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Everything posted by whispo

  1. Or when she dies prematurely and resurect onboard the resurection ship (the megaroad 01)
  2. Cathy: (when she dies in Leon's hands) "You always were an as$hole Leon" (sorrry my dear mods, but it is a movie quote) Sheryl: "This is the express elevator to stage baby, going up!" (not voice wise, but it seems to fit ) Cathy: "You're going there to destroy them, right? Not to study, not to bring back" (right before the quater goes in to the Vajra hyve) Ranka: "Vjara mostly come out at night .... mostly" Leon: "I like your hair" (his voice fits Bishop's)
  3. Maybe that is the answer to the question of life (you know the answer to all things); next week ...
  4. Last week some people said it actually changed to MBS .. let's hope it will do so again. Btw at what time does it air in Japan again? 25:25 ?
  5. mms://waryas.ath.cx/live This was the old link provided. This should be the one
  6. A new round, new chances. Let's see where this is going tonight .... So wich one is the channel again ?
  7. If I remember correctly Joseph Mallozzi once said that he used to watch anime when he was younger and that he like all kinds of series ... also mentioning macross, so yeah it's possible he anmed them after the ships, but dont forget that Deadalus and Prometheus are quite normal names to be concidered for naming a ship (mythology stuff ... ya know)
  8. Drops a fuel-air bomb on top of it (with "reality" written in big letters on it)
  9. in 10 minutes, 25:25
  10. I guess we have been found out !
  11. on IRc right now but like you just said wolf ... I can't find the damn channel either ^^ not apearing O.o??
  12. Is that including a coconut or excluding one? And incase it is including a coconut, how does the swallow hold it? You have to account for the weight of both the coconut and the possible "carrying device" ... and maybe substract some wieght for the seccond swallow carying it ... no ? Ah the science these days ...
  13. I'm going for "VF-25 Harbinger" ..... for no particular reason besides the fact that I think it just sounds cool
  14. Your welcome mate , now if only i had downloaded that damn program 2 hours ago ....
  15. http://animecalendar.net/ This site shows all the anime broadcast times and channels they're on. If you register and login on the site it will even display the times in your local timezone. So with his you can time your live-viewing of macross
  16. Let me go into Überfarfetched-theory mode; Remember Ranka's belly glowing? That light kinda looked like the light from when Alto was stuck in the Vajra battleship and he heared Sheryl/Ranka singing. Perhaps...... What if the Vajra can hear songs from people like Sheryl or Ranka and have been able to for a long time. That might explain why they are after frontier/galaxy and why they constantly react to Ranka's singing. Überfarfetched-theory mode off. Anyway yeah, the crystal seems to allow for communication, since Alto did hear Sheryl/Ranka sing. I too think that the earings are made of the same kind of crystal.
  17. Well it has been said a few times now, but still; OMG, that episode blew me away. What a sheer display of awsomenes!
  18. VF - 25 Chimera VF - 25 Apocalypse VF - 25 Renegade VF - 25 Howler VF - 25 Vanguard VF - 25 Icarus VF - 25 Catalyst VF - 25 Spartan VF - 25 Deculture Would 've liked those, but messiah cuts it
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