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Everything posted by whispo

  1. Here we go!!! points first: animation: 10, Yes, there were alot of times when the animation was of, but you can say what ever you want, it did kick ass big time al through out the series. The show offered amazing looks and beautifull action. It really kicked others shows asses aswell. Not many series can match this level of quality. voice acting: 9, The voice acting made the characters real imo, the only anoying things were the constant Ranka lines, but lets not talk about those . Singing is part of voice acting aswell, so let's face it. The voice acting was awsome no matter what. this series has some of the best anime music ever. story: 8, Well the story somtimes seemed kind of rushed. It wasn't always clear and at times it felt overly complicated. Also the sudden drive to have all plot points resolved in 4 episodes felt odd. Still it gave us some really cool twists en was verry entertaining in general. editing: 10, The editing was beautifully done. Look back at the deculture version of episode one, when the vf 171's engage the Vajra and Sheryl sings. Now that was something alot of series don't even get close to. The musice and the images flowed into each other so nicely .... respect. Cool thing was that the entire series managed to keep this level of quality till the verry end. characters: 8, The characters are in my oppinion really good. Sure they weren't all verry deep, but some of them were. And atleast we got to get emmotionally attached to them (Remember Michel ?). The love triangle also falls into this catogery. I'd just like to say that I really felt emotional backlash of all events inside the traingle, it made me appreciate the characters even more and it certainly helped me attach to them. So in the end I loved the characters, but they weren't so deep and dynamic that they'd earn higher then an 8 marketing: 9, I dont live in Japan, so this isn't a point I can honestly say much about besides all the stuff I've seen on this forum. However I did notice an insane amount of new people (myself included) joining us to see this series, and watching Japanese tv and reading on these forums made it verry clear that Frontier was everywhere. So yeah, I think it was great Final score: 9 Now for the facts. So half a year ago I read about this cool looking sci-fi anime on random curiosity's blog. I decided to download the early released episode one. As a result i locked myself in my room for 5 hours and kept watching it over and over again. How could a series have such an amazing theme, beautifull animation and such awsome action and songs?! I was hooked. After a long wait Frontier finally began. I waited patiently and came here on these boards looking for spoilers. Well I found this awsome community and got caught up in a universe completely new to me: Macross. I decided to download every single series,ova and movie and all the soundtracks. I watched them all and got even more pumped up, damn what is this universe cool, I thought. So I kept followng Macross Frontier, and loved it all the way. Now after 25 weeks its done. Macross Frontier is in my oppinion the best anime I've ever watched. And I've watched ALOT of anime's. I'm a hufe space/sci fi fan so this series theme fits the bill for me. On top of that the series mixes fast action with beautifull songs/music and it's verry nicely animated aswell. On top of that is also the concept of a valkyrie and the Macross ships in general. I just love transforming things, especially when it's as big as an entire island! Frontier also introduced characters wich were really nice. Like all the fans I got swept up in the love traingle debate and chose my side (Sheryl for those of you who hadn't noticed). The series steadily build up relations between the main characters and the rest of the cast. It wasn't the best character driven story, but I did really like it. The action got more intense, the story got deeper, new villans and allies were introduced and we were constantly beeing trolled into believing something different would happen. This series kept me on edge from start till finnish. God I love Macross Frontier. It felt like a rollercoaster with all the fast pace action and songs, yet the story managed to stay clear instead of getting swept up in the explosions. The last episode felt alittle rushed, but wasn't anoying in doing so. The series ended with a satisfying bang and tied up almost all the lose ends besides the love traingle, wich is the only thing i'm really disappointed about. Hopefully this will get resolved in the upcomming movie, wich I'm dying to see. Frontier kicked my ass in the best way it could. This show rocks and deserves to be called a masterpiece. It's a worthy 25th aniversary of the Macross series and one of the best series in it, if not THE best. I'm a proud fan for sticking with it from the start till the end.......
  2. Looking at your avatar makes me hope it will be concluded.....
  3. Well I concider their love stories to be less intense imo ..... and the characters weren't as interesting .
  4. God the only thing i really hate is that they didnt resolve that love traingle ... half the friggin series is about it and now they chose not to end it, especially after the tease between Alto and Sheryl last episode.
  5. Azzie open the series discussion thread, I need to let of some steam asap !
  6. I was right on the fact that we'd get happy ending and that all three maincharacters would survive!
  7. Let's hope the movie isnt a compact version of the series, but the continuation of the story ... i want my love triangle resolved >(. Alto you dumb fool why couldn't you just rush over to Sheryl and tell her you love her?
  8. First objective review by me: This episode was rushed as hell! All the plot devices that should be resolved were done in 5 minutes , the songs were rushed aswell! The love traingle wasn't resolved and the scenes with macross city and macross 11 were .... well not really that important (should have made some less static shots) ... BUT, the action was so good and the thrill so hard that this episode scores a 10.5/10 (would have been an eleven if they resolved the damn traingle)
  9. I sure hope so , cause this hurts me more then a sucky episode tbh ^^
  10. Aah beautifull ending, one hell of an episode and a worthy conclusion to macorss ....... BUT WHY THE HELL DIDNT THEY RESOLVE THE DAMN TRIANGLE :@
  11. FFS open ended love triangle : / .... now thats lame.
  12. Bilrer wanted to see minmay !!!!!
  13. Justice is such a beautifull thing
  14. SDF MACROSS !!!!!! ahahaha vajra universal domination !!
  15. .... is that tonight will be the last time we'll get to see Sheryl : /
  16. Urgh taking longer then it usually does , sorry college is beeing a pain (and yes i have to go there on saturdays/sundays aswell sometimes). Give me a little more time and once more sorry for all the delays.
  17. It's pirates day in WoW, so why can't it be here aswell? Piracy !!! Yarr!!
  18. Good news guys, I got my new PC !!!! So expect the gifs to be done this afternoon. (will do Richter, now you can't scare the crap out of me anymore with that avatar of yours )
  19. Ok just finished watching ....... OMG!!! That was one awsome episode.
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