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Everything posted by whispo

  1. I heared little aswell, But I can understand why you'd think she said beetle, I'm sure you could compare the Vajra to beetles (heck they do look like a beetle race if you think about it) and the mind easly trasnforms the sounds it processes into that wich suits its pattern .... having said that I realis that the same goes for the people who think it's "Little queen" ^^
  2. As a token of love i've taken the 171 as my avatar, Pinpoint barrier punch!
  3. Who? Raramia?
  4. now I wan't a shot where somebody gets crushed under a collapsing building and his head flies of
  5. I also feel that the Vajra aren't "hostile persé", they seem either influenced into fighting humanity or they are afraid of humanity. (btw I find it funny how alot of people started to link the story with Ender's game after these last few episodes. Frontiers story does feel familiar to that series). I think the "grace/Bilrer" faction is responsible for the manipulation sofar (going back as far as the 117th research fleet) and that the galaxy is also linked to this (liked the theory of galaxy beeing taken hostage by "the faction", but rather expect it to be staged as a whole by the galaxy crew). From Bilrer's point it seems like an awsome way to make money and from Grace's point ... well I have no idea what she is in it for ..... Im sure they're after the crystals and the Vajra's fold techniques or that they were atleast trying to make weapons out of the Vajra (my money is still on the two critters ((Ranka's and the one from the swamp) to be original Vajra, pre-manipulated). The Vajra seem like a test weapon gone wrong. I actually felt sorry for the Vajra when Ranka started crying at the end of 14 ... somehow it felt as is some small bugs were getting stepped on and it felt really sad to see them getting wiped out like that. Who knows they might turn out to be good in the end
  6. ..... Actually why wouldn't that surprise me Then again you guys are right, we don't know if galaxy is "a gonner " yet
  7. Maybe Ranka is the chosen one and when she dies at the end of the series she will be resurected, wearing a black armored suit keeping her alive *get a mental image of darth vader singing Aimo*
  8. Seeing the spoilers of the upcomming episodes , I could see city 25 itsel get blown up (I mean look at what happened in 14, when the vajra beam hit the shell!) aswell as the quater. Im expecting Luca to buy the farm and Ranka aswell or maybe Sheryl and Alto dying together (two seater Vf-25 style) I'm sure they won't let The Frontier fleet get off easy in this series.
  9. Btw why is the VF-25S's head so much cooler then all the other variations ? I'd want Ozma to eat a pineapple salad just so Alto could nick his 25S . Wish those Gashapons weren't only available in Japan
  10. Alot of people here complain about rippofftech, but somehow I can't fail to notice that most of you HAVE watched it none the less , leave it be and focus on the awsomeness that is macross!
  11. BTW, just finished my new avatar , MUCH better!
  12. Holy crap what an awsome episode
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