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Everything posted by whispo

  1. Technicaly speaking he's the hero
  2. The biggest macross villain of all time is Shōji Kawamori , the guy has managed to addict thousands if not millions of people to an anime. He's worse then the guys who invented beer and drugs!
  3. http://img67.imageshack.us/my.php?image=sn...25134022jq7.jpg say ..... anyone else notice that the reaction warheads aren't actually attached to the Vf-25 ? edit: Or are they? is the little thingie near the top left missile exhaust where it's connected? Doesn't look like the most optimal place to hold a missile
  4. As a way of healing your hearts and distracting your wait for the raw/subs; Go watch "The Dark Knight" ..... i've never been blown away by a movie like that one just did to me, it fully deserves to be among the top 10 best movies of all time ..... Ok back to waiting for raws!
  5. Damn i mist the first 10 min : /
  6. Damn didn't see the Basara x guitar option -.-, would surely have voted for that one
  7. It's called 639 witchcraft, it has life changing effects (and not just your own for that matter)
  8. All 5 of them are machinists onboard mister Bilrer's model trains
  9. usually the horribleraws realease is out around now ... what's keeping them ? (not ment as a complaint )
  10. surprisingly, the people watching the stream live, mostly voted for the negative comment on this episode since they were just seeing the first half, turns out the seccond half was kinda nice
  11. Alright FV, i've got my holidays now so i'll give 'm a try
  12. You my friend lead a good life It took me a few episodes to get into SDF: Macross, but in the end I had the same thing at that precise scene It felt so full circle ... it's hard to describe, you knew this was the right way for this series to end, one last flight of the SDF- 01.
  13. A master plan like that DEMANDS more scarifices!
  14. Giant Tuna Head = Surviving in a tent for days with the future saviour of mankind/zentradi/meltradi
  15. I highly doubt it, if they were perverted they would have gone for either micronized Klan or Sheryl.
  16. ...... I think you figured it out there
  17. Nanase's : "Size matters" ?
  18. Ooh nobody really cares about that! We're just discussing this here to pass time between episodes ..... a week is such a long time
  19. Seriously, why would you want Hikaru, Misa and Minmay back? Why can't they just discover the wreckage of the megaroad-01, that would interest me more and that way you wouldn't have to deal with the sudden rediscovery of "the"big stars. They'd be dead and we'd be stuck with more questions concerning the destruction of the megaroad
  20. I'm ashamed to admit that I only recently entered the macross universe ... How recently you ask? Macross Frontier recently. Before frontier I had never seen or heared anything about macross, but that all changed..... When I watched the deculture version of episode 1 (It was up on random curiosity and I felt like checking it out since Omni went crazy about it), I was shocked! I had never before seen such a beautifull anime, packed with amazing technology, awsome music, and characters that I liked from day one. It all mixxed so well .... I couldn't explain it anymore. It was the coolest anime I had ever laid eyes on. Then after months of waiting the show finally began. I kept waiting 6 days a week for that awsomme experience, and guess what? It deliverd! Soon I ended up on this forum (beeing a guy who wants to know about the story no matter in what way I went searching for spoilers) and read about the older series. Took me a while to download them all and I started of with watching Macross Zero. WOW, holly crap that was amazing. Hadn't had such an experience since .... well since frontier! I quickly "marathoned" SDF:M (inc DYRL and Flashback) and M7, and decided that should just as easly watch plus without a break. (6 days of nonstop awsomeness, omg I must seem like a geek :$). I watched the ova's and the movies, I watched dynamite (I don't care what some say, dynamite was awsome). Heck I watched Macross II. Afterwards I was stunned, somehow most anime's aren't as cool as they used to be after watching these series. I did cry from joy once in a while when something really really cool/awsomme happened, but most of the time i was to stunned for that. Thank you Kawamori for bringing this masterpiece universe to me
  21. Imo, Ranka is somesort of control over the Vajra. The Vajra are an experimental biological weapon (though not neccecarily created by the humans, they might have been normal creatures who were experementent uppon) and Ranka is created (and probably others, though i'm guessing Ranka is the only "functioning" one) to control these "weapons". However, with the destruction of the research fleet and the "rampancy" of the Vajra, Ranka probably got obsolete. (or maybe they didn't expect Ranka to be the "controller", evidenced by Grace beeing surprised that Ranka is the "little queen".) Aimo is probably a way of either controlling/calming the Vajra, look at the battle in episode 14, where the Vajra disengaged after Ranka started singing it. Also I think the little virus like Vajra/crystals in her are the communication link with the Vajra queen, who in the Vajra's mystical way of operating, controls the "lower" Vajra. Now she is getting famous and she'll be getting so much attetion that people like Leon and Grace are beginning to notice she might be the controller of the Vajra. So in short; She's a means to control the Vajra, and aimo/song is her way of controlling them.
  22. I didn't say that, I just asked if you wanted an honest answer to that . But that just was a joke let's go back on topic ^^ btw, <--- is one of those people ^^
  23. do you want a honest answer to that ?
  24. I agree on some points made here, like what Azrael said; We don't know if we even wan't a seccond season after this one .. I mean who knows, this series might turn out bad in the end. We're at the halfway mark and even though the first half was in my oppinion EPIC, I'd still like to see the rest before talking about a season 2. That said, I do hope that this show will go on a bit longer then 25 episodes. While i'm also afraid of the "melking cow effect", I'm sure that a thought like this must have crossed the writers minds aswell. I hope this won't turn out like a "code geass: Lets lengthen the story into a seccond season because it's popular", but that there might already be plans for either a seccond season or ova's/movie(s). Bah who am I kidding, I just don't wan't the fun to stop so soon. I'm hoping we won't have to wait 5 more years for something as awsome as Frontier to come by (or any other macross series for that matter)
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