are they toying with us? Will there be a seccond seaon? Or are they gonna rush the story into ruins :S?
  13. Actually.... doens't that make you someone who's trying to up his post count? Wait that makes this post the same .. aah crap Still I hand't really noticed it S4M, maybe it's just her Zentradi hair keeping it up
  14. Basara is a lie! The guy ain't free, he's a slave of the music!
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